Software developer with expertise in Android application development. Have experience of designing and implementing scalable apps with over 1M downloads from scratch. Have experience of leading and mentoring a team of mobile developers.
- Kotlin, Java
- Views, Jetpack Compose
- Material Design
- Modern Android Development | MAD
- Architecture Components | LifeCycle, ViewModel, LiveData, DataBinding, Room, Navigation, Paging, WorkManager
- Flows, Coroutines, RxJava, RxKotlin
- MVVM, MVP, MVI, VIPER, Modular
- DI, Dagger2, Hilt, Koin
- Animations, MotionLayout, Lottie
- Kotlin Extensions (Ktx)
- 3rd Party Libraries (Agora SDK, Agora RTM, Agora RTC, Faceunity SDK, Retrofit, Moshi, Gson, Glide, Picasso, Coil, EasyPermissions, EventBus, Timber, ...)
- Swift
- Xcode
- UIKit, SwiftUI
- Core Data, Realm
- Firebase
- MVVM, MVP, MVI, VIPER, Modular
- Networking, RESTful APIs, Socket, JSON, XML
- 3rd Party Libraries (Alamofire, SnapKit, OneSignal, Analytics, Lottie, AudioKit, IGListKit, ...)