- Herwig7 tutorial at CERN 06 to 07 October 2016
- Table of Contents
- Provide Herwig7 for the CMS persons participating in the tutorial
- Collection of material required for the CMS-specific tutorial
- Unfortunately, the Herwig7 package and the Herwig7 interface which will be implemented in CMSSW 8_1_X are not fully usuable among others due to the fact that no official candidate CMSSW 8_1_X version was released.
- Therefore, a working Herwig7 installation was setup on LXPLUS using the CMSSW 7_1_X branch which can be used by the participants.
- In this way participants can use all parts of the generator chain configuration.
- Log on to LXPLUS
ssh USERNAME@lxplus.cern.ch
- Setup CMSSW 7_1_25_patch using the GCC481 architecture (only needed once)
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc481
scram project CMSSW_7_1_25_patch1
Do not forget to setup CMSSW environment properly each time (CMSENV!)
cd CMSSW_7_1_25_patch1/src cmsenv
Clone the CMSW71X branch in your CMSSW/src folder (only needed once)
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src git clone -b CMSSW71X https://github.com/mharrend/herwig7tutorial.git .
Note: The dot is important and your CMSSW/src folder should be empty
Make a git pull to update everything in Git repository
git pull
Setup necessary changes to make use of local Herwig7 installation
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src source herwig7-env.sh
- Note: Steps 1, 3, 6 you have to do everytime / in every new terminal! Steps
export SCRAM_ARCH=slc6_amd64_gcc481
scram project CMSSW_7_1_25_patch1
cd CMSSW_7_1_25_patch1/src
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone -b CMSSW71X https://github.com/mharrend/herwig7tutorial.git .
git pull
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
source herwig7-env.sh
cd CMSSW_7_1_25_patch1/src
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git pull
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
source herwig7-env.sh
You can use the provided Herwig7 input files to test your setup
Choose one of the following input files
- LEP.in Simple example of e+ e- collision
- LHC.in Example of p p collision
- LHC-Matchbox.in Example of the use of the Matchbox framework (Requires quite some time!)
You can start the test via
- Reading the input file and producing a run file
Herwig read INPUTFILE.in
- Starting Herwig7 using the run file
Herwig run RUNFILE.run
Note: You have to give the name of the run file (.run extension)
- We will now setup an adopted version of the old CMSSW ThePEG interface which works together with Herwig7 and provides the old Herwig++ 2.7.1 functionality.
- Since the usage of the new Herwig7 interface will be quite similar to the ThePEG interface it makes sense to get comfortable with the ThePEG interface first.
- By the way, this is an easy and straightforward way to do comparison studies between the old ThePEG+Herwig++ interface and the adopted ThePEG+Herwig7 interface.
Do not forget to setup CMSSW environment properly each time (CMSENV!)
cd CMSSW_7_1_25_patch1/src cmsenv
Make sure that you have cloned this repository in your CMSSW/src folder, otherwise type (once)
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
git clone -b CMSSW71X https://github.com/mharrend/herwig7tutorial.git .
Note: The src folder must be empty before cloning.
- Confirm that you have the most recent version of the repository by
git pull
- Check that you have set the Herwig7 local installation and corresponding environment via
cd $CMSSW_BASE/src
source herwig7-env.sh
- Make sure that your scram setup is working properly
scram setup thepeg
Note: Your THEPEG_BASE variable should point to /afs/cern.ch/work/m/mharrend/public/herwig7tutorial-71X/thepeg-install
scram setup herwigpp
Note: Your HERWIGPP_BASE variable should point to /afs/cern.ch/work/m/mharrend/public/herwig7tutorial-71X/herwig7-install
- Reset your scram build cache
scram b clean
Build ThePEG interface via scram build
scram build
Test if the ThePEG interface is working using a provided cmsRun config file
cmsRun Herwigpp_TestProcess_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py
Note: After roughly 5 minutes you should have produced 5 ttH events at GenSim level using Herwig7.
You should have now a working version of Herwig7 and the ThePEG interface.
Please always remember that you have to do CMSENV and to source the herwig7 environment via
cd CMSSW_7_1_25_patch1/src cmsenv source herwig7-env.sh
if you have started a new terminal.
If not already done, run the first test job via
cmsRun Herwigpp_TestProcess_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py
This job will produce 5 ttH events at GenSim level using the built-in matrix elements of Herwig7.
The output events will be stored in a CMSSW root file called TestProcess.root.
Open the cmsRun config file Herwigpp_TestProcess_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py to take a closer look what goes on under the hood.
Line 5:
# with command line options: Herwigpp_DummyProcess_cff.py --fileout file:DummyProcess.root --mc --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --beamspot Realistic50ns13TeVCollision --step GEN,SIM --magField 38T_PostLS1 --no_exec -n 5
The cmsDriver.py command was invoked with these arguments to produce the cmsRun config file. You should remember and save this line, since we will adopt and use it quite often in the next few tutorial exercises.
- Line 26f.:
process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
input = cms.untracked.int32(5)
Here, we define the number of events we would like to generate. Compare this with line 97, we instruct Herwig to generate an awful amount of events (100M) but CMSSW stops the Herwig7 event generation as soon as the requested event number is reached.
- Line 31:
process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
We make use of an empty source, since Herwig7 / ThePEG is implemented as an EDFilter and generates the events during the EDFilter step.
- Line 50:
fileName = cms.untracked.string('file:TestProcess.root'),
The name of the resulting CMSSW output file.
