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Personal Portfolios

Game Superman Against Obesity (Using PyGame)

How-to Run & Deploy

  1. Install Python 3.x (recommended) or other version from here.

  2. Clone the repository by typing in cmd:

$ git clone

or download as zip and extract it.

  1. Install PyGame 1.9.x from here or in the root directory run:
$ pip install pygame
  1. Go into Pygame-Superman folder by typing:
$ cd Pygame-Superman/
  1. Run game in command prompt or command line (cmd) or IDLE by typing:
$ python
  1. Use or or or key to play and Esc to close the game.

  2. The following picture shows the first UI of the this game: Screen Shot

  3. Have fun!

College Portfolios

  • 1.Currency Converter
  • 2.Algorithm Illustration
  • 3.Noughts And Crosses 64 board And Chess With AI
  • 4.Restaurant Management Application

1.Currency Converter

  • This application 've been created by using Java Swing (pull or drop items).
  • With a purpose of converting a small amount of country currency among each others.
  • Language of this application is applied for Vietnamese only.
  • For instance: Vietnam Dong (VND), United State Dollar (USD), Korean Won (KRW), Europe (EUR), Bitcoin (XBT), etc.
  • The following picture shows a screen of this application and how is this application look like: Screen Shot

2.Algorithm Illustration

  • This application 've been created by using Java Swing without pulling or dropping.
  • Language of this application is applied for Vietnamese only.
  • With a purpose of figuring out 2 algorithms in terms of CPU scheduling: SJF - Shortest Job First and disk scheduling: SSTF- Shortest Seek Time First.
  • The following piture shows a beginning screen of this application: Screen Shot

3.Noughts and Crosses 16 Boards (4x4) With AI Using Pygame

How-to Run & Deploy

  1. Install Python 3.x (recommended) or other version from here

  2. Clone the repository by typing in cmd:

$ git clone

or download as zip and extract it.

  1. Install PyGame 1.9.x from here or in the root directory run:
$ pip install pygame
  1. Go into NoughtsAndCrosses4x4 folder by typing:
$ cd NoughtsAndCrosses4x4/
  1. Run game in command prompt or command line (cmd) or IDLE by typing:
$ python
  1. Enjoy the game!
  • This application 've used Minimax Algorithm and Alpha-Beta Pruning.
  • This below picture is a screenshot of this game at the begining, and the language of this game is Vietnamese only: Screen Shot
  • Another image show main screen of the application: Screen Shot

4.Restaurant Management Application

  • This application have been created by using C# and WPF (Window Presentation Foundation) Framework.
  • This application is displayed with Vietnamese.
  • The following picture shows the first interface (User interface) of this application: Screen Shot
  • Below picture shows the Log In screen of this application: Screen Shot
  • Three actors that usually use this system are: Manager, Stock manager and Cashier.
  • The first screen of logging in with Manager's privilege: Screen Shot
  • The second screen with the same privilege: Screen Shot
  • The third screen with the same privilege as well: Screen Shot
  • If you log in with Stock Manager's privilege, this below picture shows the first screen: Screen Shot
  • With the same privilege, the following picture display the Write Report feature: Screen Shot
  • Or with Cashier's privilege, you could see the UI like this picture: Screen Shot

How to Run & Deploy Project:

  1. Go into Restaurant Management Application folder by typing:
$ cd Restaurant Management Application/
  1. Run the application by double-clicking to the RestaurantManagementApplication.exe

  2. Have fun!

5.Distinguish Cat & Dog Through Facial Recognization Application

6.Library Management Application

  • This application have been created by using Java and Swing in conjunction with JavaFX Framework.
  • This application is displayed with English.
  • The following picture shows the first interface (User interface) of this application: Screen Shot
  • Then, dig'in deeper in the application, a role request dialog shows up: Screen Shot
  • With Reader role, the application allow user to search documents via title, name, and publish year, also monitor the manual and policy of the library: Screen Shot
  • The manual of LDC library shows up when user click to Manual button: Screen Shot
  • The policy of LDC libray as well as the manual, also shows up when user click to Policy button: Screen Shot
  • When typing the information into the search field and click Search button, the application turn into: Screen Shot
  • With Librarian & Manager role, the application allow user to log in into system with 2 distinguished account includes Librarian and Manager account: Screen Shot
  • In case that user log in with Manager account, user will have the biggest role in the role system of the application, which could monitor and modify everything includes: add, modify, and delete all user accounts, reader informations, document informations, etc. But smaller, user which log in with Librarian role allowed to do the statistic and report job, search for documents, manage documents informations, and sheets informations.
  • This below screen is the reader management screen unique for only Manager role: Screen Shot

How to Run & Deploy

  1. Step 1: First of all, you need to download SQL Server version 2019 via clicking in a hyperlink, then install via viewing those Instruction.

  2. Step 2: After installing SQL server version 2019 successfully, you have to set up your port via the following steps:

    1. Go to SQL Server Configuration Manager.
    2. When accessing to SQL Server Configuration Manager, you need to choose SQL Server Network Configuration, then forward to choose Protocols for Name_Of_Config_SQL_Server.
    3. After clicking Protocols for Name_Of_Config_SQL_Server, we have to fix all the status into Enabled status.
    4. Click into TCP/IP, and choose IP Addresses to find IPAll, after that, fix TCP Port into 1433.
  3. Step 3: Config Account for User:

    1. Access into this hyperlink to set up account for User.
    2. Naming convention: Login name is named "sa" and Password 's set to "123456789".
  4. Step 4: Next, you need to access into the following folder build/SQL/, then import file ldc_lms_manage_sys.sql in SQL server via following the instruction of this hyperlink.

    1. Or another solution in case that the first one is not working, Restore the SQL Server: access into SQL Server Management Studio, log in to CSDL SQL, then click to Databases, double click to choose Restore Database…
    2. Next, when the window show up, at its main interface , instead of choosing From database, you have to choose From device, afterwards clicking the Button … at the end of its main interface.
    3. Finally, at small showed up window, you click the button Add to choose the file which has .bak at the folder build/SQL/, and click OK to accept Restore the database.
  5. Step 5: Then, you have to set up the Java environment via clicking above hyperlink, then follow the instruction to install it.

  6. Step 6: You need to access into D:/ inside your computer using Window , create 1 folder whose name is LMS_Required, after that extract the file .zip whose name is , and within this folder, for setting up the applicaiton 's resources.

  7. Final step - Step 7: Click to access the folder build/App Bundle/Runable/ and choose to double click the file .exe to run the program.

    1. Whether or not during the executing, application crashes occur, then you have to access to Start, click to find bar to search "cmd" and click Enter.
    2. Command line window showed up, you have to copy the URL that link to file .jar and .exe,
    3. After that, you need to figure that what drive you currently use, in case that current drive is D drive, you type in "D:", then do this command :
    $ cd Path	

    with path is the URL that you 've currently copy, fast command is cd + Paste. 4. Next, you do the command :

    $ java -jar ldc_lms_runable.jar	

    to execute the application.