Note: This SDK is being deprecated in favor of the library maintained at
The Cisco Meraki Dashboard API is a modern REST API based on the OpenAPI specification.
Date: 03 February, 2020
You must have Python 2 >=2.7.9
or Python 3 >=3.4
installed on your system to install and run this SDK. This SDK package depends on other Python packages like nose, jsonpickle etc.
These dependencies are defined in the requirements.txt
file that comes with the SDK.
To resolve these dependencies, you can use the PIP Dependency manager. Install it by following steps at
Python and PIP executables should be defined in your PATH. Open command prompt and type pip --version
This should display the version of the PIP Dependency Manager installed if your installation was successful and the paths are properly defined.
- Using command line, navigate to the directory containing the generated files (including
) for the SDK. - Run the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
. This should install all the required dependencies.
The following section explains how to use the Meraki SDK package in a new project.
Open up a Python IDE like PyCharm. The basic workflow presented here is also applicable if you prefer using a different editor or IDE.
Click on Open
in PyCharm to browse to your generated SDK directory and then click OK
The project files will be displayed in the side bar as follows:
Create a new directory by right clicking on the solution name as shown below:
Name the directory as "test"
Add a python file to this project with the name "testsdk"
Name it "testsdk"
In your python file you will be required to import the generated python library using the following code lines
from meraki_sdk.meraki_sdk_client import MerakiSdkClient
After this you can write code to instantiate an API client object, get a controller object and make API calls. Sample code is given in the subsequent sections.
To run the file within your test project, right click on your Python file inside your Test project and click on Run
You can test the generated SDK and the server with automatically generated test cases. unittest is used as the testing framework and nose is used as the test runner. You can run the tests as follows:
- From terminal/cmd navigate to the root directory of the SDK.
- Invoke
pip install -r test-requirements.txt
- Invoke
In order to setup authentication and initialization of the API client, you need the following information.
Parameter | Description |
x_cisco_meraki_api_key | TODO: add a description |
API client can be initialized as following.
# Configuration parameters and credentials
x_cisco_meraki_api_key = 'x_cisco_meraki_api_key'
client = MerakiSdkClient(x_cisco_meraki_api_key)
- APIUsageController
- ActionBatchesController
- AdminsController
- AlertSettingsController
- BluetoothClientsController
- CameraQualityRetentionProfilesController
- CamerasController
- ClientsController
- ConfigTemplatesController
- ConnectivityMonitoringDestinationsController
- ContentFilteringCategoriesController
- ContentFilteringRulesController
- DashboardBrandingPoliciesController
- DevicesController
- EventsController
- FirewalledServicesController
- FloorplansController
- GroupPoliciesController
- HTTPServersController
- IntrusionSettingsController
- LicensesController
- LinkAggregationsController
- MGDHCPSettingsController
- MGLANSettingsController
- MGConnectivityMonitoringDestinationsController
- MGPortForwardingRulesController
- MGSubnetPoolSettingsController
- MGUplinkSettingsController
- MRL3FirewallController
- MVSenseController
- MX11NATRulesController
- MX1ManyNATRulesController
- MXL3FirewallController
- MXL7ApplicationCategoriesController
- MXL7FirewallController
- MXVLANPortsController
- MXVPNFirewallController
- MXCellularFirewallController
- MXInboundFirewallController
- MXPortForwardingRulesController
- MXStaticRoutesController
- MXWarmSpareSettingsController
- MalwareSettingsController
- ManagementInterfaceSettingsController
- MerakiAuthUsersController
- MonitoredMediaServersController
- NamedTagScopeController
- NetflowSettingsController
- NetworksController
- OpenAPISpecController
- OrganizationsController
- PIIController
- RadioSettingsController
- SAMLRolesController
- SMController
- SNMPSettingsController
- SsidsController
- SecurityEventsController
- SplashLoginAttemptsController
- SplashSettingsController
- SwitchAclsController
- SwitchPortSchedulesController
- SwitchPortsController
- SwitchProfilesController
- SwitchSettingsController
- SwitchStacksController
- SyslogServersController
- TrafficAnalysisSettingsController
- TrafficShapingController
- UplinkSettingsController
- VlansController
- WebhookLogsController
- WirelessHealthController
- WirelessSettingsController
An instance of the APIUsageController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
api_usage_controller = client.api_usage
List the API requests made by an organization
def get_organization_api_requests(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 31 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 31 days. |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 50. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
adminId | Optional |
Filter the results by the ID of the admin who made the API requests |
path | Optional |
Filter the results by the path of the API requests |
method | Optional |
Filter the results by the method of the API requests (must be 'GET', 'PUT', 'POST' or 'DELETE') |
responseCode | Optional |
Filter the results by the response code of the API requests |
sourceIp | Optional |
Filter the results by the IP address of the originating API request |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 13.8189657236538
collect['timespan'] = timespan
per_page = 13
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
admin_id = 'adminId'
collect['admin_id'] = admin_id
path = 'path'
collect['path'] = path
method = 'method'
collect['method'] = method
response_code = 13
collect['response_code'] = response_code
source_ip = 'sourceIp'
collect['source_ip'] = source_ip
result = api_usage_controller.get_organization_api_requests(collect)
An instance of the ActionBatchesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
action_batches_controller = client.action_batches
Create an action batch
def create_organization_action_batch(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createOrganizationActionBatch | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
create_organization_action_batch = CreateOrganizationActionBatchModel()
collect['create_organization_action_batch'] = create_organization_action_batch
result = action_batches_controller.create_organization_action_batch(collect)
Return the list of action batches in the organization
def get_organization_action_batches(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = action_batches_controller.get_organization_action_batches(organization_id)
Return an action batch
def get_organization_action_batch(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
actionBatchId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
action_batch_id = 'actionBatchId'
collect['action_batch_id'] = action_batch_id
result = action_batches_controller.get_organization_action_batch(collect)
Delete an action batch
def delete_organization_action_batch(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
actionBatchId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
action_batch_id = 'actionBatchId'
collect['action_batch_id'] = action_batch_id
Update an action batch
def update_organization_action_batch(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
actionBatchId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationActionBatch | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
action_batch_id = 'actionBatchId'
collect['action_batch_id'] = action_batch_id
update_organization_action_batch = UpdateOrganizationActionBatchModel()
collect['update_organization_action_batch'] = update_organization_action_batch
result = action_batches_controller.update_organization_action_batch(collect)
An instance of the AdminsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
admins_controller = client.admins
List the dashboard administrators in this organization
def get_organization_admins(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = admins_controller.get_organization_admins(organization_id)
Create a new dashboard administrator
def create_organization_admin(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createOrganizationAdmin | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
create_organization_admin = CreateOrganizationAdminModel()
collect['create_organization_admin'] = create_organization_admin
result = admins_controller.create_organization_admin(collect)
Update an administrator
def update_organization_admin(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationAdmin | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
update_organization_admin = UpdateOrganizationAdminModel()
collect['update_organization_admin'] = update_organization_admin
result = admins_controller.update_organization_admin(collect)
Revoke all access for a dashboard administrator within this organization
def delete_organization_admin(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
An instance of the AlertSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
alert_settings_controller = client.alert_settings
Return the alert configuration for this network
def get_network_alert_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = alert_settings_controller.get_network_alert_settings(network_id)
Update the alert configuration for this network
def update_network_alert_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkAlertSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_alert_settings = UpdateNetworkAlertSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_alert_settings'] = update_network_alert_settings
result = alert_settings_controller.update_network_alert_settings(collect)
An instance of the BluetoothClientsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
bluetooth_clients_controller = client.bluetooth_clients
List the Bluetooth clients seen by APs in this network
def get_network_bluetooth_clients(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 7 days from today. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. The default is 1 day. |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 5 - 1000. Default is 10. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
includeConnectivityHistory | Optional |
Include the connectivity history for this client |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
timespan = 13.8189657236538
collect['timespan'] = timespan
per_page = 13
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
include_connectivity_history = False
collect['include_connectivity_history'] = include_connectivity_history
result = bluetooth_clients_controller.get_network_bluetooth_clients(collect)
Return a Bluetooth client. Bluetooth clients can be identified by their ID or their MAC.
def get_network_bluetooth_client(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
bluetoothClientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
includeConnectivityHistory | Optional |
Include the connectivity history for this client |
connectivityHistoryTimespan | Optional |
The timespan, in seconds, for the connectivityHistory data. By default 1 day, 86400, will be used. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
bluetooth_client_id = 'bluetoothClientId'
collect['bluetooth_client_id'] = bluetooth_client_id
include_connectivity_history = False
collect['include_connectivity_history'] = include_connectivity_history
connectivity_history_timespan = 13
collect['connectivity_history_timespan'] = connectivity_history_timespan
result = bluetooth_clients_controller.get_network_bluetooth_client(collect)
An instance of the CameraQualityRetentionProfilesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
camera_quality_retention_profiles_controller = client.camera_quality_retention_profiles
List the quality retention profiles for this network
def get_network_camera_quality_retention_profiles(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = camera_quality_retention_profiles_controller.get_network_camera_quality_retention_profiles(network_id)
Creates new quality retention profile for this network.
def create_network_camera_quality_retention_profile(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfile | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_camera_quality_retention_profile = CreateNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfileModel()
collect['create_network_camera_quality_retention_profile'] = create_network_camera_quality_retention_profile
result = camera_quality_retention_profiles_controller.create_network_camera_quality_retention_profile(collect)
Retrieve a single quality retention profile
def get_network_camera_quality_retention_profile(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
qualityRetentionProfileId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
quality_retention_profile_id = 'qualityRetentionProfileId'
collect['quality_retention_profile_id'] = quality_retention_profile_id
result = camera_quality_retention_profiles_controller.get_network_camera_quality_retention_profile(collect)
Update an existing quality retention profile for this network.
def update_network_camera_quality_retention_profile(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
qualityRetentionProfileId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfile | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
quality_retention_profile_id = 'qualityRetentionProfileId'
collect['quality_retention_profile_id'] = quality_retention_profile_id
update_network_camera_quality_retention_profile = UpdateNetworkCameraQualityRetentionProfileModel()
collect['update_network_camera_quality_retention_profile'] = update_network_camera_quality_retention_profile
result = camera_quality_retention_profiles_controller.update_network_camera_quality_retention_profile(collect)
Delete an existing quality retention profile for this network.
def delete_network_camera_quality_retention_profile(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
qualityRetentionProfileId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
quality_retention_profile_id = 'qualityRetentionProfileId'
collect['quality_retention_profile_id'] = quality_retention_profile_id
An instance of the CamerasController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
cameras_controller = client.cameras
Returns quality and retention settings for the given camera
def get_device_camera_quality_and_retention_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial = 'serial'
result = cameras_controller.get_device_camera_quality_and_retention_settings(serial)
Update quality and retention settings for the given camera
def update_device_camera_quality_and_retention_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateDeviceCameraQualityAndRetentionSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
update_device_camera_quality_and_retention_settings = UpdateDeviceCameraQualityAndRetentionSettingsModel()
collect['update_device_camera_quality_and_retention_settings'] = update_device_camera_quality_and_retention_settings
result = cameras_controller.update_device_camera_quality_and_retention_settings(collect)
Returns a list of all camera recording schedules.
def get_network_camera_schedules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = cameras_controller.get_network_camera_schedules(network_id)
Generate a snapshot of what the camera sees at the specified time and return a link to that image.
def generate_network_camera_snapshot(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
generateNetworkCameraSnapshot | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
generate_network_camera_snapshot = GenerateNetworkCameraSnapshotModel()
collect['generate_network_camera_snapshot'] = generate_network_camera_snapshot
result = cameras_controller.generate_network_camera_snapshot(collect)
Returns video link to the specified camera. If a timestamp is supplied, it links to that timestamp.
def get_network_camera_video_link(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
timestamp | Optional |
[optional] The video link will start at this timestamp. The timestamp is in UNIX Epoch time (milliseconds). If no timestamp is specified, we will assume current time. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
timestamp = 'timestamp'
collect['timestamp'] = timestamp
result = cameras_controller.get_network_camera_video_link(collect)
An instance of the ClientsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
clients_controller = client.clients
List the clients of a device, up to a maximum of a month ago. The usage of each client is returned in kilobytes. If the device is a switch, the switchport is returned; otherwise the switchport field is null.
