openIGA code: openIGA provides NURBS wrapped in Generic FEM commands
List of contributors:
Zhenlin Wang (Lead Developer)
Shiva Rudraraju
Krishna Garikipati
Code documentation:
openIGA is a an isogeometric analysis based lib. It provides Nonuniform Rational B-Splines (NURBS) basis functions with generic finite element method commands for solving partial differential equations. It uses the automatic differentiation capabilities of the Sacado package from the Trilino library [], and it used deal.ii[] for threads management. Currently the code is multi-threaded.
This is version 0.1, the intial release of the code.
GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL). Please see the file LICENSE for details.
This code has been developed under the support of the following:
NSF CDI Type I Grant: CHE1027729 “Meta-Codes for Computational Kinetics”
NSF DMREF grant: DMR1436154 “DMREF: Integrated Computational Framework for Designing Dynamically Controlled Alloy-Oxide Heterostructures”.
- Install pre-required libs:
Install CMake []
Install deal.II (version 8.4.1 recommended) with Trilinos [] Deal.II OSX binaries include full packages of deal.ii with Trillions and other useful libs.
Install Trillions []
Install hdf5 []
Install SuperLU []
- Install openIGA lib
Goes into “build” folder.
Modify CMakeList.txt for path of pre-required libs: deal.ii (with Trilinos), hdf5, SuperLU,
$ cmake CMakeLists.txt
$ make install
$ make run
- test(optional) of installation which will run “main” in build folder.
“build” folder could be deleted after installation.
For usage of IGAlib, please see our specific applications: defectsElastiticy:
If you write a paer using results obtained with the help of this code, please consider citing one or more of the following:
Z, Wang, S. Rudraraju, K. Garikipati, “A three dimensional field formulation, and isogeometric solutions to point and line defects using Toupin's theory of gradient elasticity at finite strains”, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, Vol. 94: 336-361, 2016, doi:10.1016/j.jmps.2016.03.028 []
S. Rudraraju, A. Van der Ven, K. Garikipati, “Three dimensional iso-geometric solutions to general boundary value problems of Toupin's theory of gradient elasticity at finite strains”, Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering Vol 278: 705-728, 2014 []