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Releases: michael811125/OxGFrame

Release v2.11.4

17 Jun 12:57
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[2.11.4] - 2024-06-17

  • Fixed WebGL build bug error (close #17).
  • Fixed Hotfix unity TextAsset get_bytes bug error.

Release v2.11.3

18 May 18:21
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New commit - 2024-05-24 (966c289)

  • Added progression param to sync LoadScene methods.
  • Organized code.

[2.11.3] - 2024-05-19

  • Added new methods for sync loading of scene.
    public static void LoadSingleScene(string sceneName)
    public static void LoadSingleScene(string packageName, string sceneName)
    public static void LoadAdditiveScene(string sceneName)
    public static void LoadAdditiveScene(string sceneName, bool activeRootGameObjects = true)
    public static void LoadAdditiveScene(string packageName, string sceneName)
    public static void LoadAdditiveScene(string packageName, string sceneName, bool activeRootGameObjects = true)
    public static void LoadScene(string sceneName, LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode)
    public static void LoadScene(string packageName, string sceneName, LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode)
    public static Scene LoadScene(int buildIndex, LoadSceneMode loadSceneMode = LoadSceneMode.Single)
  • Added new methods to combine load a single scene and additive scenes.
    public static async UniTask LoadMainAndSubScenesAsync(string singleSceneName, AdditiveSceneInfo[] additiveSceneInfos, uint priority = 100, Progression progression = null)
    public static async UniTask LoadMainAndSubScenesAsync(string packageName, string singleSceneName, AdditiveSceneInfo[] additiveSceneInfos, uint priority = 100, Progression progression = null)
    public static void LoadMainAndSubScenes(string singleSceneName, AdditiveSceneInfo[] additiveSceneInfos)
    public static void LoadMainAndSubScenes(string packageName, string singleSceneName, AdditiveSceneInfo[] additiveSceneInfos)
  • Added new methods to load additive scenes.
    public static async UniTask LoadSubScenesAsync(AdditiveSceneInfo[] additiveSceneInfos, uint priority = 100, Progression progression = null)
    public static async UniTask LoadSubScenesAsync(string packageName, AdditiveSceneInfo[] additiveSceneInfos, uint priority = 100, Progression progression = null)
    public static void LoadSubScenes(AdditiveSceneInfo[] additiveSceneInfos)
    public static void LoadSubScenes(string packageName, AdditiveSceneInfo[] additiveSceneInfos)

Release v2.11.2

18 May 06:35
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[2.11.2] - 2024-05-18

  • Added burlconfig.conf can export cipher type (If the output is ciphertext, it will automatically determine whether to execute with the decryption process).
    • Cipher process.
    • Plaintext process.


Release v2.11.1

17 May 13:45
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[2.11.1] - 2024-05-17

  • Added HT2XORPlus encryption stronger than HT2XOR (Recommended).
  • Updated YooAsset to v2.1.2 (new commits).

Release v2.11.0

11 May 17:33
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[2.11.0] - 2024-05-12

  • Updated YooAsset commits.
  • Updated Scriptable Build Pipeline to v2.1.3 (Unity).
  • Added YooAsset can support RawFile encryption.
  • Added Hotfixer can new PackageInfoWithBuild to CheckHotfix method.
  • Optimized Support Hotfix to be loaded using other threads (WebGL is not supported).

Release v2.10.5

18 Apr 13:57
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[2.10.5] - 2024-04-17

  • Fixed SimpleDiskUtils compile error issue on WIN.

Release v2.10.4

07 Apr 16:17
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[2.10.4] - 2024-04-08

  • Removed UniTask from built-in.
    • Please use install via git URL instead (Package Manager)


Release v2.10.3

01 Apr 07:34
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[2.10.3] - 2024-04-01

  • Added CacheType to AudioManager, which will be used for caching when AudioBase is using the request method.




  • Modified AudioBase to not rely on the methods of the OxGKit.Utilities' Requester.
  • Modified Acax encoding type (use UTF-8).

Release v2.10.2

19 Mar 05:22
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[2.10.2] - 2024-03-19

  • Fixed When scene load with suspend (activateOnLoad = false) cannot return BundlePack correctly .
    // activateOnLoad = false (suspend)
    var bundlePack = await CoreFrames.USFrame.LoadAdditiveSceneAsync<BundlePack>("MyPackage", "SceneName", false, 100);
  • Added UnsuspendScene in BundlePack.
    // Method 1
    var bundlePack = await CoreFrames.USFrame.LoadAdditiveSceneAsync<BundlePack>("MyPackage", "SceneName", false, 100);
    // Method 2
    var bundlePack = await CoreFrames.USFrame.LoadAdditiveSceneAsync<BundlePack>("MyPackage", "SceneName", false, 100);
  • Modified set #ROOTNAMESPACE# symbol in script templates.
  • Optimized remove useless interfaces.

Release v2.10.1

13 Mar 20:31
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[2.10.1] - 2024-03-14

  • Fixed AudioBase and VideoBase to avoid executing Stop again in OnDestroy if they are being destroyed.
  • Added MediaLRUCache to handle least recently used audio or video will be removed (Optimize memory).
  • Added binding access modifier rules in BindCodeSetting, split by "$".
    • _Node@MyObj*Txt$public (UIBase, SRBase).
    • ~Node@MyObj*Txt$public (CPBase).
// Default is protected, no set required (depends on the first element in BindCodeSetting)
UIBase, SRBase:

// Assign access modifier
UIBase, SRBase:
  • Added binding attr rules in BindCodeSetting, pattern is "[]" (supported multi-attrs [][]...).
    • _Node@MyObj*Txt$public[hi] (UIBase, SRBase).
    • ~Node@MyObj*Txt$public[hi] (CPBase).
[hi] = [HideInInspector]
UIBase, SRBase:

[sf] = [SerializeField]
UIBase, SRBase:
  • Modified UIFrameDemo.
  • Modified SRFrameDemo.
  • Modified CPFrameDemo.