This project is based on the mesos-framework-boilerplate project. It was customized to to create a Apache Flink HA cluster, consisting of 3 JobManagers and initially 2 TaskManagers.
You can specify the following environment variables:
: The ZooKeeper URL for the Mesos cluster (e.g.,,
: The amount of memory the TaskManagers should be able to use (in MB). The default is1536
: The log level,
. The default isinfo
: The name of the cluster, which will be appended to the framework name.
You can launch the scheduler like this:
"id": "/flink-framework",
"container": {
"docker": {
"image": "mesoshq/flink-framework:1.1.3",
"network": "HOST",
"forcePullImage": true
"type": "DOCKER"
"cpus": 0.5,
"mem": 256,
"instances": 1,
"healthChecks": [
"path": "/health",
"protocol": "HTTP",
"gracePeriodSeconds": 30,
"intervalSeconds": 10,
"timeoutSeconds": 20,
"maxConsecutiveFailures": 3,
"ignoreHttp1xx": false,
"portIndex": 0
"ports": [0],
"env": {
"ZK_URL": ",,",
"LOG_LEVEL": "debug"
The scheduler UI can be accessed through the Mesos Master UI's frameworks tab. The TaskManagers can be scaled via this scheduler UI.