def get_device_clients(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
timespan = 227.095792497087
collect['timespan'] = timespan
result = clients_controller.get_device_clients(collect)
List the clients that have used this network in the timespan
def get_network_clients(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 10. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
timespan = 227.095792497087
collect['timespan'] = timespan
per_page = 227
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = clients_controller.get_network_clients(collect)
Provisions a client with a name and policy. Clients can be provisioned before they associate to the network.
def provision_network_clients(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
provisionNetworkClients | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
provision_network_clients = ProvisionNetworkClientsModel()
collect['provision_network_clients'] = provision_network_clients
result = clients_controller.provision_network_clients(collect)
Return the client associated with the given identifier. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def get_network_client(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
result = clients_controller.get_network_client(collect)
Return the events associated with this client. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def get_network_client_events(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 100. Default is 100. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
per_page = 227
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = clients_controller.get_network_client_events(collect)
Return the latency history for a client. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP. The latency data is from a sample of 2% of packets and is grouped into 4 traffic categories: background, best effort, video, voice. Within these categories the sampled packet counters are bucketed by latency in milliseconds.
def get_network_client_latency_history(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 791 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 791 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 791 days. The default is 1 day. |
resolution | Optional |
The time resolution in seconds for returned data. The valid resolutions are: 86400. The default is 86400. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 227.095792497087
collect['timespan'] = timespan
resolution = 227
collect['resolution'] = resolution
result = clients_controller.get_network_client_latency_history(collect)
Return the policy assigned to a client on the network. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def get_network_client_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
result = clients_controller.get_network_client_policy(collect)
Update the policy assigned to a client on the network. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def update_network_client_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkClientPolicy | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
update_network_client_policy = UpdateNetworkClientPolicyModel()
collect['update_network_client_policy'] = update_network_client_policy
result = clients_controller.update_network_client_policy(collect)
Return the splash authorization for a client, for each SSID they've associated with through splash. Only enabled SSIDs with Click-through splash enabled will be included. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def get_network_client_splash_authorization_status(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
result = clients_controller.get_network_client_splash_authorization_status(collect)
Update a client's splash authorization. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def update_network_client_splash_authorization_status(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkClientSplashAuthorizationStatus | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
update_network_client_splash_authorization_status = UpdateNetworkClientSplashAuthorizationStatusModel()
collect['update_network_client_splash_authorization_status'] = update_network_client_splash_authorization_status
result = clients_controller.update_network_client_splash_authorization_status(collect)
Return the client's network traffic data over time. Usage data is in kilobytes. This endpoint requires detailed traffic analysis to be enabled on the Network-wide > General page. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def get_network_client_traffic_history(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
per_page = 227
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = clients_controller.get_network_client_traffic_history(collect)
Return the client's daily usage history. Usage data is in kilobytes. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def get_network_client_usage_history(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
result = clients_controller.get_network_client_usage_history(collect)
An instance of the ConfigTemplatesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
config_templates_controller = client.config_templates
List the configuration templates for this organization
def get_organization_config_templates(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = config_templates_controller.get_organization_config_templates(organization_id)
Remove a configuration template
def delete_organization_config_template(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
configTemplateId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
config_template_id = 'configTemplateId'
collect['config_template_id'] = config_template_id
An instance of the ConnectivityMonitoringDestinationsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
connectivity_monitoring_destinations_controller = client.connectivity_monitoring_destinations
Return the connectivity testing destinations for an MX network
def get_network_connectivity_monitoring_destinations(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = connectivity_monitoring_destinations_controller.get_network_connectivity_monitoring_destinations(network_id)
Update the connectivity testing destinations for an MX network
def update_network_connectivity_monitoring_destinations(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkConnectivityMonitoringDestinations | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_connectivity_monitoring_destinations = UpdateNetworkConnectivityMonitoringDestinationsModel()
collect['update_network_connectivity_monitoring_destinations'] = update_network_connectivity_monitoring_destinations
result = connectivity_monitoring_destinations_controller.update_network_connectivity_monitoring_destinations(collect)
An instance of the ContentFilteringCategoriesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
content_filtering_categories_controller = client.content_filtering_categories
List all available content filtering categories for an MX network
def get_network_content_filtering_categories(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = content_filtering_categories_controller.get_network_content_filtering_categories(network_id)
An instance of the ContentFilteringRulesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
content_filtering_rules_controller = client.content_filtering_rules
Return the content filtering settings for an MX network
def get_network_content_filtering(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = content_filtering_rules_controller.get_network_content_filtering(network_id)
Update the content filtering settings for an MX network
def update_network_content_filtering(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkContentFiltering | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_content_filtering = UpdateNetworkContentFilteringModel()
collect['update_network_content_filtering'] = update_network_content_filtering
result = content_filtering_rules_controller.update_network_content_filtering(collect)
An instance of the DashboardBrandingPoliciesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
dashboard_branding_policies_controller = client.dashboard_branding_policies
List the branding policies of an organization
def get_organization_branding_policies(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = dashboard_branding_policies_controller.get_organization_branding_policies(organization_id)
Add a new branding policy to an organization
def create_organization_branding_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createOrganizationBrandingPolicy | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
create_organization_branding_policy = CreateOrganizationBrandingPolicyModel()
collect['create_organization_branding_policy'] = create_organization_branding_policy
result = dashboard_branding_policies_controller.create_organization_branding_policy(collect)
Return the branding policy IDs of an organization in priority order. IDs are ordered in ascending order of priority (IDs later in the array have higher priority).
def get_organization_branding_policies_priorities(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = dashboard_branding_policies_controller.get_organization_branding_policies_priorities(organization_id)
Update the priority ordering of an organization's branding policies.
def update_organization_branding_policies_priorities(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationBrandingPoliciesPriorities | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
update_organization_branding_policies_priorities = UpdateOrganizationBrandingPoliciesPrioritiesModel()
collect['update_organization_branding_policies_priorities'] = update_organization_branding_policies_priorities
result = dashboard_branding_policies_controller.update_organization_branding_policies_priorities(collect)
Return a branding policy
def get_organization_branding_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
brandingPolicyId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
branding_policy_id = 'brandingPolicyId'
collect['branding_policy_id'] = branding_policy_id
result = dashboard_branding_policies_controller.get_organization_branding_policy(collect)
Update a branding policy
def update_organization_branding_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
brandingPolicyId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationBrandingPolicy | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
branding_policy_id = 'brandingPolicyId'
collect['branding_policy_id'] = branding_policy_id
update_organization_branding_policy = UpdateOrganizationBrandingPolicyModel()
collect['update_organization_branding_policy'] = update_organization_branding_policy
result = dashboard_branding_policies_controller.update_organization_branding_policy(collect)
Delete a branding policy
def delete_organization_branding_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
brandingPolicyId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
branding_policy_id = 'brandingPolicyId'
collect['branding_policy_id'] = branding_policy_id
An instance of the DevicesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
devices_controller = client.devices
List the devices in a network
def get_network_devices(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = devices_controller.get_network_devices(network_id)
Claim a device into a network
def claim_network_devices(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
claimNetworkDevices | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
claim_network_devices = ClaimNetworkDevicesModel()
collect['claim_network_devices'] = claim_network_devices
Return a single device
def get_network_device(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
result = devices_controller.get_network_device(collect)
Update the attributes of a device
def update_network_device(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkDevice | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
update_network_device = UpdateNetworkDeviceModel()
collect['update_network_device'] = update_network_device
result = devices_controller.update_network_device(collect)
Blink the LEDs on a device
def blink_network_device_leds(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
blinkNetworkDeviceLeds | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
blink_network_device_leds = BlinkNetworkDeviceLedsModel()
collect['blink_network_device_leds'] = blink_network_device_leds
result = devices_controller.blink_network_device_leds(collect)
List LLDP and CDP information for a device
def get_network_device_lldp_cdp(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which LLDP and CDP information will be fetched. Must be in seconds and less than or equal to a month (2592000 seconds). LLDP and CDP information is sent to the Meraki dashboard every 10 minutes. In instances where this LLDP and CDP information matches an existing entry in the Meraki dashboard, the data is updated once every two hours. Meraki recommends querying LLDP and CDP information at an interval slightly greater than two hours, to ensure that unchanged CDP / LLDP information can be queried consistently. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
timespan = 63
collect['timespan'] = timespan
result = devices_controller.get_network_device_lldp_cdp(collect)
Get the uplink loss percentage and latency in milliseconds for a wired network device.
def get_network_device_loss_and_latency_history(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
ip | Required |
The destination IP used to obtain the requested stats. This is required. |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 365 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 31 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. |
resolution | Optional |
The time resolution in seconds for returned data. The valid resolutions are: 60, 600, 3600, 86400. The default is 60. |
uplink | Optional |
The WAN uplink used to obtain the requested stats. Valid uplinks are wan1, wan2, cellular. The default is wan1. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
ip = 'ip'
collect['ip'] = ip
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 63.5910743887495
collect['timespan'] = timespan
resolution = 63
collect['resolution'] = resolution
uplink = UplinkEnum.WAN1
collect['uplink'] = uplink
result = devices_controller.get_network_device_loss_and_latency_history(collect)
Return the performance score for a single device. Only primary MX devices supported. If no data is available, a 204 error code is returned.
def get_network_device_performance(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
result = devices_controller.get_network_device_performance(collect)
Reboot a device
def reboot_network_device(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
result = devices_controller.reboot_network_device(collect)
Remove a single device
def remove_network_device(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
Return the uplink information for a device.
