Frontend: React/Javascript
Backend: A Django application connecting to an Azure MySQL remote database.
Database: Azure MySQL
Contributors: Meghan Wilcox, Derek Fox, Alex Jasper, William Harper
Professor: Yingcheng Sun
Instructions to run Backend locally:
**You must have a system environment variable set up called AZURE_SSL_CA_PATH that points to the DigiCertGlobalRootCA.crt.pem file needed for Azure MySQL authentication. You can download here: **
**You must also have the ML model .keras file in the backend/controller/app folder. You can download that file [here](**
**You must run in a Python3.9.13 venv environment with the dependencies specified in the backend_requirements.txt **
1. Navigate to the backend, start your venv environment, and then cd into the controller folder.
1. Run "python migrate" in the backend/controller folder
2. Run "python runserver" in the backend/controller folder
3. API endpoints can be accessed on localhost:8000.
Instructions to run Frontend locally:
** You must have the dependencies in the package.json **
1. Navigate to the frontend/wildguard-frontend folder, run "npm install" to install the necessary dependencies.
2. run "npm run dev" in the frontend/wildguard-frontend project folder
3. The frontend can be viewed by navigating to localhost:3000 in your browser.