Lightweight Ruby daemon to tail one or more log files and transmit UDP syslog messages to a remote syslog host (centralized log aggregation).
remote_syslog generates UDP packets itself instead of depending on a system syslog daemon, so its configuration doesn't affect system-wide logging - syslog is just the transport.
- collecting logs from servers & daemons which don't natively support syslog
- when reconfiguring the system logger is less convenient than a purpose-built daemon (e.g., automated app deployments)
- aggregating files not generated by daemons (e.g., package manager logs)
The library can also be used to generate one-off log messages from Ruby code.
Tested with the hosted log management service Papertrail and should work for transmitting to any syslog server.
Install the gem, which includes a binary called "remote_syslog":
$ [sudo] gem install remote_syslog
Optionally, create a log_files.yml with the log file paths to read and the host/port to log to (see examples/log_files.yml.example). These can also be specified as arguments to the remote_syslog daemon. More below.
$ remote_syslog -h
Usage: remote_syslog [options] <path to add'l log 1> .. <path to add'l log n>
Example: remote_syslog -c configs/logs.yml -p 12345 /var/log/mysqld.log
-c, --configfile PATH Path to config (/etc/log_files.yml)
-d, --dest-host HOSTNAME Destination syslog hostname or IP (
-p, --dest-port PORT Destination syslog port (514)
-D, --no-detach Don't daemonize and detach from the terminal
-f, --facility FACILITY Facility (user)
--hostname HOST Local hostname to send from
-P, --pid-dir DIRECTORY Directory to write .pid file in (/var/run/)
--pid-file FILENAME PID filename (<program name>.pid)
--parse-syslog Parse file as syslog-formatted file
-s, --severity SEVERITY Severity (notice)
--strip-color Strip color codes
--tls Connect via TCP with TLS
-h, --help Show this message
Daemonize, collecting from files mentioned in ./config/logs.yml
as well as
$ remote_syslog -c configs/logs.yml -p 12345 /var/log/mysqld.log
Stay attached to the terminal, look for and use /etc/log_files.yml
if it
exists, write PID to /tmp/
, and send with facility local0:
$ remote_syslog -d -f local0 -P /tmp /var/log/mysqld.log
remote_syslog will daemonize by default. A sample init file is in the gem as remote_syslog.init.d. You may be able to:
$ cp examples/remote_syslog.init.d /etc/init.d/remote_syslog
If the receiving system supports sending syslog over TCP with TLS, you can
pass the --tls
option when running remote_syslog
$ remote_syslog --tls -p 1234 /var/log/mysqld.log
By default, the gem looks for a configuration in /etc/log_files.yml.
The gem comes with a sample config. Optionally:
$ cp examples/log_files.yml.example /etc/log_files.yml
log_files.yml has filenames to log from (as an array) and hostname and port to log to (as a hash). Wildcards are supported using * and standard shell globbing. Filenames given on the command line are additive to those in the config file.
Only 1 destination server is supported; the command-line argument wins.
files: [/var/log/httpd/access_log, /var/log/httpd/error_log, /var/log/mysqld.log, /var/run/mysqld/mysqld-slow.log]
port: 12345
This is not needed for most configurations.
In cases where logs from multiple programs are in the same file (for example,
), the log line may include text that is not part of the
log message, like a timestamp, hostname, or program name. remote_syslog can
parse the program, hostname, and/or message text so that the message has
accurate metadata.
To do that, add an optional top-level configuration option parse_fields
with the name of a predefined regex (by remote_syslog) or a regex string. To
use the predefined regex for standard syslog messages, provide:
parse_fields: syslog
The syslog
regex is (\w+ \d+ \S+) (\S+) ([^:]+): (.*)
. It parses this:
Jul 18 08:25:08 hostname programname[1234]: The log message
Or provide parse_fields: rfc3339
to parse high-precision RFC 3339
timestamps like:
2011-07-16T08:25:08.651413-07:00 hostname programname[1234]: The log message
Or provide your own regex that includes these 4 backreferences, in order: timestamp, system name, program name, message. Match and return empty strings for any empty positions where the log value should be ignored. For example, in the log:
something-meaningless The log message
You could ignore the first word, returning 3 empty values then the log message with:
parse_fields: "something-meaningless ()()()(.*)"
Per-file parsing is not supported. Run multiple instances.
Run multiple instances to support more than one message-specific file format (concurrently) or to specify distinct syslog hostnames. To do so, provide an alternative PID filename as a command-line option to additional instance(s), such as:
- See whether the issue has already been reported:
- If you don't find one, create an issue with a repro case.
Once you've made your great commits: