Next.js Admin Dashboard Starter Template With Shadcn-ui
Built with the Next.js 15 App Router
This is a starter template using the following stack:
- Framework - Next.js 15
- Language - TypeScript
- Styling - Tailwind CSS
- Components - Shadcn-ui
- Schema Validations - Zod
- State Management - Zustand
- Search params state manager - Nuqs
- Auth - Auth.js
- Tables - Tanstack Tables
- Forms - React Hook Form
- Command+k interface - kbar
- Linting - ESLint
- Pre-commit Hooks - Husky
- Formatting - Prettier
If you are looking for a React admin dashboard starter, here is the repo.
Pages | Specifications |
Signup | Authentication with NextAuth supports Social logins and email logins (Enter dummy email for demo). |
Dashboard (Overview) | Cards with recharts graphs for analytics.Parallel routes in the overview sections with independent loading, error handling, and isolated component rendering . |
Product | Tanstack tables with server side searching, filter, pagination by Nuqs which is a Type-safe search params state manager in nextjs |
Product/new | A Product Form with shadcn form (react-hook-form + zod). |
Profile | Mutistep dynamic forms using react-hook-form and zod for form validation. |
Kanban Board | A Drag n Drop task management board with dnd-kit and zustand to persist state locally. |
Not Found | Not Found Page Added in the root level |
- | - |
├── app/ # Next.js App Router directory
│ ├── (auth)/ # Auth route group
│ │ ├── (signin)/
│ ├── (dashboard)/ # Dashboard route group
│ │ ├── layout.tsx
│ │ ├── loading.tsx
│ │ └── page.tsx
│ └── api/ # API routes
├── components/ # Shared components
│ ├── ui/ # UI components (buttons, inputs, etc.)
│ └── layout/ # Layout components (header, sidebar, etc.)
├── features/ # Feature-based modules
│ ├── feature/
│ │ ├── components/ # Feature-specific components
│ │ ├── actions/ # Server actions
│ │ ├── schemas/ # Form validation schemas
│ │ └── utils/ # Feature-specific utilities
│ │
├── lib/ # Core utilities and configurations
│ ├── auth/ # Auth configuration
│ ├── db/ # Database utilities
│ └── utils/ # Shared utilities
├── hooks/ # Custom hooks
│ └── use-debounce.ts
├── stores/ # Zustand stores
│ └── dashboard-store.ts
└── types/ # TypeScript types
└── index.ts
We are using Next 15 with React 19, follow these steps:
Clone the repo:
git clone
pnpm install
( we have legacy-peer-deps=true added in the .npmrc)- Create a
file by copying the example environment file:cp env.example.txt .env.local
- Add the required environment variables to the
file. pnpm run dev
You should now be able to access the application at http://localhost:3000.
After cloning or forking the repository, be cautious when pulling or syncing with the latest changes, as this may result in breaking conflicts.
Cheers! 🥂