Official pytorch code for NodeNorm paper (CIKM 2021)
Item | Version |
Python | 3.7.5 |
DGL | 0.4.1 |
Pytorch_Geometric | 1.4.3 |
Pytorch | 1.4.0 |
Networkx | 2.3 |
Sacred | 0.8.1 |
Cuda | 9.2 or 10.1 |
python -D
python -d
We use "with" to denote modified options in Sacred config. Here the key of a dictionary can be used as a property of that "dictionary". Options not specified after "with" will remain the default values in
For example, to reproduce the result of 2-layer GCN-res with NodeNorm, run
python with data.dataset=cora arch.layer_type=gcn_res arch.block_type=n_a_r arch.num_layers=2 arch.dropout.p=0.8 optim.l1_weight=0.001 optim.weight_decay=0.001
In the command above, 'arch.layer_type' can be chosed from:
'gcn' for GCN
'gcn_res' for GCN with residual connections
'gat' for GAT
'gat_res' for GAT with residual connections
'sage' for GraphSage
'sage_res' for GraphSage with residual connections;
'arch.block_type' can be chosed from:
'v' for vallina layers without residual connection or normalization
'a_r' for adding residual connections
'b_a' for adding BatchNorm
'n_a' for adding NodeNorm
'b_a_r' for adding both BatchNorm and residual connections
'n_a_r' for adding both NodeNorm and residual connections.
By setteing 'data.random_split.use=False', we can use the commonly used split for Cora, Citeseer and Pubmed as used in [1].
We may set 'arch.nn=False' to switch off NodeNorm for the first layer.
In our code, we use the DGL library for building our GNN architectures and the Pytorch_Geometric library for providing data.
If you use our code, please cite
title={Understanding and Resolving Performance Degradation in Deep Graph Convolutional Networks},
author={Zhou, Kuangqi and Dong, Yanfei and Wang, Kaixin and Lee, Wee Sun and Hooi, Bryan and Xu, Huan and Feng, Jiashi},
booktitle={Proceedings of the 30th ACM International Conference on Information \& Knowledge Management},
[1] Kipf, T. N., & Welling, M. (2016). Semi-supervised classification with graph convolutional networks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1609.02907.