bayescat is a program which uses the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) BayesLoc software ( and the NEIC Comprehensive Catalog (ComCat) to allow the user to build a local re-located earthquake catalog using NEIC events with Phase Data as input.
- Limit the number of events returned in a search (probably by restricting radius)
- Set a radius limit not to be exceeded
- Set a minimum threshold number of events needed for proper re-location
- Add priors
This package depends on:
- numpy, the fundamental package for scientific computing with Python.
- matplotlib, a Python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures. <a href="
- basemap, a mapping package built on top of matplotlib.
- obspy, a Seismological data processing package.
- libcomcat, an NEIC package for retrieving data from ComCat.
- neicio, an NEIC package with a module for running external commands.
- neicutil, an NEIC package with a module for manipulating text representations of numbers.
The best way to install numpy and matplotlib is to use one of the Python distributions described here:
The Anaconda distribution has been successfully tested with bayescat.
Most of those distributions should include pip, a command line tool for installing and managing Python packages. You will use pip to install the other dependencies and libcomcat itself.
You may need to open a new terminal window to ensure that the newly installed versions of python and pip are in your path.
To install basemap:
If you are using anaconda (see above):
conda install basemap
Otherwise, see the installation instructions here:
To install obspy:
pip install obspy
To install neicio:
pip install git+git://
To install neicutil:
pip install git+git://
To install libcomcat:
pip install git+git://
To install this package:
pip install git+git://
To uninstall:
pip uninstall bayescat
To update:
pip install -U git+git://
This software requires the user to have previously downloaded and compiled BayesLoc following the instructions provided by LLNL. Then the user must create the following directory structure:
~/bayesloc/bin/bayesloc (the executable) ~/bayesloc/events/ ~/bayesloc/ttimes/ (put here the ak135.* files from
usage: [-h] [-i ID] [-r RADIUS] [-s] [-c] [-f] [-d [DELETE [DELETE ...]]] Use BayesLoc to help automate the creation of a relocated earthquake catalog. optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -i ID, --id ID The NEIC event ID to relocate (default: None) -r RADIUS, --radius RADIUS The radial search distance. (default: 15) -s, --stats Display database statistics (number of events, stations, etc.) (default: False) -c, --count Display number of events in search radius. (default: False) -f, --force Force relocation of an already relocated event. (default: False) -d [DELETE [DELETE ...]], --delete [DELETE [DELETE ...]] Delete event(s) from database. (default: None)