- Line 67:
process.generator = cms.EDFilter("ThePEGGeneratorFilter",
The start of the Herwig7 / ThePEG configuration. One cannot document everything here, but I will try to outline the major parts.
- Line 68f.:
hwpp_cmsDefaults = cms.vstring('+hwpp_basicSetup',
Using the CMSSW config syntax, we define some basic instructions for Herwig7 in the kind of two variable-length strings hwpp_basicSetup and hwpp_setParticlesStableForDetector. These two strings are defined below.
- Line 70 and line 93:
run = cms.string('LHC'),
generatorModule = cms.string('/Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator'),
This name is given to the event generator. Furthermore, we point Herwig to the generator module which should be used as a template for the event generator.
- Line 98:
'set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:DebugLevel 2',
Sometimes it is useful to increase the verbosity of the event generation. Please make sure that you do comment out or remove the following line (if existing)
'set /Herwig/Generators/LHCGenerator:UseStdout 0',
so that Herwig7 does not suppress the output.
- Line 137ff:
parameterSets = cms.vstring('hwpp_cmsDefaults',
Here, we define which parts of the config snippets are really used for the event generation. Please note that we can define more snippets in the config above, but only snippets listed here or recursively included will be used as input configuration for the Herwig7 event generator.
- Line 143:
dummyprocess = cms.vstring('insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEPP2ttbarH')
This is the definition of our hard subprocess. We define the use of internal matrix elements of the pp > ttH process for the event generation.
The usual workflow in CMSSW is to start with a config fragment which is then converted by the cmsDriver.py command into a cmsRun config file.
We will start with a basic config fragment for Herwig7 / ThePEG and will create a cmsRun config file before we are producing some events.
Please take a look at the Herwigpp_DummyProcess_cff.py file.
You should observe that the config fragment is fairly manageable.
In the first few lines
from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppDefaults_cfi import *
from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppUE_EE_5C_cfi import *
from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppPDF_CTEQ6_LO_cfi import *
from Configuration.Generator.HerwigppEnergy_13TeV_cfi import *
config snippets -- which are defined as python blocks -- are imported. The config fragments can be found here: https://github.com/cms-sw/cmssw/tree/CMSSW_8_1_X/Configuration/Generator/python
- Afterwards the corresponding blocks
are occuring in the EDFilter part. In this way, the content of the python blocks is later added as config snippets to the EDFilter section of the cmsRun config file. During the cmsDriver.py command these blocks will be replaced by their content.
- Please remember that only config snippets either directly mentioned in the parameterSets part or indirectly referenced by a mother snippet
parameterSets = cms.vstring(
will be later used as input configuration for the Herwig7 event generation.
- Please checkout also the definition of the dummy process
dummyprocess = cms.vstring(
'insert /Herwig/MatrixElements/SimpleQCD:MatrixElements[0] /Herwig/MatrixElements/MEPP2ttbarH',
and try to memorize the path stated by the insert command. We will make use of these path in the next tutorial.
- We will now generate a cmsRun config file by using the cmsDriver.py command.
- In principle, we will use the same options as given in line 5 of the Herwigpp_TestProcess_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py file.
- Please type
cmsDriver.py Herwigpp_DummyProcess_cff.py --fileout file:DummyProcess.root --mc --eventcontent RAWSIM --customise SLHCUpgradeSimulations/Configuration/postLS1Customs.customisePostLS1,Configuration/DataProcessing/Utils.addMonitoring --datatier GEN-SIM --conditions MCRUN2_71_V1::All --beamspot Realistic50ns13TeVCollision --step GEN,SIM --magField 38T_PostLS1 --no_exec -n 5
Many of these commandline options are only of little interest in this scope. But please note:
--fileout The name of the resulting CMSSW root file containing the GenSim events.
--mc Telling cmsDriver that we will handle MC events
--datatier and --step Defining which kind of steps will be done and which kind of format the output will be.
-n The number of events we would like to produce.
You should have now created a file called Herwigpp_DummyProcess_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py
Please have a look on this file.
You should observe that it is rather similar to the file from Tut1.
Furthermore, you should take notice that the blocks have gotten replaced by their contents.
Start the event generation by typing
cmsRun Herwigpp_DummyProcess_cff_py_GEN_SIM.py
- Note: In the following parts you will slightly adjust the config fragment and you will have to repeat these steps then.
So far, we have generated pp > ttH events.
We will use some kind of trick to find out which internal matrix elements are contained in Herwig7.
Afterwards, we will change the hard subprocess by using another kind of matrix element process.
First we want to access the Herwig7 repository which contains many information of possible Herwig7 configuration options.
On the command line type
Herwig read
- You should now have a command line with
at the beginning. This means you have access to the internal default Herwig7 repository (database).
- Check the commands which are available for your use by typing
Herwig> help all
- Since we are interested in the available matrix elements, let us navigate to them
Herwig> cd /Herwig/MatrixElements
Note: That you could have know this path since it was also used in the dummy process part of the previous tutorial.
- Let us checkout which kind of matrix elements available:
Herwig> ls
E.g. we could change to the PowhegMEPP2VV matrix element.
Leave the Herwig read mode by typing CTRL+D.
Let us try to run the PowhegMEPP2VV matrix element process now.
Navigate to the Configuration/Generator/python directory.
Copy the Herwigpp_DummyProcess_cff.py and change the dummy process part.
Afterwards run the cmsDriver.py command on it.