def get_network_device_uplink(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
result = devices_controller.get_network_device_uplink(collect)
List the devices in an organization
def get_organization_devices(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
configurationUpdatedAfter | Optional |
Filter results by whether or not the device's configuration has been updated after the given timestamp |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
per_page = 63
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
configuration_updated_after = 'configurationUpdatedAfter'
collect['configuration_updated_after'] = configuration_updated_after
result = devices_controller.get_organization_devices(collect)
An instance of the EventsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
events_controller =
List the events for the network
def get_network_events(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
productType | Optional |
The product type to fetch events for. This parameter is required for networks with multiple device types. Valid types are wireless, appliance, switch, systemsManager, camera, and cellularGateway |
includedEventTypes | Optional Collection |
A list of event types. The returned events will be filtered to only include events with these types. |
excludedEventTypes | Optional Collection |
A list of event types. The returned events will be filtered to exclude events with these types. |
deviceMac | Optional |
The MAC address of the Meraki device which the list of events will be filtered with |
deviceSerial | Optional |
The serial of the Meraki device which the list of events will be filtered with |
deviceName | Optional |
The name of the Meraki device which the list of events will be filtered with |
clientIp | Optional |
The IP of the client which the list of events will be filtered with. Only supported for track-by-IP networks. |
clientMac | Optional |
The MAC address of the client which the list of events will be filtered with. Only supported for track-by-MAC networks. |
clientName | Optional |
The name, or partial name, of the client which the list of events will be filtered with |
smDeviceMac | Optional |
The MAC address of the Systems Manager device which the list of events will be filtered with |
smDeviceName | Optional |
The name of the Systems Manager device which the list of events will be filtered with |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 10. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
product_type = 'productType'
collect['product_type'] = product_type
included_event_types = ['includedEventTypes']
collect['included_event_types'] = included_event_types
excluded_event_types = ['excludedEventTypes']
collect['excluded_event_types'] = excluded_event_types
device_mac = 'deviceMac'
collect['device_mac'] = device_mac
device_serial = 'deviceSerial'
collect['device_serial'] = device_serial
device_name = 'deviceName'
collect['device_name'] = device_name
client_ip = 'clientIp'
collect['client_ip'] = client_ip
client_mac = 'clientMac'
collect['client_mac'] = client_mac
client_name = 'clientName'
collect['client_name'] = client_name
sm_device_mac = 'smDeviceMac'
collect['sm_device_mac'] = sm_device_mac
sm_device_name = 'smDeviceName'
collect['sm_device_name'] = sm_device_name
per_page = 63
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = events_controller.get_network_events(collect)
List the event type to human-readable description
def get_network_events_event_types(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = events_controller.get_network_events_event_types(network_id)
An instance of the FirewalledServicesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
firewalled_services_controller = client.firewalled_services
List the appliance services and their accessibility rules
def get_network_firewalled_services(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = firewalled_services_controller.get_network_firewalled_services(network_id)
Return the accessibility settings of the given service ('ICMP', 'web', or 'SNMP')
def get_network_firewalled_service(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
service | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
service = 'service'
collect['service'] = service
result = firewalled_services_controller.get_network_firewalled_service(collect)
Updates the accessibility settings for the given service ('ICMP', 'web', or 'SNMP')
def update_network_firewalled_service(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
service | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkFirewalledService | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
service = 'service'
collect['service'] = service
update_network_firewalled_service = UpdateNetworkFirewalledServiceModel()
collect['update_network_firewalled_service'] = update_network_firewalled_service
result = firewalled_services_controller.update_network_firewalled_service(collect)
An instance of the FloorplansController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
floorplans_controller = client.floorplans
List the floor plans that belong to your network
def get_network_floor_plans(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = floorplans_controller.get_network_floor_plans(network_id)
Upload a floor plan
def create_network_floor_plan(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkFloorPlan | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_floor_plan = CreateNetworkFloorPlanModel()
collect['create_network_floor_plan'] = create_network_floor_plan
result = floorplans_controller.create_network_floor_plan(collect)
Find a floor plan by ID
def get_network_floor_plan(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
floorPlanId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
floor_plan_id = 'floorPlanId'
collect['floor_plan_id'] = floor_plan_id
result = floorplans_controller.get_network_floor_plan(collect)
Update a floor plan's geolocation and other meta data
def update_network_floor_plan(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
floorPlanId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkFloorPlan | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
floor_plan_id = 'floorPlanId'
collect['floor_plan_id'] = floor_plan_id
update_network_floor_plan = UpdateNetworkFloorPlanModel()
collect['update_network_floor_plan'] = update_network_floor_plan
result = floorplans_controller.update_network_floor_plan(collect)
Destroy a floor plan
def delete_network_floor_plan(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
floorPlanId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
floor_plan_id = 'floorPlanId'
collect['floor_plan_id'] = floor_plan_id
An instance of the GroupPoliciesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
group_policies_controller = client.group_policies
List the group policies in a network
def get_network_group_policies(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = group_policies_controller.get_network_group_policies(network_id)
Create a group policy
def create_network_group_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkGroupPolicy | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_group_policy = CreateNetworkGroupPolicyModel()
collect['create_network_group_policy'] = create_network_group_policy
result = group_policies_controller.create_network_group_policy(collect)
Display a group policy
def get_network_group_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
groupPolicyId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
group_policy_id = 'groupPolicyId'
collect['group_policy_id'] = group_policy_id
result = group_policies_controller.get_network_group_policy(collect)
Update a group policy
def update_network_group_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
groupPolicyId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkGroupPolicy | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
group_policy_id = 'groupPolicyId'
collect['group_policy_id'] = group_policy_id
update_network_group_policy = UpdateNetworkGroupPolicyModel()
collect['update_network_group_policy'] = update_network_group_policy
result = group_policies_controller.update_network_group_policy(collect)
Delete a group policy
def delete_network_group_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
groupPolicyId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
group_policy_id = 'groupPolicyId'
collect['group_policy_id'] = group_policy_id
An instance of the HTTPServersController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
http_servers_controller = client.http_servers
List the HTTP servers for a network
def get_network_http_servers(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = http_servers_controller.get_network_http_servers(network_id)
Add an HTTP server to a network
def create_network_http_server(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkHttpServer | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_http_server = CreateNetworkHttpServerModel()
collect['create_network_http_server'] = create_network_http_server
result = http_servers_controller.create_network_http_server(collect)
Send a test webhook for a network
def create_network_http_servers_webhook_test(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkHttpServersWebhookTest | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_http_servers_webhook_test = CreateNetworkHttpServersWebhookTestModel()
collect['create_network_http_servers_webhook_test'] = create_network_http_servers_webhook_test
result = http_servers_controller.create_network_http_servers_webhook_test(collect)
Return the status of a webhook test for a network
def get_network_http_servers_webhook_test(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
result = http_servers_controller.get_network_http_servers_webhook_test(collect)
Return an HTTP server for a network
def get_network_http_server(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
result = http_servers_controller.get_network_http_server(collect)
Update an HTTP server
def update_network_http_server(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkHttpServer | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
update_network_http_server = UpdateNetworkHttpServerModel()
collect['update_network_http_server'] = update_network_http_server
result = http_servers_controller.update_network_http_server(collect)
Delete an HTTP server from a network
def delete_network_http_server(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
An instance of the IntrusionSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
intrusion_settings_controller = client.intrusion_settings
Returns all supported intrusion settings for an MX network
def get_network_security_intrusion_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = intrusion_settings_controller.get_network_security_intrusion_settings(network_id)
Set the supported intrusion settings for an MX network
def update_network_security_intrusion_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSecurityIntrusionSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_security_intrusion_settings = UpdateNetworkSecurityIntrusionSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_security_intrusion_settings'] = update_network_security_intrusion_settings
result = intrusion_settings_controller.update_network_security_intrusion_settings(collect)
Returns all supported intrusion settings for an organization
def get_organization_security_intrusion_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = intrusion_settings_controller.get_organization_security_intrusion_settings(organization_id)
Sets supported intrusion settings for an organization
def update_organization_security_intrusion_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationSecurityIntrusionSettings | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
update_organization_security_intrusion_settings = UpdateOrganizationSecurityIntrusionSettingsModel()
collect['update_organization_security_intrusion_settings'] = update_organization_security_intrusion_settings
result = intrusion_settings_controller.update_organization_security_intrusion_settings(collect)
An instance of the LicensesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
licenses_controller = client.licenses
List the licenses for an organization
def get_organization_licenses(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
deviceSerial | Optional |
Filter the licenses to those assigned to a particular device |
networkId | Optional |
Filter the licenses to those assigned in a particular network |
state | Optional |
Filter the licenses to those in a particular state. Can be one of 'active', 'expired', 'expiring', 'unused', 'unusedActive' or 'recentlyQueued' |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
per_page = 155
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
device_serial = 'deviceSerial'
collect['device_serial'] = device_serial
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
state = StateEnum.ACTIVE
collect['state'] = state
result = licenses_controller.get_organization_licenses(collect)
Assign SM seats to a network. This will increase the managed SM device limit of the network
def assign_organization_licenses_seats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
assignOrganizationLicensesSeats | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
assign_organization_licenses_seats = AssignOrganizationLicensesSeatsModel()
collect['assign_organization_licenses_seats'] = assign_organization_licenses_seats
result = licenses_controller.assign_organization_licenses_seats(collect)
Move licenses to another organization. This will also move any devices that the licenses are assigned to
def move_organization_licenses(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
moveOrganizationLicenses | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
move_organization_licenses = MoveOrganizationLicensesModel()
collect['move_organization_licenses'] = move_organization_licenses
result = licenses_controller.move_organization_licenses(collect)
Move SM seats to another organization
def move_organization_licenses_seats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
moveOrganizationLicensesSeats | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
move_organization_licenses_seats = MoveOrganizationLicensesSeatsModel()
collect['move_organization_licenses_seats'] = move_organization_licenses_seats
result = licenses_controller.move_organization_licenses_seats(collect)
Renew SM seats of a license. This will extend the license expiration date of managed SM devices covered by this license
def renew_organization_licenses_seats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
renewOrganizationLicensesSeats | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
renew_organization_licenses_seats = RenewOrganizationLicensesSeatsModel()
collect['renew_organization_licenses_seats'] = renew_organization_licenses_seats
result = licenses_controller.renew_organization_licenses_seats(collect)
Display a license
def get_organization_license(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
licenseId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
license_id = 'licenseId'
collect['license_id'] = license_id
result = licenses_controller.get_organization_license(collect)
Update a license
def update_organization_license(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
licenseId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationLicense | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
license_id = 'licenseId'
collect['license_id'] = license_id
update_organization_license = UpdateOrganizationLicenseModel()
collect['update_organization_license'] = update_organization_license
result = licenses_controller.update_organization_license(collect)
An instance of the LinkAggregationsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
link_aggregations_controller = client.link_aggregations
List link aggregation groups
def get_network_switch_link_aggregations(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = link_aggregations_controller.get_network_switch_link_aggregations(network_id)
Create a link aggregation group
def create_network_switch_link_aggregation(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkSwitchLinkAggregation | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_switch_link_aggregation = CreateNetworkSwitchLinkAggregationModel()
collect['create_network_switch_link_aggregation'] = create_network_switch_link_aggregation
result = link_aggregations_controller.create_network_switch_link_aggregation(collect)
Update a link aggregation group
def update_network_switch_link_aggregation(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
linkAggregationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchLinkAggregation | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
link_aggregation_id = 'linkAggregationId'
collect['link_aggregation_id'] = link_aggregation_id
update_network_switch_link_aggregation = UpdateNetworkSwitchLinkAggregationModel()
collect['update_network_switch_link_aggregation'] = update_network_switch_link_aggregation
result = link_aggregations_controller.update_network_switch_link_aggregation(collect)
Split a link aggregation group into separate ports
def delete_network_switch_link_aggregation(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
linkAggregationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
link_aggregation_id = 'linkAggregationId'
collect['link_aggregation_id'] = link_aggregation_id
An instance of the MGDHCPSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mg_dhcp_settings_controller = client.mg_dhcp_settings
List common DHCP settings of MGs
def get_network_cellular_gateway_settings_dhcp(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mg_dhcp_settings_controller.get_network_cellular_gateway_settings_dhcp(network_id)
Update common DHCP settings of MGs
def update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_dhcp(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkCellularGatewaySettingsDhcp | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_dhcp = UpdateNetworkCellularGatewaySettingsDhcpModel()
collect['update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_dhcp'] = update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_dhcp
result = mg_dhcp_settings_controller.update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_dhcp(collect)
An instance of the MGLANSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mg_lan_settings_controller = client.mg_lan_settings
Show the LAN Settings of a MG
def get_device_cellular_gateway_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial = 'serial'
result = mg_lan_settings_controller.get_device_cellular_gateway_settings(serial)
Update the LAN Settings for a single MG.
def update_device_cellular_gateway_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateDeviceCellularGatewaySettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
update_device_cellular_gateway_settings = UpdateDeviceCellularGatewaySettingsModel()
collect['update_device_cellular_gateway_settings'] = update_device_cellular_gateway_settings
result = mg_lan_settings_controller.update_device_cellular_gateway_settings(collect)
An instance of the MGConnectivityMonitoringDestinationsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mg_connectivity_monitoring_destinations_controller = client.mg_connectivity_monitoring_destinations
Return the connectivity testing destinations for an MG network
def get_network_cellular_gateway_settings_connectivity_monitoring_destinations(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mg_connectivity_monitoring_destinations_controller.get_network_cellular_gateway_settings_connectivity_monitoring_destinations(network_id)
Update the connectivity testing destinations for an MG network
def update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_connectivity_monitoring_destinations(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkCellularGatewaySettingsConnectivityMonitoringDestinations | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_connectivity_monitoring_destinations = UpdateNetworkCellularGatewaySettingsConnectivityMonitoringDestinationsModel()
collect['update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_connectivity_monitoring_destinations'] = update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_connectivity_monitoring_destinations
result = mg_connectivity_monitoring_destinations_controller.update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_connectivity_monitoring_destinations(collect)
An instance of the MGPortForwardingRulesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mg_port_forwarding_rules_controller = client.mg_port_forwarding_rules
Returns the port forwarding rules for a single MG.
def get_device_cellular_gateway_settings_port_forwarding_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial = 'serial'
result = mg_port_forwarding_rules_controller.get_device_cellular_gateway_settings_port_forwarding_rules(serial)
Updates the port forwarding rules for a single MG.
def update_device_cellular_gateway_settings_port_forwarding_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateDeviceCellularGatewaySettingsPortForwardingRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
update_device_cellular_gateway_settings_port_forwarding_rules = UpdateDeviceCellularGatewaySettingsPortForwardingRulesModel()
collect['update_device_cellular_gateway_settings_port_forwarding_rules'] = update_device_cellular_gateway_settings_port_forwarding_rules
result = mg_port_forwarding_rules_controller.update_device_cellular_gateway_settings_port_forwarding_rules(collect)
An instance of the MGSubnetPoolSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mg_subnet_pool_settings_controller = client.mg_subnet_pool_settings
Return the subnet pool and mask configured for MGs in the network.
def get_network_cellular_gateway_settings_subnet_pool(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mg_subnet_pool_settings_controller.get_network_cellular_gateway_settings_subnet_pool(network_id)
Update the subnet pool and mask configuration for MGs in the network.
def update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_subnet_pool(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkCellularGatewaySettingsSubnetPool | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_subnet_pool = UpdateNetworkCellularGatewaySettingsSubnetPoolModel()
collect['update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_subnet_pool'] = update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_subnet_pool
result = mg_subnet_pool_settings_controller.update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_subnet_pool(collect)
An instance of the MGUplinkSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mg_uplink_settings_controller = client.mg_uplink_settings
Returns the uplink settings for your MG network.
def get_network_cellular_gateway_settings_uplink(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mg_uplink_settings_controller.get_network_cellular_gateway_settings_uplink(network_id)
Updates the uplink settings for your MG network.
def update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_uplink(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkCellularGatewaySettingsUplink | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_uplink = UpdateNetworkCellularGatewaySettingsUplinkModel()
collect['update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_uplink'] = update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_uplink
result = mg_uplink_settings_controller.update_network_cellular_gateway_settings_uplink(collect)
An instance of the MRL3FirewallController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mr_l_3_firewall_controller = client.mr_l_3_firewall
Return the L3 firewall rules for an SSID on an MR network
def get_network_ssid_l_3_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
result = mr_l_3_firewall_controller.get_network_ssid_l_3_firewall_rules(collect)
Update the L3 firewall rules of an SSID on an MR network
def update_network_ssid_l_3_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSsidL3FirewallRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
update_network_ssid_l_3_firewall_rules = UpdateNetworkSsidL3FirewallRulesModel()
collect['update_network_ssid_l_3_firewall_rules'] = update_network_ssid_l_3_firewall_rules
result = mr_l_3_firewall_controller.update_network_ssid_l_3_firewall_rules(collect)
An instance of the MVSenseController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mv_sense_controller = client.mv_sense
Returns live state from camera of analytics zones
def get_device_camera_analytics_live(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial = 'serial'
result = mv_sense_controller.get_device_camera_analytics_live(serial)
Returns an overview of aggregate analytics data for a timespan
def get_device_camera_analytics_overview(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 365 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. The default is 1 hour. |
objectType | Optional |
[optional] The object type for which analytics will be retrieved. The default object type is person. The available types are [person, vehicle]. |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 155.086356280412
collect['timespan'] = timespan
object_type = ObjectTypeEnum.PERSON
collect['object_type'] = object_type
result = mv_sense_controller.get_device_camera_analytics_overview(collect)
Returns most recent record for analytics zones
def get_device_camera_analytics_recent(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
objectType | Optional |
[optional] The object type for which analytics will be retrieved. The default object type is person. The available types are [person, vehicle]. |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
object_type = ObjectTypeEnum.PERSON
collect['object_type'] = object_type
result = mv_sense_controller.get_device_camera_analytics_recent(collect)
Returns all configured analytic zones for this camera
def get_device_camera_analytics_zones(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial = 'serial'
result = mv_sense_controller.get_device_camera_analytics_zones(serial)
Return historical records for analytic zones
def get_device_camera_analytics_zone_history(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
zoneId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 365 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 14 hours after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 14 hours. The default is 1 hour. |
resolution | Optional |
The time resolution in seconds for returned data. The valid resolutions are: 60. The default is 60. |
objectType | Optional |
[optional] The object type for which analytics will be retrieved. The default object type is person. The available types are [person, vehicle]. |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
zone_id = 'zoneId'
collect['zone_id'] = zone_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 113.363183053845
collect['timespan'] = timespan
resolution = 113
collect['resolution'] = resolution
object_type = ObjectTypeEnum.PERSON
collect['object_type'] = object_type
result = mv_sense_controller.get_device_camera_analytics_zone_history(collect)
An instance of the MX11NATRulesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_1_1_nat_rules_controller = client.mx_1_1_nat_rules
Return the 1:1 NAT mapping rules for an MX network
def get_network_one_to_one_nat_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_11_nat_rules_controller.get_network_one_to_one_nat_rules(network_id)
Set the 1:1 NAT mapping rules for an MX network
def update_network_one_to_one_nat_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkOneToOneNatRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_one_to_one_nat_rules = UpdateNetworkOneToOneNatRulesModel()
collect['update_network_one_to_one_nat_rules'] = update_network_one_to_one_nat_rules
result = mx_11_nat_rules_controller.update_network_one_to_one_nat_rules(collect)
An instance of the MX1ManyNATRulesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_1_many_nat_rules_controller = client.mx_1_many_nat_rules
Return the 1:Many NAT mapping rules for an MX network
def get_network_one_to_many_nat_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_1_many_nat_rules_controller.get_network_one_to_many_nat_rules(network_id)
Set the 1:Many NAT mapping rules for an MX network
def update_network_one_to_many_nat_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkOneToManyNatRules | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_one_to_many_nat_rules = UpdateNetworkOneToManyNatRulesModel()
collect['update_network_one_to_many_nat_rules'] = update_network_one_to_many_nat_rules
result = mx_1_many_nat_rules_controller.update_network_one_to_many_nat_rules(collect)
An instance of the MXL3FirewallController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_l_3_firewall_controller = client.mx_l_3_firewall
Return the L3 firewall rules for an MX network
def get_network_l_3_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_l_3_firewall_controller.get_network_l_3_firewall_rules(network_id)
Update the L3 firewall rules of an MX network
def update_network_l_3_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkL3FirewallRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_l_3_firewall_rules = UpdateNetworkL3FirewallRulesModel()
collect['update_network_l_3_firewall_rules'] = update_network_l_3_firewall_rules
result = mx_l_3_firewall_controller.update_network_l_3_firewall_rules(collect)
An instance of the MXL7ApplicationCategoriesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_l_7_application_categories_controller = client.mx_l_7_application_categories
Return the L7 firewall application categories and their associated applications for an MX network
def get_network_l_7_firewall_rules_application_categories(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_l_7_application_categories_controller.get_network_l_7_firewall_rules_application_categories(network_id)
An instance of the MXL7FirewallController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_l_7_firewall_controller = client.mx_l_7_firewall
List the MX L7 firewall rules for an MX network
def get_network_l_7_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_l_7_firewall_controller.get_network_l_7_firewall_rules(network_id)
Update the MX L7 firewall rules for an MX network
def update_network_l_7_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkL7FirewallRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_l_7_firewall_rules = UpdateNetworkL7FirewallRulesModel()
collect['update_network_l_7_firewall_rules'] = update_network_l_7_firewall_rules
result = mx_l_7_firewall_controller.update_network_l_7_firewall_rules(collect)
An instance of the MXVLANPortsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_vlan_ports_controller = client.mx_vlan_ports
List per-port VLAN settings for all ports of a MX.
def get_network_appliance_ports(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_vlan_ports_controller.get_network_appliance_ports(network_id)
Return per-port VLAN settings for a single MX port.
def get_network_appliance_port(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
appliancePortId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
appliance_port_id = 'appliancePortId'
collect['appliance_port_id'] = appliance_port_id
result = mx_vlan_ports_controller.get_network_appliance_port(collect)
Update the per-port VLAN settings for a single MX port.
def update_network_appliance_port(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
appliancePortId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkAppliancePort | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
appliance_port_id = 'appliancePortId'
collect['appliance_port_id'] = appliance_port_id
update_network_appliance_port = UpdateNetworkAppliancePortModel()
collect['update_network_appliance_port'] = update_network_appliance_port
result = mx_vlan_ports_controller.update_network_appliance_port(collect)
An instance of the MXVPNFirewallController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_vpn_firewall_controller = client.mx_vpn_firewall
Return the firewall rules for an organization's site-to-site VPN
def get_organization_vpn_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = mx_vpn_firewall_controller.get_organization_vpn_firewall_rules(organization_id)
Update the firewall rules of an organization's site-to-site VPN
def update_organization_vpn_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationVpnFirewallRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
update_organization_vpn_firewall_rules = UpdateOrganizationVpnFirewallRulesModel()
collect['update_organization_vpn_firewall_rules'] = update_organization_vpn_firewall_rules
result = mx_vpn_firewall_controller.update_organization_vpn_firewall_rules(collect)
An instance of the MXCellularFirewallController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_cellular_firewall_controller = client.mx_cellular_firewall
Return the cellular firewall rules for an MX network
def get_network_cellular_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_cellular_firewall_controller.get_network_cellular_firewall_rules(network_id)
Update the cellular firewall rules of an MX network
def update_network_cellular_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkCellularFirewallRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_cellular_firewall_rules = UpdateNetworkCellularFirewallRulesModel()
collect['update_network_cellular_firewall_rules'] = update_network_cellular_firewall_rules
result = mx_cellular_firewall_controller.update_network_cellular_firewall_rules(collect)
An instance of the MXInboundFirewallController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_inbound_firewall_controller = client.mx_inbound_firewall
Return the inbound firewall rules for an MX network
def get_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_inbound_firewall_controller.get_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules(network_id)
Update the inbound firewall rules of an MX network
def update_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkApplianceFirewallInboundFirewallRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules = UpdateNetworkApplianceFirewallInboundFirewallRulesModel()
collect['update_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules'] = update_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules
result = mx_inbound_firewall_controller.update_network_appliance_firewall_inbound_firewall_rules(collect)
An instance of the MXPortForwardingRulesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_port_forwarding_rules_controller = client.mx_port_forwarding_rules
Return the port forwarding rules for an MX network
def get_network_port_forwarding_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_port_forwarding_rules_controller.get_network_port_forwarding_rules(network_id)
Update the port forwarding rules for an MX network
def update_network_port_forwarding_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkPortForwardingRules | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_port_forwarding_rules = UpdateNetworkPortForwardingRulesModel()
collect['update_network_port_forwarding_rules'] = update_network_port_forwarding_rules
result = mx_port_forwarding_rules_controller.update_network_port_forwarding_rules(collect)
An instance of the MXStaticRoutesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_static_routes_controller = client.mx_static_routes
List the static routes for an MX or teleworker network
def get_network_static_routes(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_static_routes_controller.get_network_static_routes(network_id)
Add a static route for an MX or teleworker network
def create_network_static_route(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkStaticRoute | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_static_route = CreateNetworkStaticRouteModel()
collect['create_network_static_route'] = create_network_static_route
result = mx_static_routes_controller.create_network_static_route(collect)
Return a static route for an MX or teleworker network
def get_network_static_route(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
srId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
sr_id = 'srId'
collect['sr_id'] = sr_id
result = mx_static_routes_controller.get_network_static_route(collect)
Update a static route for an MX or teleworker network
def update_network_static_route(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
srId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkStaticRoute | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
sr_id = 'srId'
collect['sr_id'] = sr_id
update_network_static_route = UpdateNetworkStaticRouteModel()
collect['update_network_static_route'] = update_network_static_route
result = mx_static_routes_controller.update_network_static_route(collect)
Delete a static route from an MX or teleworker network
def delete_network_static_route(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
srId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
sr_id = 'srId'
collect['sr_id'] = sr_id
An instance of the MXWarmSpareSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
mx_warm_spare_settings_controller = client.mx_warm_spare_settings
Swap MX primary and warm spare appliances
def swap_network_warmspare(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_warm_spare_settings_controller.swap_network_warmspare(network_id)
Return MX warm spare settings
def get_network_warm_spare_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = mx_warm_spare_settings_controller.get_network_warm_spare_settings(network_id)
Update MX warm spare settings
def update_network_warm_spare_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkWarmSpareSettings | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_warm_spare_settings = UpdateNetworkWarmSpareSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_warm_spare_settings'] = update_network_warm_spare_settings
result = mx_warm_spare_settings_controller.update_network_warm_spare_settings(collect)
An instance of the MalwareSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
malware_settings_controller = client.malware_settings
Returns all supported malware settings for an MX network
def get_network_security_malware_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = malware_settings_controller.get_network_security_malware_settings(network_id)
Set the supported malware settings for an MX network
def update_network_security_malware_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSecurityMalwareSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_security_malware_settings = UpdateNetworkSecurityMalwareSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_security_malware_settings'] = update_network_security_malware_settings
result = malware_settings_controller.update_network_security_malware_settings(collect)
An instance of the ManagementInterfaceSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
management_interface_settings_controller = client.management_interface_settings
Return the management interface settings for a device
def get_network_device_management_interface_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
result = management_interface_settings_controller.get_network_device_management_interface_settings(collect)
Update the management interface settings for a device
def update_network_device_management_interface_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkDeviceManagementInterfaceSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
update_network_device_management_interface_settings = UpdateNetworkDeviceManagementInterfaceSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_device_management_interface_settings'] = update_network_device_management_interface_settings
result = management_interface_settings_controller.update_network_device_management_interface_settings(collect)
An instance of the MerakiAuthUsersController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
meraki_auth_users_controller = client.meraki_auth_users
List the splash or RADIUS users configured under Meraki Authentication for a network
def get_network_meraki_auth_users(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = meraki_auth_users_controller.get_network_meraki_auth_users(network_id)
Return the Meraki Auth splash or RADIUS user
def get_network_meraki_auth_user(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
merakiAuthUserId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
meraki_auth_user_id = 'merakiAuthUserId'
collect['meraki_auth_user_id'] = meraki_auth_user_id
result = meraki_auth_users_controller.get_network_meraki_auth_user(collect)
An instance of the MonitoredMediaServersController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
monitored_media_servers_controller = client.monitored_media_servers
List the monitored media servers for this organization. Only valid for organizations with Meraki Insight.
def get_organization_insight_monitored_media_servers(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = monitored_media_servers_controller.get_organization_insight_monitored_media_servers(organization_id)
Add a media server to be monitored for this organization. Only valid for organizations with Meraki Insight.
def create_organization_insight_monitored_media_server(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServer | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
create_organization_insight_monitored_media_server = CreateOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServerModel()
collect['create_organization_insight_monitored_media_server'] = create_organization_insight_monitored_media_server
result = monitored_media_servers_controller.create_organization_insight_monitored_media_server(collect)
Return a monitored media server for this organization. Only valid for organizations with Meraki Insight.
def get_organization_insight_monitored_media_server(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
monitoredMediaServerId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
monitored_media_server_id = 'monitoredMediaServerId'
collect['monitored_media_server_id'] = monitored_media_server_id
result = monitored_media_servers_controller.get_organization_insight_monitored_media_server(collect)
Update a monitored media server for this organization. Only valid for organizations with Meraki Insight.
def update_organization_insight_monitored_media_server(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
monitoredMediaServerId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServer | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
monitored_media_server_id = 'monitoredMediaServerId'
collect['monitored_media_server_id'] = monitored_media_server_id
update_organization_insight_monitored_media_server = UpdateOrganizationInsightMonitoredMediaServerModel()
collect['update_organization_insight_monitored_media_server'] = update_organization_insight_monitored_media_server
result = monitored_media_servers_controller.update_organization_insight_monitored_media_server(collect)
Delete a monitored media server from this organization. Only valid for organizations with Meraki Insight.
def delete_organization_insight_monitored_media_server(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
monitoredMediaServerId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
monitored_media_server_id = 'monitoredMediaServerId'
collect['monitored_media_server_id'] = monitored_media_server_id
An instance of the NamedTagScopeController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
named_tag_scope_controller = client.named_tag_scope
List the target groups in this network
def get_network_sm_target_groups(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
withDetails | Optional |
Boolean indicating if the the ids of the devices or users scoped by the target group should be included in the response |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
with_details = True
collect['with_details'] = with_details
result = named_tag_scope_controller.get_network_sm_target_groups(collect)
Add a target group
def create_network_sm_target_group(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkSmTargetGroup | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_sm_target_group = CreateNetworkSmTargetGroupModel()
collect['create_network_sm_target_group'] = create_network_sm_target_group
result = named_tag_scope_controller.create_network_sm_target_group(collect)
Return a target group
def get_network_sm_target_group(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
targetGroupId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
withDetails | Optional |
Boolean indicating if the the ids of the devices or users scoped by the target group should be included in the response |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
target_group_id = 'targetGroupId'
collect['target_group_id'] = target_group_id
with_details = True
collect['with_details'] = with_details
result = named_tag_scope_controller.get_network_sm_target_group(collect)
Update a target group
def update_network_sm_target_group(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
targetGroupId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSmTargetGroup | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
target_group_id = 'targetGroupId'
collect['target_group_id'] = target_group_id
update_network_sm_target_group = UpdateNetworkSmTargetGroupModel()
collect['update_network_sm_target_group'] = update_network_sm_target_group
result = named_tag_scope_controller.update_network_sm_target_group(collect)
Delete a target group from a network
def delete_network_sm_target_group(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
targetGroupId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
target_group_id = 'targetGroupId'
collect['target_group_id'] = target_group_id
An instance of the NetflowSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
netflow_settings_controller = client.netflow_settings
Return the NetFlow traffic reporting settings for a network
def get_network_netflow_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = netflow_settings_controller.get_network_netflow_settings(network_id)
Update the NetFlow traffic reporting settings for a network
def update_network_netflow_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetwork_netflow_Settings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_netflow_settings = UpdateNetworkNetflowSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_netflow_settings'] = update_network_netflow_settings
result = netflow_settings_controller.update_network_netflow_settings(collect)
An instance of the NetworksController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
networks_controller = client.networks
Return a network
def get_network(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = networks_controller.get_network(network_id)
Update a network
def update_network(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetwork | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network = UpdateNetworkModel()
collect['update_network'] = update_network
result = networks_controller.update_network(collect)
Delete a network
def delete_network(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
List the access policies for this network. Only valid for MS networks.
def get_network_access_policies(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = networks_controller.get_network_access_policies(network_id)
List Air Marshal scan results from a network
def get_network_air_marshal(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 7 days. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
timespan = 204.858464945507
collect['timespan'] = timespan
result = networks_controller.get_network_air_marshal(collect)
Bind a network to a template.
def bind_network(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
bindNetwork | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
bind_network = BindNetworkModel()
collect['bind_network'] = bind_network
Return the Bluetooth settings for a network. Bluetooth settings must be enabled on the network.
def get_network_bluetooth_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = networks_controller.get_network_bluetooth_settings(network_id)
Update the Bluetooth settings for a network. See the docs page for Bluetooth settings.
def update_network_bluetooth_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkBluetoothSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_bluetooth_settings = UpdateNetworkBluetoothSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_bluetooth_settings'] = update_network_bluetooth_settings
result = networks_controller.update_network_bluetooth_settings(collect)
Return the site-to-site VPN settings of a network. Only valid for MX networks.
def get_network_site_to_site_vpn(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = networks_controller.get_network_site_to_site_vpn(network_id)
Update the site-to-site VPN settings of a network. Only valid for MX networks in NAT mode.
def update_network_site_to_site_vpn(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSiteToSiteVpn | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_site_to_site_vpn = UpdateNetworkSiteToSiteVpnModel()
collect['update_network_site_to_site_vpn'] = update_network_site_to_site_vpn
result = networks_controller.update_network_site_to_site_vpn(collect)
Split a combined network into individual networks for each type of device
def split_network(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = networks_controller.split_network(network_id)
The traffic analysis data for this network. <a href="">Traffic Analysis with Hostname Visibility</a> must be enabled on the network.
def get_network_traffic(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 30 days from today. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 30 days. |
deviceType | Optional |
Filter the data by device type: combined (default), wireless, switch, appliance. |
When using combined, for each rule the data will come from the device type with the most usage. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
timespan = 204.858464945507
collect['timespan'] = timespan
device_type = 'deviceType'
collect['device_type'] = device_type
result = networks_controller.get_network_traffic(collect)
Unbind a network from a template.
def unbind_network(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
List the networks in an organization
def get_organization_networks(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
configTemplateId | Optional |
An optional parameter that is the ID of a config template. Will return all networks bound to that template. |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
config_template_id = 'configTemplateId'
collect['config_template_id'] = config_template_id
result = networks_controller.get_organization_networks(collect)
Create a network
def create_organization_network(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createOrganizationNetwork | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
create_organization_network = CreateOrganizationNetworkModel()
collect['create_organization_network'] = create_organization_network
result = networks_controller.create_organization_network(collect)
Combine multiple networks into a single network
def combine_organization_networks(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
combineOrganizationNetworks | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
combine_organization_networks = CombineOrganizationNetworksModel()
collect['combine_organization_networks'] = combine_organization_networks
result = networks_controller.combine_organization_networks(collect)
An instance of the OpenAPISpecController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
open_api_spec_controller = client.open_api_spec
Return the OpenAPI 2.0 Specification of the organization's API documentation in JSON
def get_organization_openapi_spec(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = open_api_spec_controller.get_organization_openapi_spec(organization_id)
An instance of the OrganizationsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
organizations_controller = client.organizations
List the organizations that the user has privileges on
def get_organizations(self)
result = organizations_controller.get_organizations()
Create a new organization
def create_organization(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
createOrganization | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
create_organization = CreateOrganizationModel()
result = organizations_controller.create_organization(create_organization)
Return an organization
def get_organization(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = organizations_controller.get_organization(organization_id)
Update an organization
def update_organization(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganization | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
update_organization = UpdateOrganizationModel()
collect['update_organization'] = update_organization
result = organizations_controller.update_organization(collect)
Delete an organization
def delete_organization(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
Claim a list of devices, licenses, and/or orders into an organization. When claiming by order, all devices and licenses in the order will be claimed; licenses will be added to the organization and devices will be placed in the organization's inventory.
def claim_organization(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
claimOrganization | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
claim_organization = ClaimOrganizationModel()
collect['claim_organization'] = claim_organization
result = organizations_controller.claim_organization(collect)
Create a new organization by cloning the addressed organization
def clone_organization(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
cloneOrganization | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
clone_organization = CloneOrganizationModel()
collect['clone_organization'] = clone_organization
result = organizations_controller.clone_organization(collect)
List the status of every Meraki device in the organization
def get_organization_device_statuses(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = organizations_controller.get_organization_device_statuses(organization_id)
Return the inventory for an organization
def get_organization_inventory(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
includeLicenseInfo | Optional |
When this parameter is true, each entity in the response will include the license expiration date of the device (if any). Only applies to organizations that support per-device licensing. Defaults to false. |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
include_license_info = True
collect['include_license_info'] = include_license_info
result = organizations_controller.get_organization_inventory(collect)
Return the license state for an organization
def get_organization_license_state(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = organizations_controller.get_organization_license_state(organization_id)
Return the third party VPN peers for an organization
def get_organization_third_party_vpn_peers(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = organizations_controller.get_organization_third_party_vpn_peers(organization_id)
Update the third party VPN peers for an organization
def update_organization_third_party_vpn_peers(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationThirdPartyVPNPeers | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
update_organization_third_party_vpn_peers = UpdateOrganizationThirdPartyVPNPeersModel()
collect['update_organization_third_party_vpn_peers'] = update_organization_third_party_vpn_peers
result = organizations_controller.update_organization_third_party_vpn_peers(collect)
Return the uplink loss and latency for every MX in the organization from at latest 2 minutes ago
def get_organization_uplinks_loss_and_latency(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 365 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 5 minutes after t0. The latest possible time that t1 can be is 2 minutes into the past. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 5 minutes. The default is 5 minutes. |
uplink | Optional |
Optional filter for a specific WAN uplink. Valid uplinks are wan1, wan2, cellular. Default will return all uplinks. |
ip | Optional |
Optional filter for a specific destination IP. Default will return all destination IPs. |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 204.858464945507
collect['timespan'] = timespan
uplink = UplinkEnum.WAN1
collect['uplink'] = uplink
ip = 'ip'
collect['ip'] = ip
result = organizations_controller.get_organization_uplinks_loss_and_latency(collect)
An instance of the PIIController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
pii_controller = client.pii
List the keys required to access Personally Identifiable Information (PII) for a given identifier. Exactly one identifier will be accepted. If the organization contains org-wide Systems Manager users matching the key provided then there will be an entry with the key "0" containing the applicable keys.
def get_network_pii_pii_keys(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
username | Optional |
The username of a Systems Manager user |
Optional |
The email of a network user account or a Systems Manager device | |
mac | Optional |
The MAC of a network client device or a Systems Manager device |
serial | Optional |
The serial of a Systems Manager device |
imei | Optional |
The IMEI of a Systems Manager device |
bluetoothMac | Optional |
The MAC of a Bluetooth client |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
username = 'username'
collect['username'] = username
email = 'email'
collect['email'] = email
mac = 'mac'
collect['mac'] = mac
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
imei = 'imei'
collect['imei'] = imei
bluetooth_mac = 'bluetoothMac'
collect['bluetooth_mac'] = bluetooth_mac
result = pii_controller.get_network_pii_pii_keys(collect)
List the PII requests for this network or organization
def get_network_pii_requests(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = pii_controller.get_network_pii_requests(network_id)
Submit a new delete or restrict processing PII request
def create_network_pii_request(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkPiiRequest | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_pii_request = CreateNetworkPiiRequestModel()
collect['create_network_pii_request'] = create_network_pii_request
result = pii_controller.create_network_pii_request(collect)
Return a PII request
def get_network_pii_request(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
requestId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
request_id = 'requestId'
collect['request_id'] = request_id
result = pii_controller.get_network_pii_request(collect)
Delete a restrict processing PII request
def delete_network_pii_request(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
requestId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
request_id = 'requestId'
collect['request_id'] = request_id
Given a piece of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), return the Systems Manager device ID(s) associated with that identifier. These device IDs can be used with the Systems Manager API endpoints to retrieve device details. Exactly one identifier will be accepted.
