[SDK-4491] - Delete lsmega example
[SDK-4476] - Remove TOC from README
[SDK-4457] - [CC] Recognise jxl as image type
[SDK-4448] - Remove files used to generate Doxygen documentation
[SDK-4428] - Add "Minimum OS versions" to the
[SDK-4410] - Stop using hardcoded IP addresses for DNS servers
[SDK-4355] - Use NDK 27 in Android cross-build Dockerfile
[SDK-4306] - Remove LibUV thread support
[SDK-4272] - Ensure that Welcome PDF appears in Cloud drive
[SDK-4142] - Define name IDs in a common place
[SDK-3227] - Drop support for autotools build system
[SDK-1955] - Remove pcre depencies in full
[SDK-4486] - Android Bindings - Add enableRequestStatusMonitor binding
[SDK-4485] - Disable Fedora 41 in nightly build
[SDK-4464] - [CC] Improve documentation for createThumbnail and createPreview
[SDK-4456] - Support fa generation for jxl and avif
[SDK-4450] - Add a new parameter to release automation so we can publish the release notes on Slack in a certain thread
[SDK-4429] - Multiple GfxProviderFreeImage instances segfault
[SDK-4419] - Implement nightly build Windows-MacOs part
[SDK-4416] - Allow MegaGfxProvider::createIsolatedInstance to have full control of the executable running parameters
[SDK-4351] - Reuse logic of UserAttributeManager::getScope for MegaApiImpl::userAttributeToScope
[SDK-4338] - [SAT] Avoid to disable syncs upon moves & renames
[SDK-4333] - Review and simplify User interfaces for attributes
[SDK-4311] - Move logic of handling user attributes for ownuser to User Attribute Manager
[SDK-4474] - Fix compilation issue regarding mega::SimpleLogger::logValue in compilations with ENABLE_LOG_PERFORMANCE
[SDK-4473] - Clang-format is not following the C++ style guide regarding the order of the includes
[SDK-4447] - Investigate failure SdkTestUserAttribute.ContactLinkVerification
[SDK-4437] - Add BackupId to detected conflicts
[SDK-4396] - [SAO] Adjust Node Tags Search to Name/Description Search
[SDK-4246] - [SAT] Implement data structures and algorithms to collect and calculate combined metric for transfers
[SDK-4200] - Handle new API -30 response
Target apps
Android 14.7
iOS 16.2
MEGAsync 5.7 RC1
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