GPSLogger is an Android app that logs GPS information to various formats (GPX, KML, CSV, NMEA, Custom URL) and has options for uploading (SFTP, OpenStreetMap, Google Drive, Dropbox, Email). This app aims to be as battery efficient as possible.
Read about GPSLogger's features here
You can find it on F-Droid
You can download directly from the releases.
You can help with translations on Weblate.
You can also submit pull requests for bug fixes and new features.
I'm not very good at UIs, so any work with the layouts would be appreciated!
Licensed under GPL v2 | Third party licenses | Privacy policy
It's good practice to verify downloads. A PGP signature, Cosign bundle, and an SHA256 checksum will accompany each .apk
To verify the PGP integrity and signature:
gpg --recv-key 6989CF77490369CFFDCBCD8995E7D75C76CBE9A9
gpg --verify gpslogger-132.apk.asc
(Experimental) To verify with Sigstore Cosign, the command should be in the releases notes, it will look like this:
cosign verify-blob gpslogger-132.apk \
--bundle gpslogger-132.apk.cosign.bundle --new-bundle-format \
--cert-oidc-issuer \
To verify the checksum:
sha256sum -c gpslogger-132.apk.SHA256
The project is based on the Android build system plugin for Gradle. These instructions are for Ubuntu Linux with Android Studio, but for other OSes, it should be roughly similar.
Follow the instructions on the Android Developer Website to set up your computer for development.
Download and install Android Studio (there's also a snap)
git clone git://
This project uses certain Android libraries, you can install them using Google's poorly implemented sdkmanager
echo y | $HOME/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'tools'
echo y | $HOME/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'platform-tools'
echo y | $HOME/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'build-tools;26.0.2'
echo y | $HOME/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'platforms;android-27'
echo y | $HOME/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'platforms;android-25'
echo y | $HOME/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'extras;google;m2repository'
echo y | $HOME/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'extras;android;m2repository'
echo y | $HOME/android-sdk/tools/bin/sdkmanager 'extras;google;google_play_services'
Create a file called
, pointing at your Android SDK directory.
cd gpslogger
echo "sdk.dir=/home/mendhak/Programs/Android" >
Open up Android Studio and choose to import a project. Select the topmost build.gradle
file under GPSLogger.
If you get an Import dialog, choose to Import project from external model
On the next screen, choose the defaults and proceed (default gradle wrapper)
Give it a minute and Android Studio will configure the projects and download the various libraries.
Sign up for an account with OpenStreetMap and log in.
Click on 'My Settings', then 'OAuth2 Applications'
Click on 'Register your application'
Fill in the form with these details. Remember to uncheck the 'Confidential Application' checkbox, since this is a mobile app.
After registering the application, you will receive a Client ID.
Place the Client ID in OpenStreetMapManager#getOpenStreetMapClientID().
If you used your own custom scheme, replace the value in AndroidManifest.xml and OpenStreetMapManager#getOpenStreetMapRedirect()
Sign up for an account with
Go to the Dropbox Developers page and click on 'Create an App'
Use these settings, but choose a unique name
After creating the app, you will receive an app key and secret (the ones in the screenshot are fake)
Place the keys in your ~/.gradle/
like this:
Replace the Dropbox app key to your AndroidManifest.xml file
<!-- Change this to be db- followed by your app key -->
<data android:scheme="db-12341234"/>
Sign up to Google Cloud Platform. Create a new project.
Under APIs and Services, enable the Google Drive API.
Next, go to the Oauth Consent Screen, going through the steps until you reach scopes.
Add the
Create some OAuth credentials, of type Android.
Under package name, use com.mendhak.gpslogger
. For the SHA-1 Certificate fingerprint, get it using the keytool -keystore ~/.android/debug.keystore -list -v
GPSLogger is composed of a few main components;
The Event Bus is where all the cross communication happens. Various components raise their events on the Event Bus, and other parts of the application listen for those events. The most important one is when a location is obtained, it is placed on the event bus and consumed by many fragments.
GPSLoggingService is where all the work happens. This service talks to the location providers (network and satellite). It sets up timers and alarms for the next GPS point to be requested. It passes location info to the various loggers so that they can write files. It also invokes the auto-uploaders so that they may send their files to DropBox, OSM, etc.
It also passes information to the Event Bus.
This is the main visible form in the app. It consists of several 'fragments' - the simple view, detailed view and big view.
It takes care of the main screen, the menus and toolbars.
The fragments listen to the Event Bus for location changes and display it in their own way.
Floating about are two other objects. Session
contains various pieces of information related to the current GPSLogger run,
such as current file name, the last known location, satellite count, and any other information which isn't static but is
needed for the current run of GPSLogger.
is a representation of the user's preferences.
These objects are visible throughout the application and can be accessed directly by any class, service, activity or fragment.
The 'assemble' Gradle task will build, and it also looks for a GPG key to sign the APK with. It needs some setup first:
Create ~/.gradle/
which contains the release store and its key details, as well as the GPG key details
Ensure that gpg2 is installed
sudo apt install gnupg2
And ensure that the above gnupg.keyname is in the gpg keystore, have a look using gpg2 --list-secret-keys
Once these pieces are in place, the 'assemble' task should build the APK, sign it, and create a checksum too.
If it doesn't appear in the gpslogger folder, run 'copyFinalAPK' so that it copies the APK, ASC and SHA256 files to the gpslogger folder.
Finally upload to Github Releases.
F-Droid watches the Github repository for tags, and will build those tags, and sign it using its own key. So, there isn't too much to do.
Ensure that gpslogger/build.gradle versionCode
and versionName
contains the latest version number to be released.
Finally tag the commit,
git tag -s v128
git push origin master --tags
Use the fdroidserver docker image. Clone the fdroid metadata repo and make changes to the com.mendhak.gpslogger.yml file.
git clone
cd fdroiddata
# initialize the metadata repo
docker run --rm -v /home/mendhak/Android/Sdk:/opt/android-sdk -v $(pwd):/repo -e ANDROID_HOME:/opt/android-sdk init -v
# lint your metadata yml
docker run --rm -v /home/mendhak/Android/Sdk:/opt/android-sdk -v $(pwd):/repo -e ANDROID_HOME:/opt/android-sdk lint com.mendhak.gpslogger -v
docker run --rm -v /home/mendhak/Android/Sdk:/opt/android-sdk -v $(pwd):/repo -e ANDROID_HOME:/opt/android-sdk readmeta
# see if the latest tag will get picked up.
docker run --rm -v /home/mendhak/Android/Sdk:/opt/android-sdk -v $(pwd):/repo -e ANDROID_HOME:/opt/android-sdk checkupdates --auto com.mendhak.gpslogger
docker run --rm -v /home/mendhak/Android/Sdk:/opt/android-sdk -v $(pwd):/repo -e ANDROID_HOME:/opt/android-sdk rewritemeta com.mendhak.gpslogger
# build
docker run --rm -v /home/mendhak/Android/Sdk:/opt/android-sdk -v $(pwd):/repo -e ANDROID_HOME:/opt/android-sdk build -v -l com.mendhak.gpslogger