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Connor Turland edited this page Apr 29, 2015 · 25 revisions

value proposition (in evolution of course)

discover and connect with people with similar intentions.

target audience

people wanting to shift from personal intent to collective intent to collective action

what do we think we can offer?

  • discoverability through serendipity: an "open space" for self-organization
  • facilitating the trust/productivity possible through face-to-face connection (in a generative context)
  • pre-existing connectivity tools in a new context
  • a community of progressive minds

where can we rely on and integrate other existing technologies and functionalities?

  • webrtc for video (P2P)
  • for 3D environment
  • firebase for data persistence / realtime data sync
  • twitter/G+/openID for identity/auth

someone who might use Junto

Jonathan. 27. Feeling the futility of traditional political action. Cares deeply about state of the world. Is a "closet activist"... has trouble finding situations in his community where he can express the level of his care for what happens in the world, or explore his ideas and passion for solutions with others, but maintains an "inner world" of compassion and ideas. Is "ready for action". He would take to the streets in a heartbeat if he thought it would lead to change. Less interested in protest, than co-creation.

Jane. 45. Has over 100 'thin connections' to other changemakers built in shared online spaces over the years. Has ceased to see the returns in divergent, text-based conversational threads that happen online, and would like to be collaborating with other changemakers instead, even if that just means transferring the learning happening "here" to "there", and touching base occasionally to understand what's happening in different places, and how her activities fit in to that. Finding small, yet valuable intersections with changemakers in other fields.

how activities relate to feelings

  • seeing faces -> feeling motivated, increasingly trusted and trusting (reassured) ((style: drop in))
  • meeting someone new who has similar intentions -> feeling excited ((style: drop in))
  • using face-to-face to work on deliverables / actionable things together -> feeling empowered ((style: scheduled))

launch ideas

  • Invite some scheduled conversations, and publicly announce them, and have people participate in the backchannel