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Project Setup Guide

Welcome to the React Starter repository! This guide will help you set up the project for development and provide details on scripts, tools, and conventions used in the repository. Follow the steps carefully to get started.


Ensure you have the following installed before proceeding:

  • Node.js: The project requires Node.js v20.11.0. You can use nvm to manage Node.js versions.
    nvm install
    nvm use
  • npm: Comes bundled with Node.js. Ensure it's up-to-date:
    npm install -g npm@latest
  • Git: Required for version control. Download Git if not already installed.


  1. Clone the Repository Open your terminal and clone the repository:

    git clone <repository-url>
    cd <repository-name>
  2. Install Dependencies Install all required dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Start the Development Server Run the following command to start the development server:

    npm run dev

    The app will be accessible at http://localhost:5173 by default (or another port if specified).

Project Scripts

Below are the common scripts available in the repository:

  • Development Server

    npm run dev

    Starts the Vite development server.

  • Build for Production

    npm run build

    Builds the project for production. Output files will be in the dist directory.

  • Preview Build

    npm run preview

    Serves the production build locally.

  • Linting

    npm run lint

    Runs ESLint to check for code issues.

  • Fix Linting Issues

    npm run lint:fix

    Attempts to automatically fix linting issues.

  • Prettier Check

    npm run prettier

    Checks for formatting issues.

  • Prettier Fix

    npm run prettier:fix

    Automatically fixes formatting issues.

  • Commit Changes

    npm run commit

    Launches an interactive prompt to structure your commit messages using commitizen.

  • Release Version

    npm run release

    Creates a new version of the project using standard-version.

Project Conventions

1. Code Style

  • The project follows Airbnb's ESLint rules with additional TypeScript support.
  • Formatting is handled by Prettier.

2. Git Commit Guidelines

  • This repository uses Commitizen for structured commit messages. Always use:
    npm run commit
  • Commit messages follow the Conventional Commits standard.

3. Lint-Staged

  • Pre-commit hooks are configured using Husky and lint-staged.
  • Code is automatically linted and formatted on each commit.


1. Vite

  • The project uses Vite as the build tool for faster development and optimized production builds.

2. TypeScript

  • TypeScript is used to ensure type safety across the project.

3. Husky

  • Husky is configured to run pre-commit and pre-push hooks for linting and testing.

4. Semantic Release

  • Used for automated versioning and changelog generation.


  1. Node.js Version Issues

    • Use the correct Node.js version by running:
      nvm use
  2. Port Already in Use

    • If the default port is busy, Vite will use the next available port. Check the terminal output for the exact URL.
  3. Dependency Issues

    • Run the following to ensure a clean install:
      rm -rf node_modules package-lock.json
      npm install

Development Workflow

  1. Pull the Latest Changes Before starting your work, always pull the latest changes:

    git pull origin main
  2. Create a New Branch Use a meaningful name for your branch:

    git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name
  3. Make Commits Use npm run commit to ensure commit messages follow the standard.

  4. Push Changes Push your branch to the remote repository:

    git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  5. Open a Pull Request Create a pull request for review.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Write clean, modular, and reusable code.
  • Ensure all tests pass before pushing changes.
  • Adhere to the commit message guidelines.