This is the amplicon data analysis of my early SNF project at a hatchery in Trun, Switzerland. Briefly, I washed fish sperm with antibiotics and then used it to fertilize eggs. I am contrasting offspring of the same parents that originated from washed sperm with offspring that originated from 'natural' sperm.
- Preprocessing of reads
- I did the first quality control with dada2
- I did two rounds of sequencing so I performed two different rounds of quality control before merging the two datasets.
- The following flags were used for quality control: the following flags for filterAndTrim(): truncLen=c(280,200), maxEE=c(2,5), maxN=0
- To see the effect of these flags, I also ran a second, more relaxed quality control: truncLen=c(280,200), maxN=0
- As a reference for the reads I used SILVA (silva_nr_v132_train_set.fa).
- However, I also used GREENGENES because this is the reference I had used during my PhD and I wanted to compare my 'current' figh egg bacteria to the ones of previous projects (gg_13_8_train_set_97.fa).
The script for this was named: "Trun_seq-prep.Rmd" --> All scripts here are RMarkdown script and can be found in the directory RMarkdown
- Analysis of the effects of treatment - Sequencing Run 1 / Vals
- Using only the reads from the first sequencing run I made a subset of embryos in both treatments (sham-treatment & antibacterial cocktail)
- Several Ordination metrices to visualize the data
- DESeq2 to find statistically significant differences between bacteria on embryos in the two different treatment groups
The script for this was named: "Vals_APS_Run1_Analysis.Rmd"
- Analysis of the effects of treatment - Sequencing Run 1 / Tavanasa
- Using only the reads from the first sequencing run I made a subset of embryos in both treatments (sham-treatment & Virkon S)
- Several Ordination metrices to visualize the data
- DESeq2 to find statistically significant differences between bacteria on embryos in the two different treatment groups
The script for this was named: "Tavanasa_APS_Run1_Analysis.Rmd"
- Analysis of the effects of treatment - Both Sequencing Runs Combined / Vals
- After qc and separate error profiling, data from both sequencing runs were combined.
- I made a subset of embryos in both treatments (sham-treatment & antibacterial cocktail)
- Several Ordination metrices to visualize the data
- DESeq2 to find statistically significant differences between bacteria on embryos in the two different treatment groups --> Here I controlled for sequencing run with: diagdds = phyloseq_to_deseq2(kostic.Vals, ~ Sequencing + Treatment)
The script for this was named: "whole_dataset_Vals_APS_analysis.Rmd"
- Is there vertical transmission??? - Both Sequencing Runs Combined / Vals
- For each male in Vals and Tavanasa (n=12) look for differences in offspring (combined large dataset and DESeq). Then search for these sequences in milt.
- I ran DESeq2 with Sequencing Run and Treatment for each family/male.
- Then I plotted the significantly different bacteria in all milt samples (barplot).
The script for this was named: "vert_trans_Vals.Rmd"
- Characterize milt bacteria
The script for this was named: "milt.Rmd"
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