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Connor Turland edited this page Apr 20, 2015 · 25 revisions

Let's take these and turn them into discrete, actionable, issues.

  • make rooms url addressable
  • storing the history of who joined and left the room
  • storing the topic history
  • putting the history of the room inline with the chat?
  • handling when a user doesn't sign in
  • disabling certain view modes that can still be accessed by pressing spacebar
  • implement video controls for muting audio and/or video
  • optimize streaming, and video quality as much as possible
  • fix "a public channel" on welcome popup to "a public backchannel"
  • Make messages div always be showing the latest messages, not the oldest
  • When the messages panel is closed, show a little number with number of unread messages
  • When a message gets sent within a room, make the small surface pulse/lightup somehow
  • if mobile, use firebaseAuthWithRedirect, not Popup
  • twitter feed on back of rooms
  • Embedding metamaps
  • Letting someone set the map by id
  • Letting someone set the hashtag for the room
  • Change tweeeeetss in the tweet box
  • Allow sign in with Google+

Other ideas

  • being able to invite someone into a room, attract their attention in the 'global' space
  • being able to "book" a room for a certain time
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