- yarn / yarn install
- yarn dev
- yarn validate to check if there's an error or no, if exist please fix it first!
- yarn build
npm version [major | minor | patch] (automatically create a tag with version as a name/label) npm version
git tag (to check if the tag version in the list)
git push origin --tags (to push all available tags)
git push origin : <tag_name> (to push a single tag)
git tag -d <tag_name> git push origin :refs/tags/<tag_name> (to remove a tag from local & repo)
git tag <tag_name> create a tag tags documentation
- (View: such as login.tsx) - only have props, store & return of html/component
- (Logic: such as useLogin.tsx) - can have props, store, form, usestate, handler, useeffect, others, & return of each (no component in logic return)
- Unused file can rename to js
- if confuse about type can be place with
first (later to correct one) - try to build in local first before push to staging