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A Movie Database Management System implemented in C++

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Movie Database Management System


This project implements a specialized dictionary for managing user-specific data on watched films. The primary data structure utilized is a trie, comprising binary trees, to efficiently organize user IDs. Each user ID in the trie points to a Binary Search Tree (BST), which stores the watched movies associated with that user. The project is structured in two phases: the Trie manages user IDs, and the BSTs associated with each Trie node store the watched movies for individual users.

Specialized Two-Phase Structure

The project follows a specialized two-phase structure:

  1. Trie Phase: Manages and organizes user IDs efficiently.
  2. BST Phase: Organizes and retrieves watched movies for individual users.

Trie Class


Represents a node in the trie with an array of children, a character (keyChar), a flag for the end of a key (isEndOfKey), and a pointer to associated data (data). Supports up to 128 children to accommodate alphanumeric characters.

Trie Methods

  1. Trie(): Initializes a new trie with a root node.
  2. ~Trie(): Destructor for proper memory cleanup.
  3. void findStartingWith(std::string prefix, std::vector<T*> &results): Efficient search for keys starting with a specified prefix.
  4. void wildcardSearch(const std::string &wildcardKey, std::vector<T*> &results): Search for keys matching a wildcard pattern.
  5. T* search(std::string username): Searches for a specific key (username) in the trie.
  6. Trie &insert(const string &username): Inserts a new key (username) into the trie.
  7. void remove(std::string username): Removes a specific key (username) from the trie.
  8. void print(const std::string &primaryKey): Prints the entire trie or specific keys.
  9. void deleteTrieNode(TrieNode* node): Recursive function for proper memory cleanup.

BST Class


Represents a node in the Binary Search Tree (BST) with a key, associated data, and pointers to left and right child nodes.

BST Methods

  1. BST(): Default constructor.
  2. ~BST(): Destructor for resource cleanup.
  3. TreeNode* getRoot(): Returns a pointer to the root node.
  4. bool isEmpty(): Checks if the tree is empty.
  5. BST& insert(const std::string key, const T& value): Inserts a new node with key and value.
  6. bool search(std::string key) const: Searches for a node with a specified key.
  7. void remove(std::string key): Removes a node with a specified key.
  8. BST<T>* merge(BST<T>* bst): Merges nodes from two BSTs into a new BST.
  9. BST<T>* intersection(BST<T>* bst): Creates a new BST representing the intersection of two BSTs.
  10. std::vector<TreeNode> tree2vector(TreeNode* root): Converts BST nodes into a vector.
  11. void print(): Displays the tree nodes hierarchically.

Movie Class

Represents a movie with attributes such as movie name, year, and rating.

Movie Methods

  1. Movie(): Default constructor, initializes with default values.
  2. Movie(std::string movieName, int year, float rating): Constructor with provided values.
  3. Movie(const Movie& movie): Copy constructor for creating a new Movie object from an existing one.
  4. std::string getMovieName() const: Getter for movie name.
  5. int getYear() const: Getter for movie year.
  6. float getRating() const: Getter for movie rating.
  7. bool operator==(const Movie &obj): Equality comparison for movies.

User Class

Represents a user with a username and a Binary Search Tree (BST) to store watched movies.

User Methods

  1. User(): Default constructor, initializes with an empty username and an empty BST for movies.
  2. User(std::string username): Constructor with a provided username, initializes with an empty BST for movies.
  3. std::string getUsername(): Getter for the username.
  4. BST<Movie>* getMovies(): Getter for the BST storing watched movies.
  5. void addMovie(std::string movieName, Movie movie): Adds a movie to the user's collection.
  6. void removeMovie(Movie movie): Removes a movie from the user's collection.
  7. void searchMovie(Movie movie): Searches for a movie in the user's collection.
  8. void printMovies(): Prints the movies in the user's collection.
  9. BST<Movie>* merge(BST<Movie> bst): Merges movies with another BST into a new BST.
  10. BST<Movie>* intersection(BST<Movie> bst): Calculates the intersection of movies with another BST.

UserInterface Class And Usage

Manages user interactions and provides methods to add/remove users, add/remove watched movies, find users, and more.

UserInterface Methods

  1. void addUser(std::string username): Inserts a new user with the given username into the trie data structure.
`UserInterface ui; ui.addUser("alice_smith");`
  1. void removeUser(std::string username): Removes a user with a given username from the collection.
  1. void addWatchedMovie(std::string username, Movie movie): Adds a watched movie to a user identified by the given username.
`ui.addWatchedMovie("alice_smith", watchedMovie);`
  1. void removeWatchedMovie(std::string username, Movie movie): Removes a specified movie from a user's watched list.
ui.removeWatchedMovie("alice_smith", movieToRemove);
  1. User* findUser(std::string username): Locates and returns a User object based on a specified username.
User* requestedUser = ui.findUsersStartingWith("al");`
  1. BST<Movie>* getWatchedMovies(std::string username): Returns a BST containing the movies watched by a user.
BST<Movie>* watchedMovies = ui.getWatchedMovies("alice_smith");
  1. BST<Movie>* mergeWatchedMovies(std::string username1, std::string username2): Merges movies of two users into a new BST.
BST<Movie>* mergedMovies = ui.mergeWatchedMovies("alice_smith", "bob_jones");
  1. BST<Movie>* intersectionWatchedMovies(std::string username1, std::string username2): Calculates the intersection of watched movies between two users.
BST<Movie>* intersectionMovies = ui.intersectionWatchedMovies("alice_smith", "bob_jones");
  1. std::vector<User> findUsersStartingWith(std::string prefix): Searches for users with usernames starting with a specified prefix.
  2. std::vector<User> findUsersContains(std::string infix): Locates users with usernames containing a specified infix.
  3. std::vector<User> findUsersEndingWith(std::string suffix): Locates users with usernames ending in a specified suffix.
// Prefix Search
std::vector<User> foundUsersPrefix = ui.findUsersStartingWith("al");

// Infix Search
std::vector<User> foundUsersInfix = ui.findUsersContains("ice")

// Suffix Search
std::vector<User> foundUsersSuffix = ui.findUsersEndingWith("smith")
  1. void printUsers(): Prints details of all users managed by the collection.
  1. void printWatchedMovies(std::string username): Displays the watched movies of a specific user identified by their username.


A Movie Database Management System implemented in C++






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