Development environment using tmux, vifm, and neovim
- tmux
- vifm
- neovim
- neovim-remote
- fzf
- fd
brew install tmux vifm neovim fzf fd
pip3 neovim-remote
Place the dmux file in your PATH and make sure it is excutable chmod +x dmux
Add an alias to replace neovim of vim in your ~/.bashrc
alias vim='dmux vim'
alias vifm='dmux vifm'
This way vim and vifm will continue to work the same when not in dmux
Add the following lines to the top your .tmux.conf
source ~/.dmux.conf
This way you will be able to override defaults
Set environment variables. DMUX_PROJECTS is required and should point to where you would like dmux to store your projects. Is optional and is used to set your default layout. These can be set in your ~/.bashrc
export DMUX_PROJECTS=$HOME/Cloud/Development/projects
export DMUX_LAYOUTS='3840x1600:32f3,191x73,0,0{35x73,0,0,0,155x73,36,0[155x54,36,0,1,155x18,36,55,2]}|2560x1600:ea33,130x35,0,0{20x35,0,0,0,109x35,21,0[109x26,21,0,1,109x8,21,27,2]}'
The format of this variable should be DMUX_LAYOUTS='resolution1:layout2|resolution1:layout2'
where resolution1 is the screen resolution (e.g. 3840x1600) and layout1 is tmux layout. Dmux can generate a layout for you by running dmux layout
from within a dmux session. The output can then be used to set the DMUX_LAYOUTS variable.
You can have multiple layouts to account for different screen sizes. To do this simply add them to the DMUX_LAYOUTS varaible delimiting them a single pipe character.
dmux # opens a dmux enabled tmux session in the current directory
dmux [file] # opens dmux and opens file in vim and vifm
dmux [directory] # opens dmux and opens directory in vifm
dmux new [project_name]
dmux clone [htts://repo.git] [project_name is optional]
dmux open
dmux window