My fork of old sweet Xamarin-Forms-and-SignalR-Example.
A simple multi-platform implementation of a Xamarin.Forms app mixed with SignalR. ;)
- Client (SignalX shared project; SignalX.UWP, SignalX.Droid, SignalX.iOS target-dependant projects)
- Server (SignalX.Server project)
When web-service started (for testing) at your side, the port may be different. Search "http://localhost:63172", and set your own port. Also you may change "localhost" string (if you have some nice and small Asp.Net server...) :)
There are 2 files to "patch":
- jquery-16.4-vsdoc.js (maybe, it needed for "inline chat" at Server side only)
- XamarinSignalRExample.cs (Client side)
- Multidevice "smart home" (some messages between "home ecosystem").
- ChatGPT implementation... why not? =)
AS IS. No support. RnD only.
[m][e] 2023