This repo is created as a metu_gui_v2 package by Yusuf Onat Yılmaz.
Download this repo in to your workspace/src. Please do not commit to main branch without informing the admin. However, feel free to create new branch anytime you want.
Final folder structure should be like below:
- workspace
- ...
- build/
- src/
- metu_gui_v2/
- metu_gui_v2/
- package.xml
- ...
- ....
- metu_gui_v2/
In order to start the gui run the following commands in different terminals. Make sure that workspace is builded and sourced correctly.
ros2 run metu_gui_v2 talker
ros2 run metu_gui_v2 listener
Please contact the admin:
- If you still can't open the GUI.
- If you didn't understand the code.
- Things you have tried from stackoverflow are not working.
- In case of emergency.
- Launching executors will be searched.
- Callback_groups will be searched.
- Try publishing the PC camera view and subscribe it.
- Correct usage of Mixins will be searched.
- Create a virtual environment and create requirements.txt accordingly.
- Grey color theme is set.
- Launch file will be written.
- Update inplace in matplotlib graphs will be implemented.
- Give graphs proper names.
- Comment on the codes.
- ...
- camera_input : To be implemented.
- general_input : ros node for subscribing general input.
- initiator : Class for initiating ros nodes, default ui configurations, QThreads.
- ros_reciever_thread : QThread that initialize and spins the ros nodes.
- ros_test_message : Sends a test data from a ros node.
- rover_gui : Class that unifies all the operations (ui, ros ...).
- science_input : ros node for subscribing science input.
- ui : UI file generated from QT designer.