Fork of k3kdude/DiscordWebhook
webhookly is a Java dependency to send messages via discord webhooks. The work has already been done by k3kdude and just been refactored. The following example allows you to send a message to a channel.
DiscordWebhook is currently only a gist and a single class. This is aweful for developers and everyone who wants to use this as a dependency. I also didn't like the code-style. Therefore, I refactored it.
Firstly, you should add the dependency to your dependency file. You can do this by either building it yourself OR (recommended) use Jitpack:
Afterward, you can send a message as follows:
DiscordWebhook webhook = new DiscordWebhook(...);
webhook.setUsername("Some Name");
EmbedObject embed = new EmbedObject()
.setTitle("A Title")
.setColor(new Color(174, 63 ,65))
.setDescription("Line 1 \\n Line 2")
.setFooter(new Footer("A Footer", ""));