def get_network_pii_sm_devices_for_key(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
username | Optional |
The username of a Systems Manager user |
Optional |
The email of a network user account or a Systems Manager device | |
mac | Optional |
The MAC of a network client device or a Systems Manager device |
serial | Optional |
The serial of a Systems Manager device |
imei | Optional |
The IMEI of a Systems Manager device |
bluetoothMac | Optional |
The MAC of a Bluetooth client |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
username = 'username'
collect['username'] = username
email = 'email'
collect['email'] = email
mac = 'mac'
collect['mac'] = mac
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
imei = 'imei'
collect['imei'] = imei
bluetooth_mac = 'bluetoothMac'
collect['bluetooth_mac'] = bluetooth_mac
result = pii_controller.get_network_pii_sm_devices_for_key(collect)
Given a piece of Personally Identifiable Information (PII), return the Systems Manager owner ID(s) associated with that identifier. These owner IDs can be used with the Systems Manager API endpoints to retrieve owner details. Exactly one identifier will be accepted.
def get_network_pii_sm_owners_for_key(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
username | Optional |
The username of a Systems Manager user |
Optional |
The email of a network user account or a Systems Manager device | |
mac | Optional |
The MAC of a network client device or a Systems Manager device |
serial | Optional |
The serial of a Systems Manager device |
imei | Optional |
The IMEI of a Systems Manager device |
bluetoothMac | Optional |
The MAC of a Bluetooth client |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
username = 'username'
collect['username'] = username
email = 'email'
collect['email'] = email
mac = 'mac'
collect['mac'] = mac
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
imei = 'imei'
collect['imei'] = imei
bluetooth_mac = 'bluetoothMac'
collect['bluetooth_mac'] = bluetooth_mac
result = pii_controller.get_network_pii_sm_owners_for_key(collect)
An instance of the RadioSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
radio_settings_controller = client.radio_settings
Return the radio settings of a device
def get_network_device_wireless_radio_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
result = radio_settings_controller.get_network_device_wireless_radio_settings(collect)
Update the radio settings of a device
def update_network_device_wireless_radio_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkDeviceWirelessRadioSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
update_network_device_wireless_radio_settings = UpdateNetworkDeviceWirelessRadioSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_device_wireless_radio_settings'] = update_network_device_wireless_radio_settings
result = radio_settings_controller.update_network_device_wireless_radio_settings(collect)
List the non-basic RF profiles for this network
def get_network_wireless_rf_profiles(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
includeTemplateProfiles | Optional |
If the network is bound to a template, this parameter controls whether or not the non-basic RF profiles defined on the template |
should be included in the response alongside the non-basic profiles defined on the bound network. Defaults to false. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
include_template_profiles = False
collect['include_template_profiles'] = include_template_profiles
result = radio_settings_controller.get_network_wireless_rf_profiles(collect)
Creates new RF profile for this network
def create_network_wireless_rf_profile(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkWirelessRfProfile | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_wireless_rf_profile = CreateNetworkWirelessRfProfileModel()
collect['create_network_wireless_rf_profile'] = create_network_wireless_rf_profile
result = radio_settings_controller.create_network_wireless_rf_profile(collect)
Updates specified RF profile for this network
def update_network_wireless_rf_profile(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
rfProfileId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkWirelessRfProfile | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
rf_profile_id = 'rfProfileId'
collect['rf_profile_id'] = rf_profile_id
update_network_wireless_rf_profile = UpdateNetworkWirelessRfProfileModel()
collect['update_network_wireless_rf_profile'] = update_network_wireless_rf_profile
result = radio_settings_controller.update_network_wireless_rf_profile(collect)
Delete a RF Profile
def delete_network_wireless_rf_profile(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
rfProfileId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
rf_profile_id = 'rfProfileId'
collect['rf_profile_id'] = rf_profile_id
Return a RF profile
def get_network_wireless_rf_profile(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
rfProfileId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
rf_profile_id = 'rfProfileId'
collect['rf_profile_id'] = rf_profile_id
result = radio_settings_controller.get_network_wireless_rf_profile(collect)
An instance of the SAMLRolesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
saml_roles_controller = client.saml_roles
List the SAML roles for this organization
def get_organization_saml_roles(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = saml_roles_controller.get_organization_saml_roles(organization_id)
Create a SAML role
def create_organization_saml_role(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createOrganizationSamlRole | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
create_organization_saml_role = CreateOrganizationSamlRoleModel()
collect['create_organization_saml_role'] = create_organization_saml_role
result = saml_roles_controller.create_organization_saml_role(collect)
Return a SAML role
def get_organization_saml_role(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
samlRoleId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
saml_role_id = 'samlRoleId'
collect['saml_role_id'] = saml_role_id
result = saml_roles_controller.get_organization_saml_role(collect)
Update a SAML role
def update_organization_saml_role(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
samlRoleId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationSamlRole | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
saml_role_id = 'samlRoleId'
collect['saml_role_id'] = saml_role_id
update_organization_saml_role = UpdateOrganizationSamlRoleModel()
collect['update_organization_saml_role'] = update_organization_saml_role
result = saml_roles_controller.update_organization_saml_role(collect)
Remove a SAML role
def delete_organization_saml_role(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
samlRoleId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
saml_role_id = 'samlRoleId'
collect['saml_role_id'] = saml_role_id
An instance of the SMController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
sm_controller =
Create a new Polaris app
def create_network_sm_app_polaris(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkSmAppPolaris | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_sm_app_polaris = CreateNetworkSmAppPolarisModel()
collect['create_network_sm_app_polaris'] = create_network_sm_app_polaris
result = sm_controller.create_network_sm_app_polaris(collect)
Get details for a Cisco Polaris app if it exists
def get_network_sm_app_polaris(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
bundleId | Optional |
The bundle ID of the app to be found, defaults to |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
bundle_id = 'bundleId'
collect['bundle_id'] = bundle_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_app_polaris(collect)
Update an existing Polaris app
def update_network_sm_app_polaris(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
appId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSmAppPolaris | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
app_id = 'appId'
collect['app_id'] = app_id
update_network_sm_app_polaris = UpdateNetworkSmAppPolarisModel()
collect['update_network_sm_app_polaris'] = update_network_sm_app_polaris
result = sm_controller.update_network_sm_app_polaris(collect)
Delete a Cisco Polaris app
def delete_network_sm_app_polaris(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
appId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
app_id = 'appId'
collect['app_id'] = app_id
result = sm_controller.delete_network_sm_app_polaris(collect)
Bypass activation lock attempt
def create_network_sm_bypass_activation_lock_attempt(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkSmBypassActivationLockAttempt | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_sm_bypass_activation_lock_attempt = CreateNetworkSmBypassActivationLockAttemptModel()
collect['create_network_sm_bypass_activation_lock_attempt'] = create_network_sm_bypass_activation_lock_attempt
result = sm_controller.create_network_sm_bypass_activation_lock_attempt(collect)
Bypass activation lock attempt status
def get_network_sm_bypass_activation_lock_attempt(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
attemptId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
attempt_id = 'attemptId'
collect['attempt_id'] = attempt_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_bypass_activation_lock_attempt(collect)
Modify the fields of a device
def update_network_sm_device_fields(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSmDeviceFields | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_sm_device_fields = UpdateNetworkSmDeviceFieldsModel()
collect['update_network_sm_device_fields'] = update_network_sm_device_fields
result = sm_controller.update_network_sm_device_fields(collect)
Wipe a device
def wipe_network_sm_device(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
wipeNetworkSmDevice | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
wipe_network_sm_device = WipeNetworkSmDeviceModel()
collect['wipe_network_sm_device'] = wipe_network_sm_device
result = sm_controller.wipe_network_sm_device(collect)
Refresh the details of a device
def refresh_network_sm_device_details(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
List the devices enrolled in an SM network with various specified fields and filters
def get_network_sm_devices(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
fields | Optional |
Additional fields that will be displayed for each device. Multiple fields can be passed in as comma separated values. |
The default fields are: id, name, tags, ssid, wifiMac, osName, systemModel, uuid, and serialNumber. The additional fields are: ip,
systemType, availableDeviceCapacity, kioskAppName, biosVersion, lastConnected, missingAppsCount, userSuppliedAddress, location, lastUser,
ownerEmail, ownerUsername, publicIp, phoneNumber, diskInfoJson, deviceCapacity, isManaged, hadMdm, isSupervised, meid, imei, iccid,
simCarrierNetwork, cellularDataUsed, isHotspotEnabled, createdAt, batteryEstCharge, quarantined, avName, avRunning, asName, fwName,
isRooted, loginRequired, screenLockEnabled, screenLockDelay, autoLoginDisabled, autoTags, hasMdm, hasDesktopAgent, diskEncryptionEnabled,
hardwareEncryptionCaps, passCodeLock, usesHardwareKeystore, and androidSecurityPatchVersion. |
| wifiMacs | Optional
| Filter devices by wifi mac(s). Multiple wifi macs can be passed in as comma separated values. |
| serials | Optional
| Filter devices by serial(s). Multiple serials can be passed in as comma separated values. |
| ids | Optional
| Filter devices by id(s). Multiple ids can be passed in as comma separated values. |
| scope | Optional
| Specify a scope (one of all, none, withAny, withAll, withoutAny, or withoutAll) and a set of tags as comma separated values. |
| batchSize | Optional
| Number of devices to return, 1000 is the default as well as the max. |
| batchToken | Optional
| If the network has more devices than the batch size, a batch token will be returned
as a part of the device list. To see the remainder of the devices, pass in the batchToken as a parameter in the next request.
Requests made with the batchToken do not require additional parameters as the batchToken includes the parameters passed in
with the original request. Additional parameters passed in with the batchToken will be ignored. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
fields = 'fields'
collect['fields'] = fields
wifi_macs = 'wifiMacs'
collect['wifi_macs'] = wifi_macs
serials = 'serials'
collect['serials'] = serials
ids = 'ids'
collect['ids'] = ids
scope = 'scope'
collect['scope'] = scope
batch_size = 41
collect['batch_size'] = batch_size
batch_token = 'batchToken'
collect['batch_token'] = batch_token
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_devices(collect)
Force check-in a set of devices
def checkin_network_sm_devices(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
checkinNetworkSmDevices | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
checkin_network_sm_devices = CheckinNetworkSmDevicesModel()
collect['checkin_network_sm_devices'] = checkin_network_sm_devices
result = sm_controller.checkin_network_sm_devices(collect)
Move a set of devices to a new network
def move_network_sm_devices(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
moveNetworkSmDevices | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
move_network_sm_devices = MoveNetworkSmDevicesModel()
collect['move_network_sm_devices'] = move_network_sm_devices
result = sm_controller.move_network_sm_devices(collect)
Add, delete, or update the tags of a set of devices
def update_network_sm_devices_tags(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSmDevicesTags | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_sm_devices_tags = UpdateNetworkSmDevicesTagsModel()
collect['update_network_sm_devices_tags'] = update_network_sm_devices_tags
result = sm_controller.update_network_sm_devices_tags(collect)
Unenroll a device
def unenroll_network_sm_device(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.unenroll_network_sm_device(collect)
List all the profiles in the network
def get_network_sm_profiles(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_profiles(network_id)
Get the profiles associated with a user
def get_network_sm_user_device_profiles(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
userId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
user_id = 'userId'
collect['user_id'] = user_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_user_device_profiles(collect)
Get a list of softwares associated with a user
def get_network_sm_user_softwares(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
userId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
user_id = 'userId'
collect['user_id'] = user_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_user_softwares(collect)
List the owners in an SM network with various specified fields and filters
def get_network_sm_users(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
ids | Optional |
Filter users by id(s). Multiple ids can be passed in as comma separated values. |
usernames | Optional |
Filter users by username(s). Multiple usernames can be passed in as comma separated values. |
emails | Optional |
Filter users by email(s). Multiple emails can be passed in as comma separated values. |
scope | Optional |
Specifiy a scope (one of all, none, withAny, withAll, withoutAny, withoutAll) and a set of tags as comma separated values. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
ids = 'ids'
collect['ids'] = ids
usernames = 'usernames'
collect['usernames'] = usernames
emails = 'emails'
collect['emails'] = emails
scope = 'scope'
collect['scope'] = scope
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_users(collect)
Return the client's daily cellular data usage history. Usage data is in kilobytes.
