In this project, I tried to explore deeper into C++ usecase in an Unreal Engine project. I made components, pawns, game mode, controller and features in the C++ and learned how to exploit the power of scripting and handling some connections and definitions in Blueprints as well. I also learned about the timers, particles system and some basics of HUD widgets.
- Count down timer in the game start up
- Player takes control of the tank pawn
- Shooting projectile functionality for the pawns in the game
- Developed a very basic AI for the Towers to shoot the tank
- Health Component for the pawns to keep track of damages taken
- A game over screen and function (Victory or Loss)
- Binding my scripted functions to some predefined functions such as OnComponentHit and OnTakeAnyDamage
Some features that I am planning to implement and add to the game before publishing are as follows:
- Developing a more advanced enemy system (Improving their AI, Adding tanks as enemies as well as towers)
- Add a menu with settings to the game
- Power up pick ups or level up system
- Make the Tanks Movement shake the camera slightly to give a sense of accelaration and motion to the user (Currently it seems like the player is controlling the tank on a drone above the tank that just shakes from the explosions)
- Add a text system to tell a little story about the game to make it a more immersive experience
- Add music to the game
- Develop a more complex Level with more details and enemies
- Unreal Engine Documentation
- As of now, the only used assets were provided by
The game has not been finalized and shipped, so in order to stay updated and to play the game when it's released, check my page