This module will log a self-xss banner to warn users about the self-xss security risk. This banner should be used for projects that have data behind a login.
npm i @mediamonks/self-xss-console-banner
Displaying the default warning:
import xssBanner from '@mediamonks/self-xss-console-banner';
Displaying a custom warning:
import xssBanner from '@mediamonks/self-xss-console-banner';
xssBanner(false, 'Stop!', 'Do not paste anything here, close this window!', 'Please contact us via');
When using SSR make sure that this module is not included. It's possible to use a dynamic import to execute it only on client side.
const selfXssBanner = (await import('@mediamonks/self-xss-console-banner')).default;
git clone
After cloning run npm i; npm run postinstall