def get_network_sm_cellular_usage_history(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_cellular_usage_history(collect)
List the certs on a device
def get_network_sm_certs(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_certs(collect)
Get the profiles associated with a device
def get_network_sm_device_profiles(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_device_profiles(collect)
List the network adapters of a device
def get_network_sm_network_adapters(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_network_adapters(collect)
List the restrictions on a device
def get_network_sm_restrictions(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_restrictions(collect)
List the security centers on a device
def get_network_sm_security_centers(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_security_centers(collect)
Get a list of softwares associated with a device
def get_network_sm_softwares(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_softwares(collect)
List the saved SSID names on a device
def get_network_sm_wlan_lists(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
deviceId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
device_id = 'deviceId'
collect['device_id'] = device_id
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_wlan_lists(collect)
Lock a set of devices
def lock_network_sm_devices(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
lockNetworkSmDevices | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'network_id'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
lock_network_sm_devices = LockNetworkSmDevicesModel()
collect['lock_network_sm_devices'] = lock_network_sm_devices
result = sm_controller.lock_network_sm_devices(collect)
Returns historical connectivity data (whether a device is regularly checking in to Dashboard).
def get_network_sm_connectivity(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'network_id'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
per_page = 41
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_connectivity(collect)
Return historical records of various Systems Manager network connection details for desktop devices.
def get_network_sm_desktop_logs(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'network_id'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
per_page = 41
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_desktop_logs(collect)
Return historical records of commands sent to Systems Manager devices. <p>Note that this will include the name of the Dashboard user who initiated the command if it was generated by a Dashboard admin rather than the automatic behavior of the system; you may wish to filter this out of any reports.</p>
def get_network_sm_device_command_logs(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'network_id'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
per_page = 41
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_device_command_logs(collect)
Return historical records of various Systems Manager client metrics for desktop devices.
def get_network_sm_performance_history(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
id | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 1000. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'network_id'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
id = 'id'
collect['id'] = id
per_page = 41
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = sm_controller.get_network_sm_performance_history(collect)
An instance of the SNMPSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
snmp_settings_controller = client.snmp_settings
Return the SNMP settings for a network
def get_network_snmp_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = snmp_settings_controller.get_network_snmp_settings(network_id)
Update the SNMP settings for a network
def update_network_snmp_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSnmpSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_snmp_settings = UpdateNetworkSnmpSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_snmp_settings'] = update_network_snmp_settings
result = snmp_settings_controller.update_network_snmp_settings(collect)
Return the SNMP settings for an organization
def get_organization_snmp(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
organization_id = 'organizationId'
result = snmp_settings_controller.get_organization_snmp(organization_id)
Update the SNMP settings for an organization
def update_organization_snmp(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateOrganizationSnmp | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
update_organization_snmp = UpdateOrganizationSnmpModel()
collect['update_organization_snmp'] = update_organization_snmp
result = snmp_settings_controller.update_organization_snmp(collect)
An instance of the SsidsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
ssids_controller = client.ssids
Return the SSID statuses of an access point
def get_network_device_wireless_status(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
result = ssids_controller.get_network_device_wireless_status(collect)
List the SSIDs in a network. Supports networks with access points or wireless-enabled security appliances and teleworker gateways.
def get_network_ssids(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = ssids_controller.get_network_ssids(network_id)
Return a single SSID
def get_network_ssid(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
result = ssids_controller.get_network_ssid(collect)
Update the attributes of an SSID
def update_network_ssid(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSsid | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
update_network_ssid = UpdateNetworkSsidModel()
collect['update_network_ssid'] = update_network_ssid
result = ssids_controller.update_network_ssid(collect)
An instance of the SecurityEventsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
security_events_controller = client.security_events
List the security events for a client. Clients can be identified by a client key or either the MAC or IP depending on whether the network uses Track-by-IP.
def get_network_client_security_events(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 791 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 791 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 791 days. The default is 31 days. |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 100. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 254.630573610603
collect['timespan'] = timespan
per_page = 254
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = security_events_controller.get_network_client_security_events(collect)
List the security events for a network
def get_network_security_events(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 365 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 365 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 365 days. The default is 31 days. |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 100. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 254.630573610603
collect['timespan'] = timespan
per_page = 254
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = security_events_controller.get_network_security_events(collect)
List the security events for an organization
def get_organization_security_events(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 365 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 365 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 365 days. The default is 31 days. |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 100. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 254.630573610603
collect['timespan'] = timespan
per_page = 254
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
result = security_events_controller.get_organization_security_events(collect)
An instance of the SplashLoginAttemptsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
splash_login_attempts_controller = client.splash_login_attempts
List the splash login attempts for a network
def get_network_splash_login_attempts(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
ssidNumber | Optional |
Only return the login attempts for the specified SSID |
loginIdentifier | Optional |
The username, email, or phone number used during login |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan, in seconds, for the login attempts. The period will be from [timespan] seconds ago until now. The maximum timespan is 3 months |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
ssid_number = SsidNumberEnum.ENUM_0
collect['ssid_number'] = ssid_number
login_identifier = 'loginIdentifier'
collect['login_identifier'] = login_identifier
timespan = 254
collect['timespan'] = timespan
result = splash_login_attempts_controller.get_network_splash_login_attempts(collect)
An instance of the SplashSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
splash_settings_controller = client.splash_settings
Display the splash page settings for the given SSID
def get_network_ssids_plash_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
result = splash_settings_controller.get_network_ssids_plash_settings(collect)
Modify the splash page settings for the given SSID
def update_network_ssids_plash_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetwork_ssids_PlashSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
update_network_ssids_plash_settings = UpdateNetworkSsidsPlashSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_ssids_plash_settings'] = update_network_ssids_plash_settings
result = splash_settings_controller.update_network_ssids_plash_settings(collect)
An instance of the SwitchAclsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
switch_acls_controller = client.switch_acls
Return the access control lists for a MS network
def get_network_switch_access_control_lists(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_acls_controller.get_network_switch_access_control_lists(network_id)
Update the access control lists for a MS network
def update_network_switch_access_control_lists(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchAccessControlLists | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_access_control_lists = UpdateNetworkSwitchAccessControlListsModel()
collect['update_network_switch_access_control_lists'] = update_network_switch_access_control_lists
result = switch_acls_controller.update_network_switch_access_control_lists(collect)
An instance of the SwitchPortSchedulesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
switch_port_schedules_controller = client.switch_port_schedules
List switch port schedules
def get_network_switch_port_schedules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_port_schedules_controller.get_network_switch_port_schedules(network_id)
Add a switch port schedule
def create_network_switch_port_schedule(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkSwitchPortSchedule | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_switch_port_schedule = CreateNetworkSwitchPortScheduleModel()
collect['create_network_switch_port_schedule'] = create_network_switch_port_schedule
result = switch_port_schedules_controller.create_network_switch_port_schedule(collect)
Delete a switch port schedule
def delete_network_switch_port_schedule(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
portScheduleId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
port_schedule_id = 'portScheduleId'
collect['port_schedule_id'] = port_schedule_id
Update a switch port schedule
def update_network_switch_port_schedule(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
portScheduleId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchPortSchedule | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
port_schedule_id = 'portScheduleId'
collect['port_schedule_id'] = port_schedule_id
update_network_switch_port_schedule = UpdateNetworkSwitchPortScheduleModel()
collect['update_network_switch_port_schedule'] = update_network_switch_port_schedule
result = switch_port_schedules_controller.update_network_switch_port_schedule(collect)
An instance of the SwitchPortsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
switch_ports_controller = client.switch_ports
Return the status for all the ports of a switch
def get_device_switch_port_statuses(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 31 days from today. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
timespan = 254.630573610603
collect['timespan'] = timespan
result = switch_ports_controller.get_device_switch_port_statuses(collect)
Return the packet counters for all the ports of a switch
def get_device_switch_port_statuses_packets(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 1 day from today. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameter t0. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 1 day. The default is 1 day. |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
timespan = 254.630573610603
collect['timespan'] = timespan
result = switch_ports_controller.get_device_switch_port_statuses_packets(collect)
List the switch ports for a switch
def get_device_switch_ports(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial = 'serial'
result = switch_ports_controller.get_device_switch_ports(serial)
Return a switch port
def get_device_switch_port(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
result = switch_ports_controller.get_device_switch_port(collect)
Update a switch port
def update_device_switch_port(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateDeviceSwitchPort | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
update_device_switch_port = UpdateDeviceSwitchPortModel()
collect['update_device_switch_port'] = update_device_switch_port
result = switch_ports_controller.update_device_switch_port(collect)
An instance of the SwitchProfilesController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
switch_profiles_controller = client.switch_profiles
List the switch profiles for your switch template configuration
def get_organization_config_template_switch_profiles(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
configTemplateId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
config_template_id = 'configTemplateId'
collect['config_template_id'] = config_template_id
result = switch_profiles_controller.get_organization_config_template_switch_profiles(collect)
An instance of the SwitchSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
switch_settings_controller = client.switch_settings
Returns the switch network settings
def get_network_switch_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings(network_id)
Update switch network settings
def update_network_switch_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_settings = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings'] = update_network_switch_settings
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings(collect)
Return the DHCP server policy
def get_network_switch_settings_dhcp_server_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_dhcp_server_policy(network_id)
Update the DHCP server policy
def update_network_switch_settings_dhcp_server_policy(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettingsDhcpServerPolicy | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_settings_dhcp_server_policy = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsDhcpServerPolicyModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings_dhcp_server_policy'] = update_network_switch_settings_dhcp_server_policy
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings_dhcp_server_policy(collect)
Return the DSCP to CoS mappings
def get_network_switch_settings_dscp_to_cos_mappings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_dscp_to_cos_mappings(network_id)
Update the DSCP to CoS mappings
def update_network_switch_settings_dscp_to_cos_mappings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettingsDscpToCosMappings | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_settings_dscp_to_cos_mappings = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsDscpToCosMappingsModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings_dscp_to_cos_mappings'] = update_network_switch_settings_dscp_to_cos_mappings
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings_dscp_to_cos_mappings(collect)
Return the MTU configuration
def get_network_switch_settings_mtu(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_mtu(network_id)
Update the MTU configuration
def update_network_switch_settings_mtu(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettingsMtu | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_settings_mtu = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsMtuModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings_mtu'] = update_network_switch_settings_mtu
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings_mtu(collect)
Return Multicast settings for a network
def get_network_switch_settings_multicast(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_multicast(network_id)
Update multicast settings for a network
def update_network_switch_settings_multicast(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettingsMulticast | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_settings_multicast = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsMulticastModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings_multicast'] = update_network_switch_settings_multicast
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings_multicast(collect)
List quality of service rules
def get_network_switch_settings_qos_rules(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_qos_rules(network_id)
Add a quality of service rule
def create_network_switch_settings_qos_rule(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkSwitchSettingsQosRule | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_switch_settings_qos_rule = CreateNetworkSwitchSettingsQosRuleModel()
collect['create_network_switch_settings_qos_rule'] = create_network_switch_settings_qos_rule
result = switch_settings_controller.create_network_switch_settings_qos_rule(collect)
Return the quality of service rule IDs by order in which they will be processed by the switch
def get_network_switch_settings_qos_rules_order(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_qos_rules_order(network_id)
Update the order in which the rules should be processed by the switch
def update_network_switch_settings_qos_rules_order(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettingsQosRulesOrder | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_settings_qos_rules_order = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsQosRulesOrderModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings_qos_rules_order'] = update_network_switch_settings_qos_rules_order
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings_qos_rules_order(collect)
Return a quality of service rule
def get_network_switch_settings_qos_rule(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
qosRuleId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
qos_rule_id = 'qosRuleId'
collect['qos_rule_id'] = qos_rule_id
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_qos_rule(collect)
Delete a quality of service rule
def delete_network_switch_settings_qos_rule(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
qosRuleId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
qos_rule_id = 'qosRuleId'
collect['qos_rule_id'] = qos_rule_id
Update a quality of service rule
def update_network_switch_settings_qos_rule(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
