Report-ghPages-latex is a tool that facilitates the creation of LaTeX reports with Github Pages. It allows you to:
- Automatically compile your LaTeX report to PDF
- Publish the report online automatically, with an easy-to-share URL
- Integrate with Git for version control
- Automatic compilation of your LaTeX report with pdflatex or xelatex
- Support for common LaTeX packages
- Publication of the report on Github Pages with a customizable URL
- Integration with Git for version control and change tracking
- Automatic generation of an index and bibliography
- Customization of the report layout with templates
- Support for automatic numbering of figures and tables
You don't need one
- Copy this template
- Edit main.tex or related .ex files
- To check locally the file, run the
docker-compose up
and check the main.pdf file - push and be proud !
- Make sure to change the githuh page to the correct branch
To became
- Your report can be found in pdf format on the release option and in html format on the github page of your project.
Report-ghPages-latex is an open source project. If you want to contribute, you can do so by forking the repository on GitHub and submitting a pull request.
Report-ghPages-latex is distributed under the MIT license.
If you need help or want to provide feedback, you can contact me at
- Memer Gamer repo that developed the base workflow to push on gituhb pages
- OverLeaf Tex template BY Varun Ojha