C/Arduino code for Projecting Hall-Sensor Data on a Nextion TFT Display
Page 1 SensorData
Display Current ml/s from Waterflow Sensor
Display Average ml/s from Waterflow Sensor
Display total ml from Waterflow Sensor
Page 2 Graph
Display Current ml/s from Waterflow Sensor
Display Average ml/s from Waterflow Sensor
Page 3 Scoreboard
Display The last 10 maximum Amount of ml/s
R/W and Stored on the Arduino EPROM
Page 4 CalibrationFactor Slider
- Set the CalibrationFactor to get the exact amount of ml for each Sensor
Arduino ── Display ── YF-B6
5V ────── 5V
GND ───── GND
RX ────── TX
TX ────── RX
DIG2 ──────────── Data
DIG3 ──────────── GND
DIG4 ──────────── 5V (HIGH)
──── ... Jumper Wire
├── flowmetertft.ino # Arduino C - File for communicating between the Sensor and the TJC Display
├── 164_1_TJC.HMI # TJC Display Configuration File for the UI
├── font_STATTRACK.zi # large font file for the Display Configuration
├── font_STATTRACK_24.zi # small font file for the Display Configuration
├── flowmeter.ino # Arduino C - File for no Display Mode
└── README.md
Display: TJC3224T024_011
Hall_Sensor: Water Flow Sensor YF-B6