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CPSC 320 Lecture Notes
Write a paper on a concrete language with analysis of all the aspects discussed in the course.
Will need to do research, start with wikipedia and use the links and references.
Language must have a free downloadable translator.
Do not choose Java or other languages that you have been formally taught.
Preferably not a main stream language where there is so much material ones opinion can be distorted.
Stay away from a language where the purpose is too narrow (ie Latex)
Language report, not a tutorial, roughly 10 pages focusing on highlights, what is important/interesting.
Make sure to cite quotes from other sources.
- Prolog,
- Angular.js (javascript),
- jQuery...
Language Constructs
- Expressions:
- side effects in expressions are where they modify a memory location
- order in which functions are evoked matter, z = f(x) + g(x) or z = f(x) && g(x).
C: (sidebar?) What does this loop do?
unsigned char *p, *q;
while (*p++=*q++); //*p is the location that the pointer p points to.
//p = x, *p is the memory location of x
//q = y, *q is the memory location of y
//so the contents of q is stored at the location *p. Then incremented.
//This loop essentially copies one string to another location. terminates when it hits the null char, and evaluates to false.
- Definitions:
- int x
- assigns meaning to a name
- Commands:
- Construct that modifies the state of computation
- Could do I/O
- Cannot under actions on commands
- irreversible effects.
- Sequencers:
x = x +1
- left part is an expression that points to a box where the new value will be placed. Called L-value.
- right part is also an expression (variables). Called R-value
- however, x on the right is the value of the box
An L-expression is a reference to a memory location
int x = 2+3; - Definition: a storage location that is bound to the variable x (int x). not a pure definition because it effects storage (reserves space) - Expression: 2+3 is put in the storage location(x=2+3)
Sequential Composition:
x = x + 1; y = y + 1;
- Bracketing:
- ie - use in if condition to group the contents together.
- Selection:
- if/then/else
- Repetition:
- iteration...
- while loops
- ((lambda)x.Ex)a
- where x is the 'formal parameter',
- and a is the 'actual parameter'
- and Ex is the 'Abstract'
- ..note::
- Value returning expression is a function
- Side effect expression is a procedure...
- Class is an abstraction of definition
f(x) = x^2 (f defines the function x^2) f = (lambda)x.*xx (f defines the function (lambda)x.*xx)
int n = 10; // 1 binds n to a storage location with 10
int f (int x){ // 3 binds x to a storage location, 10 copied to x
x = x + 1; //
return x;
n = f(n); // 2 function is called
- Ways to Pass Parameters:
- The above is 'Pass by Value'
- Another possibility for the above is to 'Pass by Reference', where x would be a pointer to n. Then the function could be a void function
- A third option is to 'Call(Pass) by Name', used in Alog60 for example, but not used very often.
- 'Pass by Value-Result', used in distributed computing and remote calls...
- 'Pass by Result', random number function or input function
Talk about abstractions. It is probably the most important feature of programming languages. How is this supported in Programming languages?
lambda - (l)x1x2...xn.E[x1,x2,...,xn] --> Definition, where E[x1,x2,...,xn] is the Abstract, and x1x2...xn are the Formal Parameters
fa1a2...an --> Invocation (call), where a1a2...an are the Actual Parameters
Expression --> Function (return values) Command --> Procedure (do not return values...) Definitions --> Class Sequencers --> ? not exactly abstracted straight
f(x) = ... , where = is the assignment operator
int x = 1;
int &y = x; will put the alias y on x.
int a = 1;
int & f(int x){
return a;
(define square
(lambda (x)
(* xx)))
function f(x:integer):integer
begin ... end
int a = 10;
int f(int x){
- Value: contents of a are copied into the location of x, on invocation.
- Result: contents of x are copied into the location of a, on return.
- Value-Result: does Value passing first on invocation, then Result passing on return.
