#Introduction This repository aims to provide tools for solving formal games such as Zero-Sum games or games with lack of information. It is currently in development and is not stable at all.
#Dependencies This repository uses cmake system, it requires a c++11 compatible compiler. The following libraries are needed:
- eigen3
- glpk (Gnu linear programming kit)
#Tests The library built by the cmake provide some functional tests, they are compiled when setting the "TESTS" option to "ON" in the CMakeCache
##test_glpk A basic test provided by the glpk documentation.
##test_glpk2 This test solves a basic Zero-Sum game using glpk interface
##test_zs_game This test solves a basic Zero-Sum game (the same as in glpk2) using our custom interface
##test_li_game This test solves a basic game with lack of information on both sides, the distribution might be controlled by choosing an appropriate p-value
##test_li_discretize This test solves a game with lack of information on both side with a discretization of the possible distributions. It produces information on the solving on stdout, the value of the game depending on the distribution used is written as a csv file on stderr.