This repo contains a walk-through RNNs (recurrent neural networks), the family of neural networks for processing sequential data.
The material focuses implementation using Keras Sequential API and is derived from or largely inspired by:
- sequence notes by Adam Green
- Keras Intro by Mike Irvine
- Machine Learning Mastery's Keras Tutorial
- Understanding LSTM Networks from Cohlah's blog
Original content developed and maintained by Dania Meira -
Distributed under the MIT license.
Install Tensorflow and Keras in a new conda enrironment:
$ conda create -n keras_cpu -y pip jupyterlab pandas scikit-learn matplotlib
$ conda activate keras_cpu
$ pip install --ignore-installed --upgrade tensorflow
$ pip install keras
- Keras Sequential API first look
- Binary classification problem
- Toy Dataset
- Simple multi-layer perceptron with one hidden layer
- Keras Sequential API
- Multi-classification problem
- MNIST dataset
- recurrent neural network - motivations & mechanics
- character level language modeling
- LSTMs - motivations & mechanics
- GRUs
- sin wave prediction