Hello! Welcome to MASTIFF - a tool for fitting model spectra to observed spectra
by Megan Tannock
Contact: mtannock@uwo.ca
If you make use of these codes, please cite the following two publications:
Tannock M. E., et al., 2021, AJ, 161, 224
Tannock M. E., et al., 2022, MNRAS, 514, 3160
The IDL Codes required for this tool are all contained in the IDLCodes/ folder. You will also need the IDL Astronomy User's Library which is available at this website: https://idlastro.gsfc.nasa.gov/
You should place all of these IDL codes in your IDLWorkspace directory, and ensure they are added to your IDL paths.
Extensive documentation on using these codes is given in the GUIDE.pdf file, as well as the headers of all of the .pro files in the IDLCodes/ folder.
Two sets of sample data and models are provided in the ExampleFitting1/ and ExampleFitting2/ folders. The data and models in ExampleFitting1/ are the data and models used in the GUIDE.pdf examples.
To get started quickly, edit the UPDATEPATH text in config.txt files of ExampleFitting1/ and ExampleFitting2/ folders, and run the fitting with the following commands in IDL, where PATH needs to be replaced with the path where you placed these files:
IDL> FITMODELGRID_FINAL, '/PATH/ModelFittingTools/ExampleFitting1/config1.txt', /MAKEFIGURES
IDL> FITMODELGRID_FINAL, '/PATH/ModelFittingTools/ExampleFitting2/config2.txt', /MAKEFIGURES
Inside of each of the ExampleFitting1/ and ExampleFitting2/ folders there is also a folder named OutputForASuccessfulRun/ where you can see what the outputs (data files and figures) should look like.
If you have any problems or questions, feel free to reach out! Thanks for using my tools!