Isogeometric Analysis Program for (initial) boundary value problems that involve higher-order spatial derivatives.
IGAP4 is written in C. It requires PETSc [] for linear/nonlinear solvers. It can optionally use MathGL [] for quick plottings. IGAP4 can be used to numerically solve (initial) boundary value problems that involve second-order spatial derivatives in the weak forms; examples include (transient) gradient elasticity and the Cahn-Hilliard equation.
Install PETSc 3.7.x []. Set environmental variables PETSC_DIR and PETSC_ARCH as required by PETSc.
Set environmental variable, IGAP4_DIR, on the command line:
export IGAP4_DIR=/path/to/your/igap4/dir
- Compile the source and make shared libraries:
cd ${IGAP4_DIR}; make
- If MathGL is installed and one desires to use the quick plotting functionality of IGAP4, do:
cd ${IGAP4_DIR}/src/mgl; make
Compile the example application, "gradelasttimets", for testing (this will take a few minutes):
cd ${IGAP4_DIR}/application/gradelasttimets; make
Example without MathGL plottings (with 8 processes):
cd ${IGAP4_DIR}/example/ex_wo_plot; make; mpiexec -n 8 ./main
Example with MathGL plottings (with 8 processes):
cd ${IGAP4_DIR}/example/ex_with_plot; make; mpiexec -n 8 ./main
This code has been developed at the Computational Physics Group at the University of Michigan [].
- Koki Sagiyama (Lead Developer)
- Krishna Garikipati
The development of this code has been supported by the following:
- Dept of Energy (DoE and labs) : Software Center for Predictive Theory and Modeling (DE-SC0008637)
- National Science Foundation : Integrated Computational Framework for Designing Dynamically Controlled Alloy-Oxide Heterostructures (DMR1436154)