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Natives (Embeds)

toketwo edited this page Feb 14, 2024 · 1 revision
  • Parameters:
    • title[]: The title of the embed to display.
    • text[]: The containing text of the embed to display.
  • Returns:
    • The script-side ID of the created embed.

  • Parameters:
    • embedid: The id of the embed to update.
    • author[]: The name of the author.
    • url[]: The leading URL for the author text.
  • Returns:
    • 1 one succeeded.

  • Parameters:
    • embedid: The id of the embed to update.
    • foother[]: The text for the footer.
    • icon-url[]: The URL for the icon.
  • Returns:
    • 1 one succeeded.

  • Parameters:
    • embedid: The id of the embed to update.
    • img_url[]: The URL leading to the image.
  • Returns:
    • 1 one succeeded.

  • Parameters:
    • embedid: The id of the embed to update.
    • url[]: The URL for the icon.
  • Returns:
    • 1 one succeeded.

  • Parameters:
    • embedid: The id of the embed to update.
    • DISCORD_COLOR:color: The (discord type) color for the display.
  • Returns:
    • 1 one succeeded.

  • Parameters:
    • embedid: The id of the embed to update.
    • title[]: The title of the new text segment.
    • text[]: The text of the new text segment.
    • bool:inline: Inline block usage true of false
  • Returns:
    • 1 one succeeded.