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A Configurable and Context Driven Project 1999 Log Parser with NCurses Interface for Linux


Best used with a launch script which maintains reasonable log file size




# Download
$ pipx install eqalert

# Start eqalert
$ eqalert



# Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd eqalert

# Build
$ docker compose build

# Start eqalert
$ docker compose run eqalert

Local Development

Build & Test

# Install poetry
$ pipx install poetry==1.7.1

# Clone the repository
$ git clone
$ cd eqalert

# Install playsound
$ ./scripts/

# Retrieve dependencies
$ poetry update
$ poetry install

# Build
$ poetry build

# Start eqalert
$ poetry run eqalert

Note: If running through docker after installing and running on your host, update or regenerate ~/.eqa/config/settings.json to reflect local container paths in /home/eqalert

Getting Started

Start things up

$ eqalert

You should now see ~/.eqa/ with the following structure

        ⎿ config/
          ⎿ line-alerts/
        ⎿ data/
          ⎿ encounters/
          ⎿ timers/
        ⎿ log/
          ⎿ debug/
        ⎿ sound/

Note: Some folders or files may only be created after enabling certain settings

Spot check these default paths generated in config/settings.json

  "settings": {
    "paths": {
      "eqalert_log": "[$HOME/.eqa/]log/",
      "data": "[$HOME/.eqa/]data/",
      "everquest_logs": "[$HOME]/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Sony/EverQuest/Logs/",
      "everquest_files": "[$HOME]/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Sony/EverQuest/",
      "sound": "[$HOME/.eqa/]sound/",
      "tmp_sound": "/tmp/eqa/sound/"

Press 0 to reload your configs or restart the program if any changes were made. Though generally, it's a good idea to stop eqalert before manually editing your config files.

If you Run Into Start-up Issues

  • Please first review the README documentation and try a few trouble shooting steps:
    • Delete settings and regenerate them
    • Try manual configuration changes
    • Worst case, try generating a config in an earlier eqalert version
  • For direct support:
    • Create a thread in discussions - this way your issue can be tagged and tracked accordingly!


Spell Timers

EQ Alert will generate a file for spell timers in data/spell-timers.json by default by parsing spells_us.txt in your EverQuest directory.

This file will only regenerate if it is missing, malformed, or a newer spells_us.txt file is present.

Spell Casters

EQ Alert will generate/overwrite data/spell-casters.json each version. This file contains which classes can cast a given buff which timers should be made for.

Spell Lines

Many spells cast in EverQuest share the same log output lines. EQ Alert will generate/overwrite data/spell-lines.json each version as a mapping of which possible spells a given output line could be associated to.

Spell Items

EQ Alert will generate/overwrite data/spell-items.json each version as a mapping of which items a given spell could be cast by.


EQ Alert uses in-game /who output to keep an up-to-date list of each seen players class, level, and guild organized by server in data/players.json for alerting spell duration.

Saved Timers

If the active character is changed or EQ Alert is stopped, all active timers are saved to a file in data/timers/ by the previously active character and server name. This file is consumed when the parser sets that character as active again, adding all non-expired timers back to the timer list.


When encounter parse saving is enabled, complete encounter reports are saved under data/encounters/[zone_name]/[date]/ as the time stamp of the encounter and the encounter target.


Keyboard Controls


  • 0 : Reload config
  • 1 : Events
  • 2 : State
  • 3 : Parse
  • 4 : Settings
  • q / esc : Quit
  • h : Help pop-up
  • t : Timers pop-up


  • c : Clear event box
  • d : Toggle debug mode
  • e : Toggle encounter parsing
  • m : Toggle global audio mute
  • p : Toggle encounter parse save
  • r : Toggle raid mode
  • y : Toggle automatic mob respawn timers


  • up : Up in selection
  • down : Down in selection
  • right : Selection options
  • left : Selection options
  • space : Select
  • enter : Select
  • tab : Cycle category

Note: WASD or arrow keys will work

Settings & Options

Settings and options can be modified in config/settings.json

  • auto mob timer: Create timer events after gaining experience for a duration based on the zone you are in
  • auto mob timer delay: Set a delay for the auto mob timer notification n seconds before the actual event
  • character mention alert: if enabled, speak any chat received line containing the active players name
  • consider eval: Speak "safe" or "danger" based on consider output
  • debug mode: Slows down parser performance and produces lots of file output
  • detect character: Automatically set parser to listen to the most recently active eqlog
  • encounter parsing: Parse encounter damage
  • encounter parsing auto save: Save verbose encounter parse results to a file
  • mute: Disable all text-to-speech output
  • persist player data: Save /who player output for spell timers
  • raid mode auto set: Auto-set raid context by zone
  • speech expand lingo: When speaking a line, replace common EQ abbreviations with complete words
  • speech gtts lang: The language (IETF language tag) to read the text in - gTTS documentation reference
  • speech gtts tld: Top-level domain for the Google Translate host - gTTS documentation reference
  • speech local tts enabled: If enabled, use the local TTS model to generate all speech. When disabled, use Google TTS - enabling this requires a restart to take effect
  • speech local tts model: Coqui TTS model to use. A few good ones can be found here, otherwise check the full documentation - changing this requires a restart to take effect
  • spell timer consolidate: When a spell timer expires consolidate timers for the same spell in the next 3 seconds to one alert
  • spell timer delay: Set a delay for all spell timer notifications n seconds before the actual event
  • spell timer filter by list: If enabled only create spell timers for spells in filter list
  • spell timer filter guild only: Filter all spell timer events so they are only for yourself or guild members
  • spell timer filter list: List of spells, when true, to filter timers to
  • spell timer filter yours only: Filter all spell timer events to be only spells you cast
  • spell timer guess: If there is moderate uncertainty in guessing a spell, go for it
  • spell timer other: Set spell timers for spells that land on other players
  • spell timer self: Set spell timers for spells that land on yourself
  • spell timer zone drift: If enabled add time between zoning to spell timers targetting yourself

Say Controls

You can control some parser settings using /say in-game. This is better suited for one monitor setups.


