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tin edited this page Apr 1, 2015 · 6 revisions

I'm really pleased to announce the first beta release of Waliki (v0.4.2), an extensible wiki engine powered by Django and Git.

At a glance, Waliki has these features:

  • File based content storage.
  • UI based on Bootstrap and CodeMirror
  • Version control and concurrent edition for your content using git
  • An extensible architecture with plugins
  • reStructuredText or Markdown support, configurable per page (and it's easy to add extensions)
  • A very simple per slug ACL system
  • A nice attachments manager (that respects the page permissions)
  • Realtime collaborative edition via togetherJS
  • Wiki content embeddable in any django template (as a "dummy CMS")
  • Few helpers to migrate content (particularly from MoinMoin, using moin2git)
  • It works with Python 2.7, 3.3, 3.4 or PyPy in Django 1.5 or newer (including 1.8b1)

It's easy to create a site powered by Waliki using the preconfigured project which is the same code that motorize the demo:

But also, Waliki works as a pluggable app, being easy to integrate it in your current django site. As an example, check the new Python Argentina Community's site. See the docs to see how to start.

Waliki was inspired in Github's wikis, but it tries to be a bit smarter than many others git backed wiki engines at handling changes: instead of a hard "newer wins" or "page blocking" approaches, Waliki uses git's merge facilities on each save. So, if there was another change during an edition and git can merge them automatically, it's done and the user is notified. If the merge fails, the last edition is still saved but the editor is reloaded asking the user to fix the conflict.

I'll really appreciate your feedback and help in any way.

Best regards,

Martín Gaitán (@tin_nqn_)


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