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ConsensusPathDB to JSON-LD

1. Introduction

This program converts TSV files from the ConsensusPathDB (CPDB) into JSON-LD formatted JSON Lines.

2. Directory Structure

┣ data/                      # Default data path
┣ src/
┃  ┣ column_mapper/
┃  ┃  ┣ human.json           # Definition file for mapping human TSV headers to IRIs
┃  ┃  ┣ mouse.json           # Definition file for mapping mouse TSV headers to IRIs
┃  ┃  ┗ yeast.json           # Definition file for mapping yeast TSV headers to IRIs
┃  ┣          # Python program for CPDB conversion
┃  ┣             # Configuration file for the conversion program
┃  ┣ taxonomy.json           # Definition file for mapping taxonomy names to taxonomy IDs
┃  ┣ urls.txt                # List of URLs for CPDB TSV files
┃  ┗ context.jsonld          # File defining the JSON-LD context
┣ Dockerfile                 # Definition file for the Docker image
┣   # Script to build the Docker image
┣     # Script to execute the conversion program
┣ pyproject.toml
┣ poetry.lock

3. Environment

Execution within a Docker container is recommended.

  • Python 3.11
    • PyLD
    • Typer
    • Loguru
    • Rich

4. Building the Docker Image (First Time Only)

Execute the script to build the Docker image.


Once the build completes without errors, proceed to executing the program.

5. Execution of the Conversion Program

Execute the script to run the conversion program.

Two types of conversion scripts are available:

  • # Executes the entire flow from file download to conversion based on the URL definition file
  • # Passes the path of the manually downloaded DB TSV file as an argument for conversion


bash [options...]

5.1.1. Arguments [options...]

Optional arguments.


If specified, hides the progress bar that indicates the conversion progress.


If specified, after converting from TSV to .jsonl, this option generates .jsonld files based on the .jsonl file.

The .jsonld files are split and output in the <output_file_basename>_jsonld folder created at the same directory level as the file specified for the .jsonl output.

The size of each .jsonld file is determined by the JSONLD_MAX_FILE_SIZE in src/


bash <input_file> <output_file> [options...]

Example execution:

bash data/ConsensusPathDB_human_PPI output/cpdb_converted.jsonl

5.2.1. Arguments <input_file>

Specifies the path to the ConsensusPathDB TSV file to be input. <output_file>

Specifies the path to the output JSON Lines file. [options...]

Optional arguments.

--taxonomy <taxonomy_name>

Specifies the taxonomy. If this option is not included, the taxonomy name contained in the file name will be used.


If specified, hides the progress bar that indicates the conversion progress.


After converting to JSON Lines, this generates JSON-LD formatted JSON files from the output .jsonl file.

The .jsonld files are split and output in the <output_file_basename>_jsonld folder created at the same directory level as the file specified for the .jsonl output.

The size of each .jsonld file is determined by the JSONLD_MAX_FILE_SIZE in src/

5.3. Program Configuration

Configure the conversion program using src/, src/column_mapper/*.json, src/context.jsonld, src/taxonomy.json, and src/urls.txt.


Below is a list of settings in with their default values.

Setting Name Default Value Description
src_dir os.path.dirname(__file__) Path to the src directory
DEBUG False Enable/disable debug mode
URL_LIST_FILE_PATH os.path.join(src_dir, "urls.txt") Path to the file storing the URL list
OUTPUT_DIR os.path.join(src_dir, "output/") Path to the directory where output files are saved
COLUMN_MAPPER_DIR os.path.join(src_dir, "column_mapper/") Path to the directory storing column mappers
HEADER_ROW_NUMBER 2 Which line contains the header
HEADER_ROW_PREFIX "# " Prefix for the header row
CONTEXT_LOCAL_FILE_PATH os.path.join(src_dir, "context.jsonld") Path to the local context file
CONTEXT_FILE_URI "" URI for the context file
INFO_LOG_FILE_PATH os.path.join(src_dir, "info.log") Path to the log file
ERROR_LOG_FILE_PATH os.path.join(src_dir, "error.log") Path to the error log file
NODE_ID_COLUMN "uniprot_entry" Column name used as node ID
NODE_ID_PREFIX "cpdb:" Prefix for the node ID
NODE_TYPE "m2r:MacromolecularComplex" Type of the node
DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX "" Prefix for data sources
REFERENCE_PREFIX "pmid:" Prefix for references
PARTICIPANTS [ "uniprot_entry", "uniprot_id", ] List of participants
TAXONOMY_FILE_PATH os.path.join(src_dir, "taxonomy.json") Path to the taxonomy definition file
JSONLD_MAX_FILE_SIZE 3 * 1024 * 1024 Maximum size of a JSON-LD file (in bytes)

5.3.2. src/column_mapper/*.json

If the column headers in the ConsensusPathDB TSV file are changed, modifications to these definitions are necessary.

5.3.3. context.jsonld

This is the definition file for the context used when converting to JSON-LD.

5.3.4. src/taxonomy.json

This definition file is for translating taxonomy names to taxonomy IDs.

5.3.5. src/urls.txt

This lists the URLs for the CPDB TSV files to be converted.


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