[English below]
Implement communication using the MQTT protocol, the Raspberry PI device should be both a client and a broker
- At least 3 topics and different QoS
- At least 2 subscriptions and 1 publication from paho-mqtt
Implement the REST API service using fast-api and communicate with the API from the level of the client application At least 3 services that download data and at least 2 that add/modify data - data stored in the file
[English below]
Build an application that allows you to use Raspberry PI sensors and actuators
Sensors (at least 4): Accelerometer, Gyroscope, Magnetometer/compass, Thermometer, Humidity sensor, Barometer, Joystick
Actuators: LED display
[English below]
4 containers (based on Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml):
- Container with the MQTT broker
- Container with FastAPI services, services also available from the host
- Container with an application that retrieves data from FastAPI after receiving a certain message (MQTT), the data is then published on another topic
- Container with an MQTT client subscribing to a topic that another client is posting about
[English below]
- Defining the activity in the stream (pipeline):
- Determining the value of a new attribute based on others
- Filtering/add other attributes
- Define an MQTT client that saves data to a csv file
- Write a script that generates a plot of values against time
- Determine the mean value, standard deviation
- Use at least one ML method
pip install uvicorn
pip3 install fastapi
/home/pi/.local/bin/uvicorn script:app --reload
pip install paho-mqtt
apt-get install mosquitto
apt-get install mosquitto-client
ps -ef | grep mosquitto