ZooSnatch is a passion project inspired by Netflix's BanderSnatch. Zoo Snatch is a Choose Your Own Adventure game that is built using Create React App and User Authentication. It's fun, it's relevant, it helped us learn how to implement different technologies, it is applicable to many different skill sets, and it's accessible and usable for anyone!
To view Zoo Snatch without downloading locally, browse the site hosted on Heroku by creating a username and password.
Users navigate to the Zoo Snatch site and are prompted to either log in or create a new username and password. [PHOTO]
Once logged in, users are routed to the Choose Character page. There, the user sees our three beloved characters, but if it is a user's first time playing, only the Giraffe will be unlocked! Unplayable storylines will be shown as caged animals. 😕 [PHOTO]
Depending on the character unlocked, the game begins and with multiple choices, obstacles, and possible demise, our user gains points to (hopefully) make it to the end and have the opportunity to unlock the next character to play whatever fate has in store! ✨
- React JS
- Express
- MongoDB Database
- Bootstrap
- Javascript