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Setting Up

Marko Dujović edited this page Jul 29, 2021 · 6 revisions

Setting up development enviroment

Additional Bars can be set up for standalone, or multiproject development. Multiproject development usesa fork of MultiWorkspace by McJty. Here will be explained how to set up the project locally for development.

Standalone setup

To set up Additional Bars, all you have to do is clone the repository. If you want to clone a specific branch, you have to add -b name_of_the_branch before the git link.

Setup with addons (MultiProject)

To setup Additional Bars for working with multiple projects, I recommend to use my fork of MultiWorkspace, because I've set it up for working with Additional Bars and it's addons.

First, you have to clone the MultiWorkspace repo, and then inside MultiWorkspace folder, clone AdditionalBars and the rest of addons you want to use. Then, open the workspace folder, and edit build.gradle that's inside that folder. To dependencies, add implementation project(":ProjectName") for every project that is cloned in the root of MultiWorkspace, where ProjectName is the vendor name of the project (for example: implementation project(":AdditionalBars")). Then, in IntelliJ IDEA, import the blank build.gradle at the root of MultiWorkspace as project. Hierarchy should look like this:

│   ├───gradle/
│   │   └───wrapper/
│   ├───src/
│   └───build.gradle
│   ├───gradle/
│   │   └───wrapper/
│   ├───src/
│   └───build.gradle
│   ├───gradle/
│   │   └───wrapper/
│   ├───src/
│   └───build.gradle
. . .
│   ├───gradle/
│   │   └───wrapper/
│   ├───src/
│   └───build.gradle
└───build.gradle (Load this build.gradle in IntelliJ)
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