Super fast batched S3 folder uploads from CLI or API.
yarn add s3-batch-upload
npm i -S s3-batch-upload
# with config
s3-batch-upload -c ./config/configS3.json -b bucket-name -p ./files -r remote/path/in/bucket
# with env vars
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=AKIA...Q AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=jY...uJ s3-batch-upload -b bucket-name -p ./files -r remote/path/in/bucket -g "*.jpg -C 200 -d"
Usage: cli.js <command> [options]
cli.js upload Upload files to s3 [default]
-b, --bucket The bucket to upload to. [string] [required]
-p, --local-path The path to the folder to upload. [string] [required]
-r, --remote-path The remote path in the bucket to upload the files to. [string] [required]
-d, --dry-run Do a dry run, don't do any upload. [boolean] [default: false]
-C, --concurrency The amount of simultaneous uploads, increase on faster internet connection.
[number] [default: 100]
-g, --glob A glob on filename level to filter the files to upload [string] [default: "*.*"]
--go, --glob-options Options to pass to the glob module [string] [default: "undefined]
-a, --cache-control Cache control for uploaded files, can be string for single value or list of glob settings
[string] [default: ""]
-acl, --access-control-level Sets the access control level for uploaded files
[string] [default: "undefined"]
-c, --config The AWS config json path to load S3 credentials with loadFromPath. [string]
-o, --overwrite Overwrite remote files with the same name, or skip them. [boolean] [default: true]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
cli.js -b bucket-name -p ./files -r /data Upload files from a local folder to a s3 bucket path
cli.js ... -a "max-age=300" Set cache-control for all files
cli.js ... -a '{ "**/*.json": "max-age=300", "**/*.*": Upload files from a local folder to a s3 bucket path
"max-age=3600" }'
cli.js ... -g "*" --go.nodir true true Upload files from a local folder (including files with or without extension and .dot files)
cli.js --no-overwrite ... Skip uploading files which exist already on s3
cli.js -d ... Dry run upload
for more information about AWS authentication, please visit
import Uploader from 's3-batch-upload';
const files = await new Uploader({
config: './config/configS3.json', // can also use environment variables
config: { // or you can use a object
accessKeyId: "__EMPTY__",
secretAccessKey: "__EMPTY__",
region: "us-east-1"
bucket: 'bucket-name',
localPath: './files',
remotePath: 'remote/path/in/bucket',
glob: '*.jpg', // default is '*.*'
globOptions: { nodir: true, dot: true }, // optional, additional options to pass to "glob" module
concurrency: '200', // default is 100
dryRun: true, // default is false
cacheControl: 'max-age=300', // can be a string, for all uploade resources
cacheControl: { // or an object with globs as keys to match the input path
'**/settings.json': 'max-age=60', // 1 mins for settings, specific matches should go first
'**/*.json': 'max-age=300', // 5 mins for other jsons
'**/*.*': 'max-age=3600', // 1 hour for everthing else
overwrite: false, // overwrite remote files with the same name, default is true
accessControlLevel: 'bucket-owner-full-control' // optional, not passed if undefined. - available options - "private"|"public-read"|"public-read-write"|"authenticated-read"|"aws-exec-read"|"bucket-owner-read"|"bucket-owner-full-control"
// the files array contains a list of uploaded keys, which you can use to build up the S3 urls.
// e.g. "remote/path/in/bucket/demo.jpg"
As seem above, you can either use environment variables, or a config file.
When using a config file, add it to the .gitignore
, because you don't want your credentials
in your repo. Use the following template for the config file as stated in the AWS Docs:
"accessKeyId": "<YOUR_ACCESS_KEY_ID>",
"secretAccessKey": "<YOUR_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>",
"region": "us-east-1"
When using environment variables, check the AWS docs.
View the generated documentation.
In order to build s3-batch-upload, ensure that you have Git and Node.js installed.
Clone a copy of the repo:
git clone
Change to the s3-batch-upload directory:
cd s3-batch-upload
Install dev dependencies:
Use one of the following main scripts:
yarn build # build this project
yarn dev # run compilers in watch mode, both for babel and typescript
yarn test # run the unit tests incl coverage
yarn test:dev # run the unit tests in watch mode
yarn lint # run eslint and tslint on this project
yarn doc # generate typedoc documentation
When installing this module, it adds a pre-commit hook, that runs lint and prettier commands before committing, so you can be sure that everything checks out.
MIT © MediaMonks