Welcome to SHPE Web Dev's GitHub repo. In this README, we will cover the lecture material created by our own SHPE at UCI Tech Committee students. All the project's code is found under the completed projects folder.
Author – Israel Jimenez
A simple, classic game of Tic Tac Toe implemented on using only HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript. In this project, students learned how the basics of HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and Javascript.
- Front-end – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Logic – JavaScript
Author – Guillermo Hernandez
A web-based pokedex to view the stats of all your pokemon using the Pokedex API content downloaded as a JSON file. Students learned how to read JSON files using pure JavaScript and place each pokemon data into the HTML site.
- Front-end – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Logic – JavaScript
Author – Guillermo Hernandez
A web app that searches users from GitHub using GitHub's API and display basic information of the user that was clicked on. In this section students learned how to use jQuery to make API calls using GitHub's API and display the data on the HTML site.
- Front-end – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Logic – jQuery, JavaScript
- APIs – GitHub's API
Author – Guillermo Hernandez
A real-time group chat application implemented using Sockets io, MongoDB, Node JS, and Express JS. In this lesson students focused on learning how create their own database using MongoDB Atlas, connecting the database to their project, and be able to create and read data from their database.
- Front-end – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Backend – Node JS, Socket io, Experess JS
- Database – MongoDB
Author – Osvaldo
A real-time Ecommerce application implemented using MongoDB, Node JS, and Express JS. In this lesson students focused on learning how create their own database using MongoDB Atlas, connecting the database to their project, and be able to create and read data from their database.
- Front-end – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Backend – Node JS, Experess JS
- Database – MongoDB
Author – Guillermo Sanchez
A web app that utilizes Google Map's APIs in that helps students locate bathroom locations so that they know where to find the bathrooms at the UCI Campus. Users are able to drop down more bathroom pins whenever they find a new bathroom.
- Front-end – HTML, CSS, Bootstrap
- Logic – JavaScript
- APIs – Google Maps API