qosRuleId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettingsQosRule | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
qos_rule_id = 'qosRuleId'
collect['qos_rule_id'] = qos_rule_id
update_network_switch_settings_qos_rule = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsQosRuleModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings_qos_rule'] = update_network_switch_settings_qos_rule
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings_qos_rule(collect)
Return the storm control configuration for a switch network
def get_network_switch_settings_storm_control(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_storm_control(network_id)
Update the storm control configuration for a switch network
def update_network_switch_settings_storm_control(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettingsStormControl | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_settings_storm_control = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsStormControlModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings_storm_control'] = update_network_switch_settings_storm_control
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings_storm_control(collect)
Returns STP settings
def get_network_switch_settings_stp(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_settings_controller.get_network_switch_settings_stp(network_id)
Updates STP settings
def update_network_switch_settings_stp(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSwitchSettingsStp | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_switch_settings_stp = UpdateNetworkSwitchSettingsStpModel()
collect['update_network_switch_settings_stp'] = update_network_switch_settings_stp
result = switch_settings_controller.update_network_switch_settings_stp(collect)
An instance of the SwitchStacksController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
switch_stacks_controller = client.switch_stacks
List the switch stacks in a network
def get_network_switch_stacks(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = switch_stacks_controller.get_network_switch_stacks(network_id)
Create a stack
def create_network_switch_stack(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkSwitchStack | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_switch_stack = CreateNetworkSwitchStackModel()
collect['create_network_switch_stack'] = create_network_switch_stack
result = switch_stacks_controller.create_network_switch_stack(collect)
Show a switch stack
def get_network_switch_stack(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
switchStackId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
switch_stack_id = 'switchStackId'
collect['switch_stack_id'] = switch_stack_id
result = switch_stacks_controller.get_network_switch_stack(collect)
Delete a stack
def delete_network_switch_stack(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
switchStackId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
switch_stack_id = 'switchStackId'
collect['switch_stack_id'] = switch_stack_id
Add a switch to a stack
def add_network_switch_stack(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
switchStackId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
addNetworkSwitchStack | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
switch_stack_id = 'switchStackId'
collect['switch_stack_id'] = switch_stack_id
add_network_switch_stack = AddNetworkSwitchStackModel()
collect['add_network_switch_stack'] = add_network_switch_stack
result = switch_stacks_controller.add_network_switch_stack(collect)
Remove a switch from a stack
def remove_network_switch_stack(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
switchStackId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
removeNetworkSwitchStack | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
switch_stack_id = 'switchStackId'
collect['switch_stack_id'] = switch_stack_id
remove_network_switch_stack = RemoveNetworkSwitchStackModel()
collect['remove_network_switch_stack'] = remove_network_switch_stack
result = switch_stacks_controller.remove_network_switch_stack(collect)
An instance of the SyslogServersController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
syslog_servers_controller = client.syslog_servers
List the syslog servers for a network
def get_network_syslog_servers(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = syslog_servers_controller.get_network_syslog_servers(network_id)
Update the syslog servers for a network
def update_network_syslog_servers(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSyslogServers | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_syslog_servers = UpdateNetworkSyslogServersModel()
collect['update_network_syslog_servers'] = update_network_syslog_servers
result = syslog_servers_controller.update_network_syslog_servers(collect)
An instance of the TrafficAnalysisSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
traffic_analysis_settings_controller = client.traffic_analysis_settings
Return the traffic analysis settings for a network
def get_network_traffic_analysis_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = traffic_analysis_settings_controller.get_network_traffic_analysis_settings(network_id)
Update the traffic analysis settings for a network
def update_network_traffic_analysis_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkTrafficAnalysisSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_traffic_analysis_settings = UpdateNetworkTrafficAnalysisSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_traffic_analysis_settings'] = update_network_traffic_analysis_settings
result = traffic_analysis_settings_controller.update_network_traffic_analysis_settings(collect)
An instance of the TrafficShapingController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
traffic_shaping_controller = client.traffic_shaping
Update the traffic shaping settings for an SSID on an MR network
def update_network_ssid_traffic_shaping(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkSsidTrafficShaping | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
update_network_ssid_traffic_shaping = UpdateNetworkSsidTrafficShapingModel()
collect['update_network_ssid_traffic_shaping'] = update_network_ssid_traffic_shaping
result = traffic_shaping_controller.update_network_ssid_traffic_shaping(collect)
Display the traffic shaping settings for a SSID on an MR network
def get_network_ssid_traffic_shaping(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
number | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
number = 'number'
collect['number'] = number
result = traffic_shaping_controller.get_network_ssid_traffic_shaping(collect)
Update the traffic shaping settings for an MX network
def update_network_traffic_shaping(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkTrafficShaping | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_traffic_shaping = UpdateNetworkTrafficShapingModel()
collect['update_network_traffic_shaping'] = update_network_traffic_shaping
result = traffic_shaping_controller.update_network_traffic_shaping(collect)
Display the traffic shaping settings for an MX network
def get_network_traffic_shaping(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = traffic_shaping_controller.get_network_traffic_shaping(network_id)
Returns the application categories for traffic shaping rules.
def get_network_traffic_shaping_application_categories(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = traffic_shaping_controller.get_network_traffic_shaping_application_categories(network_id)
Returns the available DSCP tagging options for your traffic shaping rules.
def get_network_traffic_shaping_dscp_tagging_options(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = traffic_shaping_controller.get_network_traffic_shaping_dscp_tagging_options(network_id)
An instance of the UplinkSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
uplink_settings_controller = client.uplink_settings
Returns the uplink settings for your MX network.
def get_network_uplink_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = uplink_settings_controller.get_network_uplink_settings(network_id)
Updates the uplink settings for your MX network.
def update_network_uplink_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkUplinkSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_uplink_settings = UpdateNetworkUplinkSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_uplink_settings'] = update_network_uplink_settings
result = uplink_settings_controller.update_network_uplink_settings(collect)
An instance of the VlansController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
vlans_controller = client.vlans
List the VLANs for an MX network
def get_network_vlans(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = vlans_controller.get_network_vlans(network_id)
Add a VLAN
def create_network_vlan(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
createNetworkVlan | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
create_network_vlan = CreateNetworkVlanModel()
collect['create_network_vlan'] = create_network_vlan
result = vlans_controller.create_network_vlan(collect)
Return a VLAN
def get_network_vlan(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
vlanId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
vlan_id = 'vlanId'
collect['vlan_id'] = vlan_id
result = vlans_controller.get_network_vlan(collect)
Update a VLAN
def update_network_vlan(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
vlanId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkVlan | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
vlan_id = 'vlanId'
collect['vlan_id'] = vlan_id
update_network_vlan = UpdateNetworkVlanModel()
collect['update_network_vlan'] = update_network_vlan
result = vlans_controller.update_network_vlan(collect)
Delete a VLAN from a network
def delete_network_vlan(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
vlanId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
vlan_id = 'vlanId'
collect['vlan_id'] = vlan_id
Returns the enabled status of VLANs for the network
def get_network_vlans_enabled_state(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = vlans_controller.get_network_vlans_enabled_state(network_id)
Enable/Disable VLANs for the given network
def update_network_vlans_enabled_state(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetwork_vlans_EnabledState | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_vlans_enabled_state = UpdateNetworkVlansEnabledStateModel()
collect['update_network_vlans_enabled_state'] = update_network_vlans_enabled_state
result = vlans_controller.update_network_vlans_enabled_state(collect)
An instance of the WebhookLogsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
webhook_logs_controller = client.webhook_logs
Return the log of webhook POSTs sent
def get_organization_webhook_logs(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
organizationId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 90 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 31 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 31 days. The default is 1 day. |
perPage | Optional |
The number of entries per page returned. Acceptable range is 3 - 1000. Default is 50. |
startingAfter | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the start of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
endingBefore | Optional |
A token used by the server to indicate the end of the page. Often this is a timestamp or an ID but it is not limited to those. This parameter should not be defined by client applications. The link for the first, last, prev, or next page in the HTTP Link header should define it. |
url | Optional |
The URL the webhook was sent to |
collect = {}
organization_id = 'organizationId'
collect['organization_id'] = organization_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 91.1258555022654
collect['timespan'] = timespan
per_page = 91
collect['per_page'] = per_page
starting_after = 'startingAfter'
collect['starting_after'] = starting_after
ending_before = 'endingBefore'
collect['ending_before'] = ending_before
url = 'url'
collect['url'] = url
result = webhook_logs_controller.get_organization_webhook_logs(collect)
An instance of the WirelessHealthController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
wireless_health_controller = client.wireless_health
Aggregated connectivity info for this network, grouped by clients
def get_network_clients_connection_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 91.1258555022654
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 91
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 91
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_clients_connection_stats(collect)
Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by clients
def get_network_clients_latency_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
fields | Optional |
Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of ["rawDistribution", "avg"]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 91.1258555022654
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 91
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 91
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
fields = 'fields'
collect['fields'] = fields
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_clients_latency_stats(collect)
Aggregated connectivity info for a given client on this network. Clients are identified by their MAC.
def get_network_client_connection_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 91.1258555022654
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 91
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 91
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_client_connection_stats(collect)
Aggregated latency info for a given client on this network. Clients are identified by their MAC.
def get_network_client_latency_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
clientId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
fields | Optional |
Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of ["rawDistribution", "avg"]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 91.1258555022654
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 91
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 91
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
fields = 'fields'
collect['fields'] = fields
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_client_latency_stats(collect)
Aggregated connectivity info for this network
def get_network_connection_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 91.1258555022654
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 91
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 91
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_connection_stats(collect)
Aggregated connectivity info for this network, grouped by node
def get_network_devices_connection_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 91.1258555022654
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 91
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 91
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_devices_connection_stats(collect)
Aggregated latency info for this network, grouped by node
def get_network_devices_latency_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
fields | Optional |
Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of ["rawDistribution", "avg"]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 49.4026822756988
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 49
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 49
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
fields = 'fields'
collect['fields'] = fields
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_devices_latency_stats(collect)
Aggregated connectivity info for a given AP on this network
def get_network_device_connection_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 49.4026822756988
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 49
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 49
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_device_connection_stats(collect)
Aggregated latency info for a given AP on this network
def get_network_device_latency_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
serial | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
fields | Optional |
Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of ["rawDistribution", "avg"]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 49.4026822756988
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 49
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 49
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
fields = 'fields'
collect['fields'] = fields
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_device_latency_stats(collect)
List of all failed client connection events on this network in a given time range
def get_network_failed_connections(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
serial | Optional |
Filter by AP |
clientId | Optional |
Filter by client MAC |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 49.4026822756988
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 49
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 49
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
serial = 'serial'
collect['serial'] = serial
client_id = 'clientId'
collect['client_id'] = client_id
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_failed_connections(collect)
Aggregated latency info for this network
def get_network_latency_stats(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
t0 | Optional |
The beginning of the timespan for the data. The maximum lookback period is 180 days from today. |
t1 | Optional |
The end of the timespan for the data. t1 can be a maximum of 7 days after t0. |
timespan | Optional |
The timespan for which the information will be fetched. If specifying timespan, do not specify parameters t0 and t1. The value must be in seconds and be less than or equal to 7 days. |
ssid | Optional |
Filter results by SSID |
vlan | Optional |
Filter results by VLAN |
apTag | Optional |
Filter results by AP Tag |
fields | Optional |
Partial selection: If present, this call will return only the selected fields of ["rawDistribution", "avg"]. All fields will be returned by default. Selected fields must be entered as a comma separated string. |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
t_0 = 't0'
collect['t_0'] = t_0
t_1 = 't1'
collect['t_1'] = t_1
timespan = 49.4026822756988
collect['timespan'] = timespan
ssid = 49
collect['ssid'] = ssid
vlan = 49
collect['vlan'] = vlan
ap_tag = 'apTag'
collect['ap_tag'] = ap_tag
fields = 'fields'
collect['fields'] = fields
result = wireless_health_controller.get_network_latency_stats(collect)
An instance of the WirelessSettingsController
class can be accessed from the API Client.
wireless_settings_controller = client.wireless_settings
Return the wireless settings for a network
def get_network_wireless_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
network_id = 'networkId'
result = wireless_settings_controller.get_network_wireless_settings(network_id)
Update the wireless settings for a network
def update_network_wireless_settings(self,
Parameter | Tags | Description |
networkId | Required |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
updateNetworkWirelessSettings | Optional |
TODO: Add a parameter description |
collect = {}
network_id = 'networkId'
collect['network_id'] = network_id
update_network_wireless_settings = UpdateNetworkWirelessSettingsModel()
collect['update_network_wireless_settings'] = update_network_wireless_settings
result = wireless_settings_controller.update_network_wireless_settings(collect)