The vernemq lightweight protocol for mqtt broker in golang
If your running docker you dont need to install golang and vernemq.
Install Golang from the link.
add export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin to .bashrc
then do
source .bashrc
mkdir go
then install go dep dependency manager (golang package manager)
$ go get -u
then run
$ dep ensure -v
Download Vernemq from here
Then Run -->
$ sudo dpkg -i vernemq_1.4.1-1_amd64.deb
$ sudo service vernemq start
Then you can copy the vernemq.conf from path go/src/mhdbs/mqtt-golang-vernemq/config/v/vernemq.conf to /etc/vernemq/ by this command
Then you can copy the vernemq.conf from path $ sudo cp go/src/mhdbs/mqtt-golang-vernemq/config/v/vernemq.conf /etc/vernemq/
$ go run main.go
Now the server is started open up the another terminal tab and run the client
$ cd {PWD}/go/src/mhdbs/mqtt-golang-vernemq/client
$ go run clientSub.go
Install docker from the link
$ cd {PWD}/go/src/mhdbs/mqtt-golang-vernemq/
$ docker-compose up
Now the containers are up and running
To show list of containers
$ docker container ls