- Reference: Where x is an alias to the the parameter a.
int a = 10, b = 0;
int f(int x){
a = a-1;
return (x+1);
b = f(a);
output a, b;
a | b | |
Value-Result | 10 | 11 |
Reference | 9 | 10 |
The above code is bad practice, because the function f side effects on a.
In distributed systems Reference passing is not feasible.
Knowing the how a language uses parameters is very important.
int a = 10, k = 5;
int g(int x){
return (x * k);
void f(void){
int k = 3;
output g(2);
Static | Dynamic | |
output | k=5, 5*2 = 10 | k=3, 3*2 = 6 |
const int i = 1;
const int j = 2;
const int k = 3;
int global = 66;
void f(int x){
int i = i + j + k;
int j = i + j + k;
int k = i + j + k;
x = i + k;
global ++;
int main(){
cout << global <= eval; //This line isn't right
return 0;
Def | Par | Output |
Seq. | Value | 67 |
Seq. | Value-Result | 26 |
Seq. | Reference | 27 |
Sim. | Value | 67 |
Sim. | Value-Result | 12 |
Sim. | Reference | 13 |
int a = 10, k = 5;
int f(int x){
return (2 * x + a + k); // Here x would be substituted by a,
// and introduce a naming conflict. Rename a in main().
int main(){
int a = 20, k = 10; rename to a1, and k1
cout << f(a) + a + k; //cout???? 85 -- rename to a1, k1, [2*a1+a+k] would be substituted here.
Procedure: * Substitute (textually) actual parameter for formal parameter in procedure body (remove naming conflicts). (Bracketing if not an L-Exp) * Substitute (textually) modified procedure body for the invocation (remove naming conflicts).
When removing naming conflicts, always rename the bound variable. Depends on scope. The most local.
What is an L-expression???
int i = 0;
a[3] = {0, 1, 2};
int f(int x){
int y = x; // sub a[i], a[0]
y = y + x; // sub a[i], a[1]
y = y + x; // sub a[i], a[2]
return y;
int main(){
f(a[i]); // Hard to track mentally.
Compiler uses a function to do the substitution (pass by name), called THUNK.
void f(int x, int &y){ // x is pass by value, y is pass by reference
int a = 1, b = 2;
f(a, b); // contents of a will be copied to x, y will be an alias to b.
Correspondence of languages...
Example A: L := E; -> L is an L-Exp, E is and Expression
- Find L-value of L, l
- Find R-value of E, e
- Place e into location l
After A:
The R-value of E *before* execution of A is the same as the R-value of L after execution of A. There are situations where this is not true. ie - a[i++] = i, after execution a[i+1] != a[i]. Because a side effect was introduced into L.
Exam question: a = (b = c), Cleft, Cright are implementation. Cleft = (steps 1,2,3), Cright = (steps 2,1,3)
Memory Allocation models:
Stack Frames for local variables and data, and heap space
More simplistic, static allocation where the compiler handles the storage of every variable. This doesn't work for recursion.
- Need to be able to explain the purpose and need of the heap.
Stack Frame:
- params | |
- dynamic link | | admin - also called control link
- static link | | admin - also called access link
- return addr | | admin
- locals | |
- temporaries | |
Who creates What?:
- The calling procedure of F, will push the params, push links, push return address, and jump to F.
- Static link (access link), used to access non-local variables.
- Dynamic link (control link), points to the "parent" stack frames static link.
The links get complicated when functions are passed as a parameter. When a function is passed, it is encapsulated in an object called a closure. It includes a code pointer, and an environment pointer. A location of where the code is, and a point to the environment where it's local variables are, also where the static link points to. This is not the case with C/C++ where a pointer is passed as the parameter. The enivronment pointer is .. note:: note is not required because the passed function can only use global variables, and thus doesn't need to be told where they are.
This cannot accommodate returning a function as a result of a function. This is using closure, where the environment pointer will point to the environment that created it, but that environment is deleted on return.