Model Citizen is an annotation based model factory for Java, inspired by FactoryGirl
A Model is mapped by a @Blueprint using annotated fields. Blueprints contain default values and references to other @Blueprinted models. The ModelFactory can create models based on registered blueprints. A model already created can be passed into the ModelFactory as a reference model, which will be used as the basis for the new Model.
A blueprint is a Class annotated with @Blueprint( Class ) and contains annotated fields. Everything else is ignored by the ModelFactory. Model Citizen own blueprints are a great example of how they work.
@Blueprint: Class annotation
- value: [Class] The target model class for this blueprint.
- template: [Class] The template use to construct and inject the model. Defaults to JavaBeanTemplate
@Default: The default value for the field.
- force: [boolean] Force the value of the Default to always be set, even if the target field already has a value. Default is false. This is useful for overriding primatives or Collections.
@Mapped: The value is mapped to another @Blueprint, default is the blueprint for matching field's Class. Mapped class can be set by the target param.
@MappedList: Creates a List of Models mapped to another blueprint.
- size: [int] Number of Models to be created by the ModelFactory and added to List, defaults to 1.
- target: [Class] The target Blueprint Class used to create Models
- targetList: [Class] The List created, defaults to ArrayList
- ignoreEmpty: [boolean] If true, do not create Models for an empty Set. Defaults to true.
- force: [boolean] Force the value of the MappedList to always be set, even if the target field already has a value. Default is false.
@MappedSet: Creates a Set of Models mapped to another blueprint.
- size: [int] Number of Models to be created by the ModelFactory and added to Set, defaults to 1.
- target: [Class] The target Blueprint Class used to create Models
- targetSet: [Class] The Set created, defaults to HashSet
- ignoreEmpty: [boolean] If true, do not create Models for an empty Set. Defaults to true.
- force: [boolean] Force the value of the MappedSet to always be set, even if the target field already has a value. Default is false.
@Nullable: Specifies this field can be null and not to set a value by the ModelFactory.
Callback fields can be used to inject values at the various stages of the model creation lifecycle:
ConstructorCallback: Use when constructing a new instance of the model, the model return by the callback is used by the ModelFactory. (example blueprint).
FieldCallback: Injects the return of the callback for the annotated field value (example blueprint).
AfterCreateCallback: Executed after the model has been constructed and all the fields are set (example blueprint).
A Blueprint will inherit the fields of its parent, except for ConstructorCallback
Presently only supports template for JavaBean Models. For annotations to work with the template, the model must follow the JavaBean getter and setters for fields.
Primitive fields are intialized as zero and
will never be null. This will cause the ModelFactory to think that a value has already been assigned to the model and
not assign one from the blueprint. To work around this, use the force=true
in the blueprint to force that value is always assigned from the blueprint, for example:
public class CarBlueprint {
float mileage = 100.1f;
Creates new instances of Models based on registered Blueprints. It is possible to register Blueprints by package.
A new instance is always constructed, unless specified by a Policy.
Example of creating a new ModelFactory and registering the CarBlueprint
ModelFactory modelFactory = new ModelFactory();
modelFactory.registerBlueprint( CarBlueprint.class );
A Model with a registered Blueprint can then be created by Class:
or by passing a Model directly with override values:
Car car = new Car();
car.setMake( "Truck" );
# create a new Model using blueprint defaults, but overriding the Make to be Truck.
car = modelFactory.createModel(car);
ModelFactory modelFactory = new ModelFactory();
modelFactory.registerBlueprint( CarBlueprint.class );
Car car = modelFactory.createModel(Car.class);
Car car = new Car()
car.setMake( "Caddie" );
car = modelFactory.createModel(car);
public class CarBlueprint {
String make = "car make";
String manufacturer = "car manufacturer";
Integer mileage = 100;
Map status = new HashMap();
public class Car {
private String make;
private String manufacturer;
private Integer mileage;
private Map status;
public String getMake() {
return make;
public void setMake(String make) {
this.make = make;
public String getManufacturer() {
return manufacturer;
public void setManufacturer(String manufacturer) {
this.manufacturer = manufacturer;
public Integer getMileage() {
return mileage;
public void setMileage(Integer mileage) {
this.milage = mileage;
public Map getStatus() {
return status;
public void setStatus(Map status) {
this.status = status;
Wiki of examples that includes Callbacks, Policies, and Package scanning for Blueprints.
There is an optional jar that provides additional support for Spring:
ModelFactory should work with Spring 3.x, so you can easily exclude ModelFactory's Spring depedency and use the existing one in your pom.
This provides a new class ModelFactoryBean and annotation @SpringBlueprint. When the ModelFactoryBean is registered with Spring, it allows the @SpringBlueprint
and models created by the ModelFactoryBean to be injected by Spring.
<bean id="modelFactory" class="com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen.spring.ModelFactoryBean" >
<property name="registerBlueprintsByPackage" value="com.tobedevoured.modelcitizen" />
public class SportsCarBlueprint {
SportsCarRepository sportsCarRepository;
Integer topSpeed = 100;
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.