/say parser debug - Toggle debug mode

/say parser raid - Toggle raid mode


/say parser mute/unmute - Toggle global mute/unmute

/say parser mute/unmute alert - Toggle mute/unmute on all alert alerts.

/say parser mute clear - Clear all muted line types and players

Does not effect global mute

/say parser mute/unmute line - Mute all sound alerts from a type of line

/say parser mute/unmute line player - Mute all sound alerts of a given line type from a specific source

example: /say parser mute tell indef

/say parser mute/unmute speak - Toggle mute/unmute on all speak alerts.

example: /say parser mute engage


/say parser encounter - Toggle encounter parsing

/say parser encounter clear - Clear the encounter stack

/say parser encounter end - Sometimes, your logs don't catch an encounter end. Use this command to fix that!


/say parser metronome [seconds] - Set a tick/tock metronome with interval of [seconds]

/say parser metronome stop - Stop the metronome

/say parser timer [seconds] - Set a timer for [seconds], says "times up" when done

/say parser timer clear - Clear all timers

/say parser timer respawn - Create timers for the default current zone time after seeing an experience message. Timer response is "pop [zone name]"

/say parser timer respawn stop - Stop creating mob respawn timers automatically


/say parser consider - Toggle consider evaluation

/say parser hello - Hello

/say parser what context - Speak context state

/say parser what state - Speak everything in the state object

/say parser where - Where am I?

/say parser who [player_name] - Speaks player level, class, and guild if known

Custom Alerting

Modify ~/.eqa/config/line-alerts/*.json to customize alerts.

Due to how many line matches there are, the configuration for their reactions have been split into several json files under [$HOME/.eqa]/config/line-alerts/*.json

Anything matched by the parser not found in configuration is automatically added to [$HOME/.eqa]/config/line-alerts/other.json

Modify line_type values to customize alerts accordingly.

Line Types

Example configuration for a line type:

    "line_type_name": {
      "alert": {},
      "reaction": false,
      "sound": false

Reaction Values

  • "alert": Alert for matching strings in alert for the line type using the set sound
  • "all": Alert for all lines of a given line type using the set sound
  • false: Disable alerting for this line type
Context Driven
  • "afk": Alert only when afk
  • "group": Alert when in a group and raiding
  • "group_only": Alert only when grouped
  • "raid": Alert when in a raid
  • "solo": Alert when solo, grouped, and raiding
  • "solo_group_only": Alert only when not raiding
  • "solo_only": Alert only when solo

Alert Keys

"alert" can be populated with key value pairs. The key here is any string you would like an alert for within that line type.

Example 1

Alert for the word hey when someone else /says it:

    "say": {
      "alert": {
        "hey": true
      "reaction": "alert",
      "sound": "hey"
Example 2

Alert for the word run when someone else /says it and you are grouped or in a raid:

    "say": {
      "alert": {
        "run": "group"
      "reaction": "alert",
      "sound": "oh god run"
Example 4

Alert for a spell not taking hold only when grouped:

    "spell_not_hold": {
      "alert": {},
      "reaction": "group_only",
      "sound": true
Example 4

Alert for the item Hand Made Backpack when someone else /auctions it and is selling:

    "auction_wts": {
      "alert": {
        "Hand Made Backpack": true
      "reaction": "alert",
      "sound": "wow buy that"

More examples can be referenced in the default config

Alert Values

  • false: Disable alerting for the string (does not negate line type reactions)
  • true: Alert for the string
Context Driven
  • "afk": Alert only when afk
  • "group": Alert when in a group and raiding
  • "group_only": Alert only when grouped
  • "raid": Alert when in a raid
  • "solo": Alert when solo, grouped, and raiding
  • "solo_group_only": Alert only when not raiding
  • "solo_only": Alert only when solo

Sound Values

  • false: Play no sound when an alert is raised
  • true: When an alert is raised speak the entire line

Any other sound value (as a string) will be spoken as the audio trigger for that line type

The all Line Type

This line type behaves the same as any specific line type configuration, but configuration here will be used against all log lines.

For example, the below configuration will alert if the word help is found in any line while in a raid context, even if that line isn't matched to a type by the parser.

    "all": {
      "alert": {
        "help": raid
      "reaction": "alert",
      "sound": "help is needed"

This can be helpful if you would like to alert for something not yet matched by the parser, though your contribution to a new line type match in the parser would also be welcome!


Zone data is stored in config/zones.json


Whether or not this zone is considered indoors. Currently does nothing.


  • false: If enabled, auto-disable raid mode in this zone
  • true: If enabled, auto-enable raid mode in this zone


  • #: The value in seconds to set a timer for after defeating a mob

Note: No support for zones with multiple default timers, stick with the manual timer command for those for now. For zones with tiered default timers, the shortest timer was set as the default. You can change this value to be any number in seconds you prefer.