The European General Data Protection Regulation recommends to set up a registry to capture for each dataset containing sensitive personal data details about the treatment of the dataset. This profile extends the ISO 19139 schema to facilitate to capture typical GDPR metadata elements, that do not fit in any of the ISO 19139 fields.
Use GeoNetwork 4.2.
The best approach is to add the plugin as a submodule:
Use for automatic deployment:
./ iso19139.gdpr 4.2.x
Build the application:
mvn clean install -Penv-prod -DskipTests
Once the application is built, the war file contains the schema plugin:
cd web mvn jetty:run -Penv-dev
After building the application, it's possible to deploy the schema plugin manually in an existing GeoNetwork installation:
Copy the content of the folder schemas/iso19139.gdpr/src/main/plugin to INSTALL_DIR/geonetwork/WEB-INF/data/config/schema_plugins/iso19139.gdpr
Copy the jar file schemas/iso19139.gdpr/target/schema-iso19139.gdpr-4.2.2-SNAPSHOT.jar to INSTALL_DIR/geonetwork/WEB-INF/lib.
If there's no changes to the profile Java code or the configuration (config-spring-geonetwork.xml), the jar file is not required to be deployed each time.