SOAP to REST proxy using mapping rules in JavaScript for mediation. This repository uses git submodule functionality to share common Apigee functionality between API repositories.
To create the apigee-common submodule, follow these steps:
- apigee-common repository should be added at the same location as the code repository.
- In the API repo, "git submodule add apigee-common/". This will update the .gitmodules file with the submodule information.
- Push the code to the API repo on github.
- After cloning this repo, go into the repo's apigee-common directory and type "git submodule init" and then "git submodule update". This will copy the files from apigee-common into the local repo at the version associated with the repo.
- To move the repo to the latest version of apigee-common, go into the repo's apigee-common directory and type "git pull origin master". You can then add and commit the change from the repo's top level directory (it should show up as a simple commit id change).
This API uses the Holiday Web Service SOAP API (
The organization in apigee-common is set to "myorg". Change "myorg" to your organization name.
The JavaScript mapping library used for converting SOAP to the RESTful response is JSMapr.