Fullstack Discord Clone: Next.js 13, React, Socket.io, tailwind, shadcn, zustand, tanstack/query, Mongoose, MongoDB, Clerk Auth, Uploadthing
- Real-time messaging using Socket.io
- Send attachments as messages using UploadThing
- Delete & Edit messages in real time for all users
- Create Text, Audio and Video call Channels
- 1:1 conversation between members
- 1:1 video calls between members
- Member management (Kick, Role change Guest / Moderator)
- Unique invite link generation & full working invite system
- Infinite loading for messages in batches of 10 (tanstack/query)
- Server creation and customization
- Real-time updates with tanstack/query
- Beautiful UI using TailwindCSS and ShadcnUI
- Full responsivity and mobile UI
- Light / Dark mode
- State management with zustand
- Websocket fallback: Polling with alerts
- ODM Mongoose
- MongoDB database
- Authentication with Clerk
Node version ^18.3.x
git clone https://github.com/meetulr/discord-clone-Next13.git
# with ssh
git clone git@github.com:meetulr/discord-clone-Next13.git
npm i
In development mode:
npm run dev
In production mode:
# First, build the app
npm run build
# To run the app
node /.next/standalone/server.js
Since we're using next standalone
In development mode:
# First, build the dev image
docker build -t next-app:dev --target dev .
# To run a container using this image
docker run -p 3000:3000 -v .:/app --env-file .env next-app:dev
# provide port mapping, volume mount, and env variables
In Production mode:
# First, build the prod image
docker build -t next-app:prod --target prod .
# To run a container using this image
docker run -p 3000:3000 --env-file .env next-app:prod
# provide port mapping, and env variables
In development mode:
# First, build the dev image
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml build
# To run a container using this image
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
# Or, build and run with a single command
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --build
In production mode:
# First, build the prod image
docker-compose build
# To run a container using this image
docker-compose up
# Or, build and run with a single command
docker-compose up --build