HtmlExtensions is a wrapper for using easier use of in ASP.Net Core Project.
Using Nuget Package:
Install-Package HtmlExtensions.Core
Add this line to ConfigureServices
in Startup.cs
And add this to the top of _Layout
Html.MarkUP().GetStyleSheet(new StyleSheet() { Extension = Extension.DataTableGrid });
Html.MarkUP().GetScripts(new Scripts() { Extension = Extension.DataTableGrid });
Create PartialView Containing Datagrid.
Create Action in Controller which the same name with the partial view you've created
public PartialViewResult DataTablePartial()
// _db.Customers is the entity framework return IQueryable of Customer
return PartialView(_db.Customers);
And DataTablePartial.cshtml
like this:
using HtmlExtensions.Core.BaseExtension
@using HtmlExtensions.Core.DataGrid
@using HtmlExtensions.Core.Modal
@model IQueryable<Customers>
Html.MarkUP().DataGrid(settings =>
settings.Name = "datagrid1";
settings.CallbackRoute = Url.Action("DataTablePartial"); // callbackroute to the server on pagination,searching, sorting and on editing and on adding
settings.EditCallbackRoute = Url.Action("EditDataTablePartial");
settings.DeleteCallbackRoute = Url.Action("DeleteDataTablePartial");
settings.AddNewCallbackRoute = Url.Action("AddNewDataTablePartial");
settings.EnableEdit = true;
settings.EnableAdd = true;
settings.EnableDelete = true;
settings.EnableCommandColumn = true;
settings.KeyField = "Id";
settings.PageDetails.PageSize = 5;
settings.Columns.Add(col =>
col.Caption = "Customer Id";
col.Name = "CustomerID";
col.Properties.Width = "100px";
settings.Columns.Add(col =>
col.Caption = "Contact Name";
col.Name = "ContactName";
settings.SetTemplateContent(content =>
// where you put partialview of your editors
// Customers is my poco for Customer table
@Html.Partial("CustomerAddEditPartial",content as Customers);
Html.MarkUP().Modal(modalSettings =>
modalSettings.Name = "modal";
modalSettings.ShowOnLoad = true;
modalSettings.CloseOnEscape = true;
modalSettings.Modal = true;
modalSettings.HeaderText = content?.ContactTitle;
modalSettings.Alignment.Vertical = ModalAlignment.VerticallyCenter;
modalSettings.DisplaySetting.Size = ModalSize.Medium ;
modalSettings.AllowDragging = true;
modalSettings.ClientSideEvents.OnCloseEvent = "alert('OnClose')";
modalSettings.SetTemplateContent(async() =>
// you can use partial or add content using viewcontext.writer.writeline()
// or directly call the other editors like
Html.MarkUP().TextBox(setting =>
setting.Name = "Contact Name";
setting.DisplayProperties.Label = "Contact Name";
// select editors is on the way
// also the buttons
Html.MarkUP().TextBox(setting =>
setting.Name = "Contact Name";
setting.DisplayProperties.Label = "Contact Name";