Cross-platform console application written in Node.js to automate downloading/unzipping of GeoNames worldwide geographical database dumps and importing them to database of choice (MySQL is supported at the moment).
(some large files were omitted)
git clone
- From app's folder install node modules:
npm i
to adjust configuration, if needed (see below). -
Start MySQL instance (wait for it to load):
npm run mysql
- Run application in another terminal window:
npm start
To automatically run additional SQL queries after import, please refer to file:
Edit src/config.js
to adjust app's configuration:
// base URL do download files from
baseUrl: "",
// list of file paths to download (relative to 'baseUrl')
dataFilePaths: [...],
// directory where files will be downloaded
localDownloadDir: "download",
// local directory with files missing on remote server
localDataFilesDir: "assets/data",
// db queries to create, import or drop data
localDbAssetsDir: "assets/db",
// currently selected db type to import data to
dbType: "mysql",
// settings for MySQL db
mysql: {
// connection params; please see complete list of options here:
connection: {...},
// db name to import data to
databaseName: "geonames",
// set to true to overwrite already downloaded files
forceDownloading: false,
// action to perform if DB already exists:
// - ClearDbAction.None: error will be raised if db exists
// - ClearDbAction.Drop: db will be dropped before import
// - ClearDbAction.Truncate: all db tables will be truncated
actionIfDbExists: ClearDbAction.None,
- GeoNames-MySQL-DataImport for basic SQL scripts;
- node-status-bar for great status bar on long-running operations.